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Chat Bug, Chat keeps moving on its own on the screen.


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I was not receiving this bug previously, but I went into the Circuit and got a weird bug that stuck my walking/sprinting and facing in place until I switched to operator, and first noticed this bug afflicting me after returning from that mission. It's moving several pixels up the screen from its previous position each time I return from mission now.

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I'm also seeing this bug, but in my case it's significantly less movement than the example in the OP. It only moves about half the height of the text input (so like... a millimeter or so?) each time. The intensity of the movement is likely tied to resolution, if I had to take a guess about the difference I'm seeing.

I'm running at 1920x1080, for reference.

Edited by Hexerin
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5 minutes ago, Breyos said:

I've been having the same issue. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have another monitor with a different resolution?

I'm only running a single monitor. While that doesn't preclude the possibility of that being a contributing factor to the issue, it means it wouldn't be the root cause.

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  • 3 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I recently had the same issue, I fixed it by changing the following settings to default, after trying a couple missions I set them back to my preference.

I'm unsure which specific setting did the trick, but I tried all 3 at the same time and that worked for me.

Social > Chat scale and Chat text size
Interface > HUD Scale

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