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been very critical, very happy with changes, few pain points i would like to higlight

(XBOX)ONI Prowess

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was very concerned about the direction but this update has been wonderful.

a couple pain points i would like to highlight.


-XP is still dumb. 

to this day we have to explain to players new and old why something is not getting any xp. this needs to just be flat across everyone and everything. don't discourage engaging with the community at a design level please, if anything you should give a slight xp bonus for other players getting kills to encourage people to group, yes people will farm, who cares a rising tide raises all boats sheesh. 


-Ancients still lol hitscan one shot your energy bar with no counterplay.

it is impossible to try any sort of quick thinking, or energy dependent (IE caster) against certain enemies because the AI hitscans your frame upon sight with a laser tentacle that one shots your energy to 0. . .and they spam this. this just limits builds and frames.


-Toxin limits shield dependance in the same way.

improvements to the element resistance mods (they are terribad right now) to bring them up to like 90% dr vs *specific element* would make them viable for builds to actually shore up a weakness and once again let some other niche frames and builds work. 


-Nullifiers are starting to show their design age.

interesting and diverse frames, especially the more recent ones with synergistic kits. are in some cases stopped cold because of this, an example being if Voruna is in her 4 she actually cannot do anything and has to disengage her 4 to pull up her gun (or go into op) to shoot the thing that paused the gameplay, to then go back into the gameplay, etc.

i feel like the arbi drones are a superior version to this as they protect their allies in a similar fashion while still being targetable. 

nullifiers at minimum should have the drones that create the bubbles be turned into something akin to the arbi drones, being larger, more obvious, still externally located, as well as being relatively fragile and targetable. but like arbi drones they could literally be 1 overguard, 1 shield, and 1 hp and this would still make them last 3 hits and a few seconds :P




-another mod slot

alot of the fluff mods for warframes just DO NOT contend, even as eximus mods. unless something does X MOAR DMG! people won't slot them.

making a new eximus style slot specifically for the mods that are more niche like kavats grace, patagium, mag lev, master thief, even maybe things like enemy sense. essentially an "RPG" mod slot, things that change your gameplay experience a littler or you slot to fit your playstyle, but not HP, damage, armor, power, etc. 

and you can say "oh well just don't build X and have fun" . . .

no, people don't do that. design a system to be fun and useful, design the mods to be fun and used, make it work, or don't bother.

if not that's cool, might as well delete 1/4 of the mods though as they are traps and code hogs that waste time and space. . .


PS to this PS

-also a slot for ability augments specifically maybe if thats an idea design choice.

i know the first thought is "no then they would become mandatory!" 

my question is so? what if this was like 5e subclasses, where every frame had an ability aug slot and then DE could lean deeper on the augments (something you could argue they are already doing) 

it would simply further diversify player builds and loadouts, as just like in 5e you can have two players playing the same frame, but they would inherently be playing different based on their skill augments and how they have built around it. 

i also feel like it might solve some of the issues with augment mods, as some frames feel hampered by the need of augments, in some cases multiple, these slots are a finite resource, its like saying "oh this frame come with 2 dashes a V and 1 less mod slot. . . ."

but make them to weak and why bother. 

i would go the pseudo subclass route personally, opens up build diversity and room for further augments and playstyles down the line and reinvigorate interest in frames, you only have to balance them against each other so they don't have to fight over mod slots. this also requires minimal effort for massive gameplay options. 

anyway, just an idea. 




Edited by (XBOX)ONI Prowess
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1 minute ago, (XBOX)ONI Prowess said:

-XP is still dumb. 

giving players more XP for assists is a terrible idea, and that will just encourage even mroe AFKing. the affinity works fine, ESO is still an amazing power-leveling spot and you can carry less weapons to make the one you're using level up quicker.

3 minutes ago, (XBOX)ONI Prowess said:

-Ancients still lol hitscan one shot your energy bar with no counterplay.

Ancients also have no armor and are fairly easy to kill, you can block the grapple, and run Zenurik/energy pads/Arcane Energize, so even if ancients hit you, you can get it all back instantly.

