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Returning Player, need a crash course on what's new


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Right, long story short:


> Been taking several multiple months long breaks for over a year now because lack of content

> New update drops

> yay.jpeg

> same, boring grind as always

> can't be bothered, quit again

> another hiatus

> duviri paradox is real now apparently (took em long enough kek)

> friends confirm same grind again

> didn't even bother with it

> another hiatus

> kinda miss the game actually

> about to reinstall


And honestly I just can't be bothered to read through, what, 1+ year worth of patch notes?

So yeah, last time I played was, according to steam, October 2022.


So to finally get to the point,

if someone here would be so kind as to give ma a crash course on what's been added/changed since October 2022, that'd be great.

I don't need every detail, just be important stuff. New open worlds, new frames, reworks, stuff like that.


Thank you in advance.

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'Sup, haven't seen you in a while

I don't remember if it's complete, but DE just added a feature in the last update where when you connect to the game, you'll get a recap of what you missed since your last log-in


Sorry for the wall of text, but these are the most note-worthy imo:

Since October '22, we got:

  • Update 32: Veilbreaker
    • You can play as Kahl, the Grineer you play as in New War, you can play some unique missions with him to get Archon Shards (just like in Archon Hunts), the frame Styanax, some new Archon mods, some other stuff
    • Armor stripping is way easier, based on enemy total armor value instead of current
    • You can now pledge yourself to a Syndicate to passively earn standing


  • Update 33: Duviri
    • It has three game-modes
      • A rogue-like experience where you run around as the Drifter, collect Decrees (basically buffs for your current run), & the ultimate goal being to defeat the final boss called an Orowyrm to get Pathos Clamps (used for Incarnon upgrades); you also have a whole bunch of side-objectives that you can do
      • The same mode but without side-objectives, just the main quest
      • & a mode where you play endlessly as your warframe with increasingly stronger enemies, like, a few minutes in & they're already lvl 500; & at the end, you can get Incarnon Adapters, which when installed, will transform certain weapons into what can only be described as war crimes


  • Update 34: Abyss of Dagath
    • A new frame, Dagath
    • A new mission type, although it's just exterminate where you have to find & carry a thing that gives you a debuff, & after some time, an eximus stronghold gets activated
    • The way mods work got changed a bit, like Vitality, instead of being +440% to base health, it's +100% to total health, so basically nothing changed for max lvl frames, but it's better for unleveled ones
    • Companions Rework: They only get incapacitated now, & will get back up after 60s; They also work in ways to interact better with the way you play, instead of simply existing as they did before
    • Auto Melee: Now you can hold your melee button instead of mashing it & destroying your hand
    • Hydroid Rework: He is actually great now, although he lost a bit of his personality

These are just the mainline updates, we also got a few other new frames, like Citrine for example, but don't remember the other ones, & a lot of QoL improvements, & I do mean a lot


& now, we're waiting for Whispers in the Walls later this year, & Warfame 1999 next year

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well, I don't remember *everything* but we've not had any new open worlds since Dviri, just improvements to it.

we got a few new frames worth checking out like Voruna and Kullervo, and we just got Dagath, who is pretty strong as well. 

for reworks, Hydroid just got an overhaul, and he's damn strong now. no word on who's next but here's hoping for Inaros getting a rework..



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1 hour ago, -Krism- said:
  • Update 33: Duviri
    • It has three game-modes
      • A rogue-like experience where you run around as the Drifter, collect Decrees (basically buffs for your current run), & the ultimate goal being to defeat the final boss called an Orowyrm to get Pathos Clamps (used for Incarnon upgrades); you also have a whole bunch of side-objectives that you can do
      • The same mode but without side-objectives, just the main quest
      • & a mode where you play endlessly as your warframe with increasingly stronger enemies, like, a few minutes in & they're already lvl 500; & at the end, you can get Incarnon Adapters, which when installed, will transform certain weapons into what can only be described as war crimes


Not gonna lie that sounds pretty mid

1 hour ago, -Krism- said:

You can now pledge yourself to a Syndicate to passively earn standing


1 hour ago, -Krism- said:

A new mission type, although it's just exterminate where you have to find & carry a thing that gives you a debuff, & after some time, an eximus stronghold gets activated

I see.

