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Controller Players - how do you Void Sling through Angel Orbs?



With the default control scheme on PS5, X (the bottom face button) is what is used to jump and trigger the Void Sling.  However, with default controls the right analogue stick is used to aim the camera.  So I've found it to be a bit of a challenge to aim myself while doing a Void Sling, as my thumb can only aim or fire the sling, but not both simultaneously.  So here's what I do:

  • Try to guess where the orb will be once I sling and aim my camera roughly in that direction.
  • Stop aiming so I can start charging the void sling.
  • When the charge finishes or I manually stop charging, I release and get slung in that direction.

Unfortunately, my predictions are often off in ways that I can see before I actually finish charging my sling.  From what I see of streamers playing on PC, it looks like that control scheme allows players to keeping adjusting their aim down to the last second, and hence get better results.  Is there a way to do something similar on controller without a drastic control change?  And if not, any tips on strategies that might help?


Edited by (PSN)Unstar
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I basically just predict them and do the fast tap version through them. Everyone can be a bit different, so this may not be a good method for you unfortunately, but for myself, practice helped a lot. At first it was a bit tricky, especially since the orbs can move up and down depending on what the Void Angel is doing, but I really did find after a few to a dozen attempts, it became a lot easier. 

One other possibly tip, is that you can chain your Void Slings too, and sometimes, depending on the Orb placement, it might actually be easier to Void Sling up, to be on a more even horizontal parallel to the Orbs, so you don't have to worry about angles as much. 

Also at the stage I am at, a lot of this is just automatic, but I'll try and be more conscious the next time I do this, to see if there is anything else I might do. Also, perhaps try using the Void Sling more in normal missions, and just mess about and experiment? You can get more of an intuitive feel for distances and angles, without being in a high pressure situation, so you can sort of just practice enjoying the movement, and some of that may transfer to this task? I mean assuming you don't already do that, since you may, and there may be other factors creating difficulty. 

Good luck either way though, and I will post later if I think of anything that might help. 

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I try to do the same, usually I wait in crouch to align myself where the orb will be and use X as a fire button. Remember keeping it pressed makes you travel faster.

Other than that I can't figure out a good way to do so, unless one can remap operator jump to one of the bumpers/extra buttons (ie: DualSense Edge / Xbox Elite / DS4 back attachments).

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Claw grip is your friend, but word of advice - if you're hunting void angels, use madurai void strike and some arcanes on your amp. You can one-tap them in their void shield phase and just hop off the ledge to get back to your warframe. You'll never have to worry about dashing through the orbs. 

Edited by (XBOX)Tanta Cinta
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On 2023-07-11 at 4:48 PM, (XBOX)Tanta Cinta said:

use madurai void strike and some arcanes on your amp. You can one-tap them in their void shield phase and just hop off the ledge to get back to your warframe

I've used 177 147 247 and about 5 others and nothing one shots an angel with maxed focus and eternals on the amp. Low level is two shots and higher level angels are 3-4 shots. What's your setup?

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On 2023-07-14 at 1:31 AM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

I've used 177 147 247 and about 5 others and nothing one shots an angel with maxed focus and eternals on the amp. Low level is two shots and higher level angels are 3-4 shots. What's your setup?

Let me know if this link works


The audio seemed to have recorded the previous 10 seconds before I went into the Void orb, but visually you can see me one-tap the Void Angel.

In the video you can see my setup. My amp is "H CAN PRO CER" which is an amp naming scheme I picked up after Tavier Corsair. H is the 8th letter of the alphabet, meaning this is the 8th amp I've created. The rest are the first three letters of each amp part in the order of Prism Scaffold Brace. In this case, CAN is the Cantic prism, PRO is the Propa scaffold, and CER is the Certus Brace. Otherwise a 577 amp.

I am running both an R5 Eternal Eradicate and R5 Eternal Onslaught on this amp. All of my focus schools are fully maxed 100% and all way-bounds are completed and slotted on my drifter. The arcanes on my drifter don't pertain to the build at all, but in case you'd like to know anyway, I run an R5 Magus Repair and R5 Magus Lockdown.

***It's worth noting that you need to use a precision amp with great single-target damage. Your definition of one-shotting might be different than mine. I define it as one trigger pull. With the Cantic prism, one trigger pull is a 3 round burst, which is good single-target damage per trigger pull.***

Edited by (XBOX)Tanta Cinta
some words.
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On 2023-07-14 at 2:49 AM, (XBOX)Player244024418 said:

Adding to this because of cooldown I only use VS on the second pass.

You can use Madurai Void Strike in the first and second shield phase. Void Strike's timer is like 34 seconds or something, and by the time I nuke the Void Angel with my mesa, I have about 12 seconds left on the cooldown. I just transference into my drifter and wait the last 12 seconds before going in the portal for the second round. 

The Void Angel is very forgiving, you can wait a whole minute or so before hopping in the portal.

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Wanted to post again to add a small detail, since I did run some Void Angels since my last post. 

I actually do a small normal jump with my Operator/Drifter before I Void Sling. I find this helps for two reasons. The golden orbs tend to be a bit higher in position than where we stand on the platforms in that arena. Like I said before, at the right horizontal plane, Void Slinging through the orbs becomes a lot easier, because we don't have to try and find the right angle or factor any of that in with our aiming. I tried to actually pay attention to what I was doing with my hands, and thumb placement on the analog, and I pretty much didn't have to make much adjustment for aiming. My thumb was mostly in a neutral position. This also means you tend to be faster, since the tap version is faster than the hold version. A good angle can also reduce the need for guesswork.

So maybe a small jump might help you find a better horizontal line through the orbs. 

I actually have more trouble making sure to land on the platform after the Orbs than hotting the orbs themselves mind you, ha. Hope you are having an easier time either way! 

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On 2023-07-19 at 5:43 AM, (XBOX)Tanta Cinta said:

Otherwise a 577 amp

127 and 147 have the highest critical chance for amp combo. Interesting, I'll have to try my cantic again . At the time I was not maxed focus and possibly did not have the R5 eternal arcanes either so maybe the lower cc is ok because it's still high but you get three shots in series. I think it is a 547 which would be very high cc. Was that an angel that was in the highest level bounty?

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