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Some Weapons Alternate Fire Modes Should Be Toggled


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As a Playstation player, the default button for using alternate fire is to press in the Right thumb stick, R3. This works for a lot of things, its also the heavy attack button.

But for some weapons, that have an alternate fire mode that requires precise aiming, or to be held constantly, or just need to be used in a way that doesnt feel very good coming from the R3 button.

Weapons like Convectrix, Basmu, and Panthera become pretty difficult to aim with the Right stick while also keeping the Right stick pressed in all the way. Im sure on PC its as simple as just holding down some key while aiming effortlessly with the mouse.
These would benefit from getting the "Toggle" treatment that many weapons have.

Other weapons like the Tenora require the button to be pressed once to begin the charge up. Well, pressing in the stick you are aiming with makes it very easy for you to miss your shot as it creates a player-induced recoil before the shot fires. The Opticors charged shot fires similarly to Tenoras charged shot, but is much more manageable with the R2 trigger button.

Weapons like the Stahlta and Quellor charge too, but they are a lot more forgiving due to their shotgun like spread or aoe. I still think they would still benefit from toggling.

It was amazing to get the option for  a lot of abilities to be change from tap/hold, and there are many weapons that use the alternate fire button to toggle their firemodes. It would be really nice if just a few more weapons were revisited and given a toggle feature.

I dont think this should apply to every weapon that has an alternate fire, for many  it makes sense to have a 1 press per shot/activation. But since there are already so many that have a toggle feature, it doesnt make sense that others get left behind and are much less usable for console players.

Takeaway: Please change some weapons or allow us to configure some weapons alternate fire modes to be toggled so that we can use controller buttons that feel good to use and dont interrupt our aim.

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 That's one'a the reasons I used the in game menu's to remap my buttons on PS-4 (, but later moved to PC because on Steam you can map multiple things to a single button i.e. I hit R1 to quick melee, but hold it for 0.25sec to hard melee, also on PC I have the swipe pad right mapped to alt fire, which works great! Yes I know there's no cross save. You can use the menu to remap almost every button on PS-4, including the d-pad. For instance on PS-4 I used L1 for alt fire. gamer ps4 GIF

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