Well at least it aint yet another defense mission

1 hour ago, -Krism- said:

Companions Rework: They only get incapacitated now, & will get back up after 60s; They also work in ways to interact better with the way you play, instead of simply existing as they did before

Ayy, so I don't have to worry about my parrot getting shot into the afterlife 5 seconds into a mission anymore.

1 hour ago, -Krism- said:

we also got a few other new frames, like Citrine for example, but don't remember the other ones, & a lot of QoL improvements, & I do mean a lot

I suppose I'll look at 'em in the market and see what they can do. Don't think I'll be buying them, though.



1 hour ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

Hydroid just got an overhaul, and he's damn strong now

I certainly would love for Hen- I mean Hydroid Prime to be more than just a mildly uncomfortable CC frame lol

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Welcome back. 

Personally, as I've said in another thread, Warframe is in a perpetual state of adding mid-game content since that is the most accessible, appealing, and reaches the most players. Whether it's a single quest, a new mission, a new Warframe, or the scope of the Duviri Paradox. If you've originally quit because you stopped enjoying that grind for all that equipment in this fashion, I'm not sure DE has anything planned to really grab your attention.

It may help if you go into more detail of what you want to see out of the game, and maybe us players answering could steer towards a better answer. I'm just trying my best to read the vibe here from OP and the comment towards Duviri sounding mid (which isn't that far off to be quite honest).

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34 minutes ago, Voltage said:

Welcome back. 

Personally, as I've said in another thread, Warframe is in a perpetual state of adding mid-game content since that is the most accessible, appealing, and reaches the most players. Whether it's a single quest, a new mission, a new Warframe, or the scope of the Duviri Paradox. If you've originally quit because you stopped enjoying that grind for all that equipment in this fashion, I'm not sure DE has anything planned to really grab your attention.

It may help if you go into more detail of what you want to see out of the game, and maybe us players answering could steer towards a better answer. I'm just trying my best to read the vibe here from OP and the comment towards Duviri sounding mid (which isn't that far off to be quite honest).

Well frankly my main issue is the lack of diversity in terms of content.


Like, one open world after another, years of hype, and then it always turns out to be a standard defense mission or something only in a different location.

Then there's the blatant artificial timegates. I mean, I understand why they exists, but come on. I don't want to spent a week leveling a faction when I could be doing it in a day.


I guess... I guess what I want is for DE to actually create something new and exciting, like back when operators were first revealed, rather than just throwing yet another can of paint on the same wall with holes in it.


I never really cared for the real end game honestly, I've always preferred the level 30-60 range of content because it feels the most fun to me. But even when I look at the existing endgame content, it's all just the same only with a different coat of paint.

Like, as stated above, "A new mission type, although it's just exterminate where you have to find & carry a thing" - it's just a reskin of the old stuff.



I just want to be able to play the game for more than 2 hours a week without thinking "damn, I did this a million times already".


I don't mind the grind (anymore... lol), but I'm tired of feeling like it gets me nowhere.

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30 minutes ago, o0Despair0o said:

Well frankly my main issue is the lack of diversity in terms of content.

Like, one open world after another, years of hype, and then it always turns out to be a standard defense mission or something only in a different location.

Then there's the blatant artificial timegates. I mean, I understand why they exists, but come on. I don't want to spent a week leveling a faction when I could be doing it in a day.

I guess... I guess what I want is for DE to actually create something new and exciting, like back when operators were first revealed, rather than just throwing yet another can of paint on the same wall with holes in it.

I never really cared for the real end game honestly, I've always preferred the level 30-60 range of content because it feels the most fun to me. But even when I look at the existing endgame content, it's all just the same only with a different coat of paint.