6 minutes ago, (XBOX)ONI Prowess said:

Toxin limits shield dependance in the same way.

improvements to the element resistance mods (they are terribad right now) to bring them up to like 90% dr vs *specific element* would make them viable for builds to actually shore up a weakness and once again let some other niche frames and builds work. 

unless you know exactly what you're gonna be up against, I don't see why you'd use any of those mods instead of Adaptation, which needs a little time to work but will cover you against ALL elements as well as physical damage. IMo frames that use elements should already have high resistance or immunity to the same element (Ember being fire resistant for example, Frost being immune to cold procs, etc.)

9 minutes ago, (XBOX)ONI Prowess said:

Nullifiers are starting to show their design age.

an easy fix would be to allow Punch through to work on nully bubbles; then people would be likely to mod for it, and you could sacrifice a mod slot for the ability to shoot them dead quicker. as to the Voruna example, the problem is that Nullies are suppsoed to work on all frames on some level, they aren't tailored to stop specific frames, which would probably be a better approach (Comba/Scrambus units are much closer to this, as they can only affect one type of ability at a time.)

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2 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

Ancients also have no armor and are fairly easy to kill, you can block the grapple, and run Zenurik/energy pads/Arcane Energize, so even if ancients hit you, you can get it all back instantly.

You might want to actually read their entire point, as you didn't address it. Also, it's never just one Ancient, and their grapple isn't what drains your energy. Your energy is drained by their aura buff, which is applied to every other enemy around them as well (meaning you have to kill everything, not just the Ancient, without being hit yourself).

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hace 3 horas, (PSN)robotwars7 dijo:

Ancients also have no armor and are fairly easy to kill, you can block the grapple, and run Zenurik/energy pads/Arcane Energize, so even if ancients hit you, you can get it all back instantly.

The ancients give him the ability to drain energy from all enemies within reach, blocking does not prevent the effect either and his drainage scales with the level, plus the infested already have eximus parasites.

Edited by --Leyenda-yight6
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4 hours ago, (XBOX)ONI Prowess said:

-XP is still dumb. 

to this day we have to explain to players new and old why something is not getting any xp. this needs to just be flat across everyone and everything. don't discourage engaging with the community at a design level please, if anything you should give a slight xp bonus for other players getting kills to encourage people to group, yes people will farm, who cares a rising tide raises all boats sheesh. 

I think assist XP is enough in ideal cases. But it's definitely not intuitive to new players I've had to explain this to that maxed weapons continue to "steal" XP without regard to their leveled state. It's also not intuitive to most players I've played with that staying together, even overkilling the same enemies, is more efficient than "divide and conquer" (which they do not need to be told to do!). Large tilesets with spawns split by terrain are the worst offenders (and could be a reason why some people still favor Helene/Hydron). My guess is that people think they are "missing out" on the other side spawns and naturally wander over or (in my case) follow those that do, especially if they are nuking.

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12 hours ago, (NSW)Royal_Elf_Mika said:

nullifiers are my most hated enemy. its not just their design, its that they can be as common as normal corpus... and not just that, they also can be Eximus, like a Guardian eximus or Artic Eximus, making them 10x harder to kill.


Not to mention going into their bubble and meleeing them counts as hitting the bubble, and not hitting the crewman 


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Would prefer an ability tree ( like incarnon upgrades ) than augment slots.

More slots leads to more spamming room for [DE]signers or power creep and that's probably not good.

Literally just delete intensify, streamline, flow, serration et cetera and adjust base values.


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1 minute ago, S2Weak said:

Would prefer an ability tree ( like incarnon upgrades ) than augment slots.

More slots leads to more spamming room for [DE]signers or power creep and that's probably not good.

Agree with this, a progression system for using a frame that act as augments (or in car on) would be sweet!


2 minutes ago, S2Weak said:

Literally just delete intensify, streamline, flow, serration et cetera and adjust base values.

I disagree with this though

The system could be more augment form, which is mostly QoL instead of direct upgrades. This can keep the value of other mods. The augment system could still be used for their play style defining form.

