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Duviri Experience and Circuit. What would you change and how?


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6 minutes ago, Skoomaseller said:

the point of the mode sucks, sorry

I thought that too, but then I tried it and I find it enjoyable to a degree. However, I do agree something needs to be done about the raw RNG of the frame/weapon options. Maybe have rank 8 Opportunity also grant the player 3 rerolls of the frame/weapon list per spiral. This would keep the baseline concept (RNG loadout) but also provide significant mitigation to a spiral having an unusable set of options.

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I would love it if the cave was my own instance and i could just join the circuit with other people that have already decided what to play with. It would be 10x less annoying. As it is now, other players ruin the experience for me more than anything else. 

The other change is that i would only dedicate 1 slot per session to gear i dont own. As it is now, for a system thats supposed to be random, i keep getting repeats of gear i haven't crafted. 

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I just wish there was a reason for me to return to The Duviri Experience.  I love the gameplay, but the only Duviri currency I need is Pathos Clamps.  Pathos Clamps only being given by the Orowyrm incentivizes doing The Lone Story, because all of the other fun activities in Duviri just delay you from getting the Pathos Clamps you need.

Which is to say, I wish that free-roam gameplay in Duviri in some way could earn the player any amount of Pathos Clamps; if this were the case, I'd be doing The Duviri Experience all the time, and since I would be able to earn Pathos Clamps in a fun way (rather than just bee-lining it to the Orowyrm, which I've mostly given up on) that means I would also be doing more SP Circuit to get Incarnons.

But at present, I generally do neither.  No reason to earn Incarnons if I'm not going to have the Pathos Clamps to use them, and I'm sick of running past all of the fun stuff in Duviri so that I can fight the Orowyrm again.

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6 hours ago, Hexerin said:

I don't see why modding is relevant, your stuff should already be modded if you've raised it. Once you're in the cave, you can choose what mod loadout you want to take, if you have more than one (every piece of equipment comes with three loadout slots for free, too).

To me at least 3 loadouts for each weapon are too few. In general the change you have to is at least change the bane mod in your general loadout for something that isn't it. To me at least it seems like to many steps to go to loadout the normal way. A simply click bringing you to the arsenal with the things you clicked equipped would save soo much time for people with slower machines.


5 hours ago, Hypernaut1 said:

I would love it if the cave was my own instance and i could just join the circuit with other people that have already decided what to play with. It would be 10x less annoying. As it is now, other players ruin the experience for me more than anything else. 

The idea should be that you can communicate with the people on what frames you have and what the team needs. In reality people usually just pick the best frame they have available. Rarely do I have the time to communicate with the team on what I can bring. Most of my circuits run start by everyone going in before I choose my stuff (because I don't load as fast) and entering. At which point I face a timer and I just have to quit because I don't like dealing with the BS of having everything be random. So I so then I have to wait for another few long loads before this likely repeats and the guys that started early will probably leave in 1 or 2 stages because they're only 3.

So the cave being an instance my be an option, but I have a hard time seeing it when thinking about it's coding implementation.

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4 minutes ago, VENDOMINUS said:

To me at least 3 loadouts for each weapon are too few. In general the change you have to is at least change the bane mod in your general loadout for something that isn't it. To me at least it seems like to many steps to go to loadout the normal way. A simply click bringing you to the arsenal with the things you clicked equipped would save soo much time for people with slower machines.

I can't think of a single frame that needs more than three loadouts (the majority of frames only need one or two). As for weapons, very few weapons have more than one build path (weapon modding in this game is extremely straightforward), so that's at most four loadouts (one loadout per faction mod). However, since Infested doesn't need a faction mod (even on SP, they just evaporate to a stiff breeze), you can literally just set three loadouts.

Edited by Hexerin
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18 minutes ago, VENDOMINUS said:


So the cave being an instance my be an option, but I have a hard time seeing it when thinking about it's coding implementation.

I think Pablo mentioned they would have to practically redesign the whole mode in order for caves to be solo instances. So there is a technical limitation. 

I just wish they had the foresight to see that it would've been a problem. I doubt hang off any players communicate like they intended. 

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Personally I'm happy.

Not because I like the node, I've given up on Duviri besides the occasional riven and Incarnon Adapter that present.

But because everything that I complained about it now actually affected a majority of the people that said that's they were fine with RNG and it's content island, making me feel pretty vindicated.

I told y'all the RNG would be a problem, but nooo. I was just salty that I didn't get to use my Wukong + Zarr combo that I don't even have.

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On 2023-10-28 at 2:28 AM, VENDOMINUS said:

2.Make all available random warframes and weapons appear in some form in the duviri mission selection screen with the option to customize them. As well as the option to change your focus school.

-Right now, getting anything started is pretty annoying. First you start a run to see what warframes you get, then you see your focus school is wrong for the frames offered, then you quite, force host migrations, possibly breaking all incarnon weapons and or intrincics for the people left inside, which will force them to leave too causing most host migration the the ppl that replaced you, which can often continue in a chain for some time until everyone eventually gets booted back to their orbiters. I've sometimes been unable to start a run for over an hour due to parts of this happening in every party I enter. If people can get their setup sorted before they enter runs will start easier, less bugs (due to host migration) will happen, people won't have to constantly abort until everything is sorted and ready to go. (and devs will have more time to work on actually important bugs while getting less bad feedback)

Aside from the focus school thing, there is an intrinsic that lets you preview your choices before even jumping in.

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19 hours ago, Hexerin said:

I can't think of a single frame that needs more than three loadouts (the majority of frames only need one or two).

While frames don't NEED more than 3, a lot of them can use them, heck I have 5 on Gara and I still need more. Speaking of Gara, the default builds on weps suck at stat sticks and many frames build stat sticks differently. Gara , Khora, Ash, Mesa,, Excalibur have completely different stat sticks and that alone means you need at least 5 loadouts for them and for a default build. On top of that if for glaives or weps where you normally want a heavy build, but what if you want to have a normal one for circuit as well. Now you need 7 completely different loadouts for any weapon. For some frames you want you secondaries or primaries as stat sticks as well. That also requires modding if you haven't done it in advance for every wep you have.

The very idea that you can have all loadout you need in only 3 slots is laughable to me at least.

I personally dedicate one loadout slot on every melee I own as a stat stick for Gara, since the default builts suck as stat sticks, but are often better that what you can do with only 30 capacity for normal damage. I usually also try to make something basic in the first loadout, but as I said, often the default is better, if only just.


On a side note, the whole showing of what you have available doesn't seem to work after the first time. It consistently show me the frames and weapons I picked last round after the first for the reset.

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