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Incarnons have been great, when do you guys expect the next set of incarnons and what weapons do you want to see?


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2 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Yes, with the original Genesis Incarnons.  But on actual release its slot  had been taken by Atomos.

Kulstar has an altfire, which might explain the switch.

doesn't it's alt fire only detonate rocket before impact?

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as much as I like incarnons. I don't particularly want to see more of them unless they do something that guerantees each week will have at least one incarnon adapter available that you don't already own.

The current weekly rotation system is incredibly dumb and adding more rotations to it will make it worse.

I would really like to see Staticor tho.

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46 minutes ago, Karyst said:

doesn't it's alt fire only detonate rocket before impact?

Yes.  Still it might be significant that 29/30 of the leaks were correct, the lone exception being the altfire weapon.  And when we finally did get an Incarnon gyrojet pistol, it was the altfire-less Angstrum.

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On 2023-10-26 at 8:26 PM, Skoomaseller said:

Tigris incarnon where it makes the Tigris full auto, firing dragon's breath rounds.

Kohm incarnon that turns it into a beam shotgun not unlike the phantasma.

Veldt incarnon that turns it into an LMG, with infinite body PT and LOTS of ammo.

Daikyu incarnon that fires multiple homing arrows per draw, all homing in on the heads of different targets.

Hema incarnon that lasts for a set duration, much like melee incarnons. chain beam that draws ammo from your health and restores it on kill.

Amprex incarnon where it turns the amprex into an auto-charge weapon (like the Gorgon incarnon). Each shot will chain up to 7 instead of 5 enemies dealing massive damage. retains the funny chain beam punch through interaction.

Karak incarnon given the ricochet mechanic, with better damage and stats.

Flux Rifle incarnon given Ocucor's tendrils. Was gonna say Spectra here but didn't wanna take this away from the Ocucor in the same weapon slot.

Opticor incarnon that fires a beacon, and, after a few seconds, calls in an orbital strike. (idea 1)

Opticor incarnon that fires an extremely wide and big laser. (idea 2) 

Hikou incarnon that turns the shurikens into giant fuma shurikens. much, much wider projectile with no arcing and infinite punch through. bonus: have the Naruto shuriken sound effect play as the projectiles are in flight.


wow, those are some great ideas ! :D 
Some sound like they could be visually overwhelming,
especially coupled with other players or mirage, but they sound so fun! (: 

On 2023-10-26 at 11:39 PM, Azamagon said:

  • Exergis Incarnon form idea:
    More of the same; LOTS of multishot, with 50% of the pellets having high punchthrough, the other 50% having homing ricochet (Like Lato/Bronco).
  • Fang
    Incarnon form idea: Phantom reverb: All attacks are copied 0,1 sec after by an after-image. These copy attacks deal less damage (like 30%) and has less combo chance (like 50%?).

particularly like these two ideas, Love the Fang idea in particular, that'd make playing Ash e.t.c really fun imo,
the title of the film "ninja assassin" is a bit cheesy/ doubled up, but it's a good action film, and in the final fight he also uses such a technique! (: 
+1 ! 

11 hours ago, PollexMessier said:

as much as I like incarnons. I don't particularly want to see more of them unless they do something that guerantees each week will have at least one incarnon adapter available that you don't already own.

The current weekly rotation system is incredibly dumb and adding more rotations to it will make it worse.

I would really like to see Staticor tho.

i resonate with you on this a bit, at first i didn't mind the circuit, but I've come to dislike being forced to do 10 waves if you want both rewards, it'd be nice to be able to play real missions and simply have circuit as a faction or something, it's tedious / too repetitive to run the same missions over and over. Glad they fixed the loss of all rewards though

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