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Pablo don't remove hydroids puddle and wave entierly.


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5 hours ago, Count-Dracula said:

Don't forget that Pablo redid Ember

So Pablo is the one I have to thank for Ember being even more fun than I remember her being several years ago. While I miss her old ultimate, her new overall kit (with the whole heat minigame thing) is super fun to play. Someday, I'll get around to rebuilding her for SP viability...

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I... don't see where Pablo said anything about this?

Pablo said 'a new ability'. The last frame he gave a new ability to was Zephyr, in a rework that lifted her out of D tier all the way up to A, and he didn't take away any of her abilities to achieve that. Just added an extra one. The simple changes he made to some of her mechanics and damage dealing did all of the hard work.

So... in all honesty let's look at the tech DE have been using and what Pablo could actually do with Hydroid without changing what any of his abilities actually are:

1. We have a bit of 'new' tech in the form of Kullervo's 4, which looks like a radial effect with intermittent damage, but is actually is a spherical AoE (allowing it to hit enemies above the ground) that ticks damage to all enemies in the zone. Updating Hydroid's 1 to use this mechanic would keep the visual aspect, but allow it to do regular damage to enemies.

2. Combine his Dash and his Puddle into this ability, making it a tap/hold so that people who love his Dash can use it, and people that love his Puddle can use it. Considering you can already mini-Dash while using his Puddle, this just makes sense.

3. New ability here. Make this one something that helps him actually deal damage in some way, a buff or debuff ability, maybe a conditional one so the buff can be stronger. Hydroid's kit suffers from incredibly slow ramp-up damage, but something that makes enemies take more damage or allows him to deal more damage situationally would really up what his kit can actually do.

4. Rework Tentacle Swarm to have a more reliable CC instead of flailing so much, maybe the tentacles can grab and gather enemies into bunches. Think... Khora's CC, but instead of hitting an enemy and spreading out, the tentacles have four or five central points around the caster and grab enemies towards those, holding them still with the tentacles and 'squeezing' instead of flopping around. Much like Khora, this would then enable damage to grouped enemies, headshot farming, and possibly even have an affect on Acolytes.

Add in a more useful Passive, and change up his Augments based on what the updated abilities do...

Definitely the augments thing... Corroding Barrage needs to be just a straight Armour Strip, not a Corrosive proc. Curative Undertow and Tidal Impunity need to merge, where casting either can give allies health and cleanse status. And Pilfering Swarm needs to apply its effects to enemies whether we kill them with weapons or with the Ability itself, instead of the current where it only applies if the ability kills them.

With a new ability that enables that zonal damage, area CC and mobility with survivability, to actually convert that into killing enemies? Yeah, Hydroid could be a very strong frame.

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Honestly I think joining Puddle and Wave would be cool, but if any ability gets cut Id like it to be Barrage. Even with the augment its weak asf and imo inconsistent. Id rather him get an exalted canon to blast enemies, and change the augment to work for the canon. Afterall, *@##$es love canons! (iykyk)

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7 hours ago, PaladinJukes said:

Honestly I think joining Puddle and Wave would be cool, but if any ability gets cut Id like it to be Barrage. Even with the augment its weak asf and imo inconsistent. Id rather him get an exalted canon to blast enemies, and change the augment to work for the canon. Afterall, *@##$es love canons! (iykyk)

What if Cannon barrage just is 50/50 on cold or corrosive damage [obviously have its stat buff] and its augment gives surrounding allies/players shield or armor per projectile that hits an enemy

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