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Clan - Create or Join ?




I've been in a clan for many years. I did invest much resources on it until i realized that a friend and myself were the only active players. All the others including the leader were inactive for 2250 days minimum.

Since we don't have rank to change anything in the clan, we're kind of stuck.
I can build my own clan or find another one.

The problem with a new clan is the resources i need to put in. Does the quantity of resources change if it's a clan with only 2 players or it's the same irrelevant of the number of players in the clan ?

Sometimes i may become inactive for 6 months but this is the type of game i been playing for years and even if i'm inactive for half an year, i always come back at some point, but i'm afraid of joining a clan, invest resources on it, and because they will see me active, when i come back i'll be without a clan again and the investment were for nothing.

What do you advise ?

Kind regards,

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8 answers to this question

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I was part of a good clan once, and eventually got to its leadership. But soon enough I realized the something similar.

Eventually decided that the best course was to start my own Ghost Clan for myself and family/friends, since I had the resources to get it up to speed in a relative short amount of time.

Best decision ever. Costs are dirt cheap for the lowest tier, and I'm all for it.

Edited by (PSN)Hikuro-93
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16 minutes ago, Ankh3r said:

Does the quantity of resources change if it's a clan with only 2 players or it's the same irrelevant of the number of players in the clan ?

The Clan size / tier (as in, max number of members before you need to upgrade to the next tier) affects research etc costs.


18 minutes ago, Ankh3r said:

Sometimes i may become inactive for 6 months

You could try finding a lenient enough Clan that won't kick you out even after that long, there's surely at least a few.

Though if you enjoy the whole contributing-to-the-Clan aspect, helping build it up and all,
and if your stock of resources is at least somewhat decent right now, then I guess give making your own Clan a try.

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Poi se tu e il tuo amico cercate un clan con gente attiva io stesso ne possiedo uno,siamo un clan ombra,appena finite le decorazioni del dojo ho intenzione di reclutare altri 70 tenno,se sei interessato contattami,tra l'altro ho bisogno di decoratori per decorare il secondo piano del mio dojo.

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join. mine.

joking aside, while some ppl have been active a hundred days.. many are still active. Clan withstood the test of time, one of the earliest ones made and somehow still kicking. Even if I'm gone for a while, I don't go more than a couple of months without doing some cleanup and rank adjusting. I wish DE provided better tools for clan management, it's way too basic, but I digress.. 10 years running this clan and we've all had our share hiatuses. Nobody could accuse me of giving up or "vanishing" or what have you.

Maybe if not mine, other clans are like that. Mine isn't a Moon and it's even downgraded from Mountain to Storm so that sense of community is still there. If you don't care for that, just go into the biggest moon conglomerate there is that's been around for the longest. If you do want something smaller.. definitely fewer options, especially ones you can feel confident in.

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