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i hate arbitration drones as they delete my two favorite frames from play: garuda and baruuk

garuda's claws are her passive therefore considered an exalted weapon and desert wind is exalted so...

can they do arbitrations by completely ignoring their design and pulling out a weapon to shoot a drone every 3 seconds sureee but why would you play them instead of a weapon platform that won't interrupt your gameplay every 3 seconds:  you wouldn't.  bad design imo.

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21 hours ago, (NSW)Royal_Elf_Mika said:

nullifiers are my most hated enemy. its not just their design, its that they can be as common as normal corpus... and not just that, they also can be Eximus, like a Guardian eximus or Artic Eximus, making them 10x harder to kill.


Yeah, too bad the other 90% of enemies are super easy. 

Like seriously the only hard things are infested, eximus, and nullifiers, and even the latter two are situational

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14 hours ago, Vindicus8235 said:

garuda's claws are her passive therefore considered an exalted weapon and desert wind is exalted so...


Was just doing an arbitration

Her claws do work on arbitration drones, of course it looks like she’s trying to swat some flies, but it works.

Also work with nullifies, her claws are weird in the sense they are an exalted melee, but they work like an a melee in almost all sense. 


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6 minutes ago, Malikili said:

Was just doing an arbitration

Her claws do work on arbitration drones, of course it looks like she’s trying to swat some flies, but it works.

Also work with nullifies, her claws are weird in the sense they are an exalted melee, but they work like an a melee in almost all sense. 


Exalted weapons are just weapons, not sure where the confusion is.

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15 minutes ago, Hexerin said:

Exalted weapons are just weapons, not sure where the confusion is.

Sir, why’d you quote me?

Edit: Was explaining the difference between her claws, and other exalted melees

Edited by Malikili
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24 minutes ago, Malikili said:

Sir, why’d you quote me?

Edit: Was explaining the difference between her claws, and other exalted melees

My point is that aside from her claws requiring you to not take a melee weapon, there's no difference and exalted weapons are just normal weapons.

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Just now, Hexerin said:

My point is that aside from her claws requiring you to not take a melee weapon, there's no difference and exalted weapons are just normal weapons.

I think you misunderstood 


15 hours ago, Vindicus8235 said:

garuda's claws are her passive therefore considered an exalted weapon and desert wind is exalted so...


I was referring to arbitration drones. Baruuk’s desert wind doesn’t deal damage to arbitration drones because it’s considered an exalted weapon. While Garuda’s talons are considered an exalted weapon, you can see it’s leaning towards more of a pure melee (I.e. no melee modes). Her talons can also damage arbitration drones. As opposed to say… Wukong’s staff?

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19 minutes ago, Malikili said:

I think you misunderstood 


I was referring to arbitration drones. Baruuk’s desert wind doesn’t deal damage to arbitration drones because it’s considered an exalted weapon. While Garuda’s talons are considered an exalted weapon, you can see it’s leaning towards more of a pure melee (I.e. no melee modes). Her talons can also damage arbitration drones. As opposed to say… Wukong’s staff?

Disregard, just did a run and exalts don't work on them. I could've sworn I've used exalts against them in the past.

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On 2023-10-25 at 7:22 AM, (NSW)Malikili said:

Was just doing an arbitration

Her claws do work on arbitration drones, of course it looks like she’s trying to swat some flies, but it works.

Also work with nullifies, her claws are weird in the sense they are an exalted melee, but they work like an a melee in almost all sense. 


As a Garuda main I can tell you now you're dead wrong lol.  Weird thing but since you are so confident in your wrongness I'll go test just to be 100% sure a) i'm not insane b) i'm not the worst garuda main in history c) they didn't change this in the last 24 hours miraculously.

Edit:  Nope, turns out you're just wrong.  Garuda's talons swing for 0s on arbitration drones, just like all other exalted weapons, even though hers is just pseudo-exalted as her passive.

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36 minutes ago, Vindicus8235 said:

As a Garuda main I can tell you now you're dead wrong lol.  Weird thing but since you are so confident in your wrongness I'll go test just to be 100% sure a) i'm not insane b) i'm not the worst garuda main in history c) they didn't change this in the last 24 hours miraculously.