Like, as stated above, "A new mission type, although it's just exterminate where you have to find & carry a thing" - it's just a reskin of the old stuff.

I just want to be able to play the game for more than 2 hours a week without thinking "damn, I did this a million times already".

I don't mind the grind (anymore... lol), but I'm tired of feeling like it gets me nowhere.

So were you really into the Necramechs or Railjack when they came out? Did you like Sisters of Parvos, or did you only really care for Kuva Liches and didn't enjoy Sisters being a reskin of those? I'm curious what kind of brand new content you're looking for, because DE essentially has little to work with mechanically. We have kill stuff, rush from A to B, crowd control (though less so for years now), time-gating, and gear hoarding. Quests can add a few hours of enjoyable moments, but DE is pretty constrained with how things are added to be quite honest. Operators are from a time when the game was younger, and I feel like Railjack was their last big risk. Since Railjack, we've mostly just gotten safe updates. You could say maybe Veilbreaker or Duviri were risks, but not really. They slowed the pace down, but the fundamentals weren't touched. I am in the same boat as you, except I'm still attached to core gameplay and don't want to miss out on the scheduled progress of gear (I am almost 100% done with Incarnons, and I'm still not missing an Archon Shard or a Nightwave Season). I do still want an update that adds brand new features where all the grind I've done actually amounts to something bigger, like a Raid, third Orb Mother, or something akin to when we first saw Trials, Eidolons, and the potentials with the original Railjack.

Edited by Voltage
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11 hours ago, Voltage said:

So were you really into the Necramechs or Railjack when they came out? Did you like Sisters of Parvos, or did you only really care for Kuva Liches and didn't enjoy Sisters being a reskin of those? I'm curious what kind of brand new content you're looking for, because DE essentially has little to work with mechanically. We have kill stuff, rush from A to B, crowd control (though less so for years now), time-gating, and gear hoarding. Quests can add a few hours of enjoyable moments, but DE is pretty constrained with how things are added to be quite honest. Operators are from a time when the game was younger, and I feel like Railjack was their last big risk. Since Railjack, we've mostly just gotten safe updates. You could say maybe Veilbreaker or Duviri were risks, but not really. They slowed the pace down, but the fundamentals weren't touched. I am in the same boat as you, except I'm still attached to core gameplay and don't want to miss out on the scheduled progress of gear (I am almost 100% done with Incarnons, and I'm still not missing an Archon Shard or a Nightwave Season). I do still want an update that adds brand new features where all the grind I've done actually amounts to something bigger, like a Raid, third Orb Mother, or something akin to when we first saw Trials, Eidolons, and the potentials with the original Railjack.

Railjack was great and really fun (when it worked lol) - the only thing I didn't like about it is fact that you're always forced to leave the ship several times a mission and revert to regular on-foot gameplay. That's why I always preferred the 1 or 2 missions where you didn't have to leave... until DE decided to remove them, basically eliminating the RJ from RJ missions at that point. Now it's essentially a really long, interactive loading screen for a regular mission.


Mechs were really cool - still are. My only problem is the use limitations. Yeah, I can use them in open worlds, but what for? I can get around faster without them and the damage they can deal isn't that much higher than what my peashooter can do. In regular missions they could be at least a fun change of pace, but no, we can't have that.


Liches were fun for a while. They still can be if you're not in it for the gun. Sisters were kinda boring apart from the RJ integration, that part was enjoyable.


As for quests, well I guess the new war questline was kind of a let down. "here, play as a grineer!... for 1 or 2 missions lmao"

The idea was fun, the gameplay was fun, the absolute waste of potential was not.


Nightwave is honestly just not my jam because it feels like your average battlepass.


I just really want them to do more with Railjack, improve it and just listen to feedback for once.

Kinda miss the raids as well. Never really played them a lot, but it's been so long, even I wouldn't mind if they literally just added them back as-is.

Edited by o0Despair0o
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