Edit:  Nope, turns out you're just wrong.  Garuda's talons swing for 0s on arbitration drones, just like all other exalted weapons, even though hers is just pseudo-exalted as her passive.

Can lend second confirmation for this. Her claws, despite their odd nature, are not treated any differently in this regard.

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1 hour ago, Vindicus8235 said:

As a Garuda main I can tell you now you're dead wrong lol. 

Hmm, that's interesting.  They used to work on Drones.  I've spent a little bit of time trying to figure out when it changed, and found a comment complaining about it in the wiki from April.  IIRC that would have been around the time they started having trouble with Nullfier Fields.  I think that's been patched up, but it wouldn't shock me if this came in at the same time and wasn't caught by the same fix.

Edited by Tiltskillet
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58 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

Hmm, that's interesting.  They used to work on Drones.  I've spent a little bit of time trying to figure out when it changed, and found a comment complaining about it in the wiki from April.  IIRC that would have been around the time they started having trouble with Nullfier Fields.  I think that's been patched up, but it wouldn't shock me if this came in at the same time and wasn't caught by the same fix.

Garuda's Talons don't affect Nullifier bubbles?

No, they definitely do.

Edited by Hexerin
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5 hours ago, Vindicus8235 said:

As a Garuda main I can tell you now you're dead wrong lol.  Weird thing but since you are so confident in your wrongness I'll go test just to be 100% sure a) i'm not insane b) i'm not the worst garuda main in history c) they didn't change this in the last 24 hours miraculously.

I’m also a Garuda main

And her talons do hit the arbitration drones (nope nvm you were right)

On switch so I can’t record it

Also there is no such thing as a terrible Garuda main. You simply being one is rare, and quite nice to hear. 
I swear I’m not insane too, her claws need two hits to kill them. (One hit to break shield, second hit to kill it)

(aight actually insane)

5 hours ago, Vindicus8235 said:

Edit:  Nope, turns out you're just wrong.  Garuda's talons swing for 0s on arbitration drones, just like all other exalted weapons, even though hers is just pseudo-exalted as her passive.

Am I… insane? What on earth… we’ll I’ll do another run. Though I do believe you because I usually have false memory. Maybe I was thinking about swatting drones? Or the fact that they work on nullifies and drones made me combine them? Dang now I’m doubting 

(I think we already knew I was insane)


3 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Hmm, that's interesting.  They used to work on Drones.  I've spent a little bit of time trying to figure out when it changed, and found a comment complaining about it in the wiki from April.  IIRC that would have been around the time they started having trouble with Nullfier Fields.  I think that's been patched up, but it wouldn't shock me if this came in at the same time and wasn't caught by the same fix.

Is that it? Did they used to work then got bugged/patched? I swear the drones took damage from it. 
Edit: Randomly joined an arbi and it did nada

Was patched around April 12, 2023

Guess it used to work before hand, but I never realized it was patched (makes sense because I took a break around March-June.

You guys were right, such  a shame I can’t swat them anymore. 

Edited by (NSW)Malikili
I was wrong
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On 2023-10-23 at 10:24 PM, (XBOX)ONI Prowess said:

-Ancients still lol hitscan one shot your energy bar with no counterplay.

it is impossible to try any sort of quick thinking, or energy dependent (IE caster) against certain enemies because the AI hitscans your frame upon sight with a laser tentacle that one shots your energy to 0. . .and they spam this. this just limits builds and frames.

Ancient Disruptors are the worst! I absolutely despise doing Steel Path Infested missions solely because of them.

What boggles my mind is the fact DE actually nerfed Energy Leech Eximus shortly after they got reworked to only steal a fixed amount of energy. Yet Disruptors managed to slip through and can still drain a full energy bar by love tapping you from across the entire room with their proboscis. It's the most frustrating thing ever! Nerf these things, DE!

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I'd recommend fighting grineer until you have enough experience to handle corpus and infested.

Any experienced player knows corpus are actually easier because they're weaker than grineer and corrupted. 

A rapid fire weapon like an Afuris Prime, or a 7 to 8 meter melee makes nullifiers a non issue. That and situational awareness.

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