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Power Donation + Coaction Drift interaction


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trying out some speed nova builds, and i tested to see if coaction drift would give you more = strength however it does not. not sure if this is an intended interaction but, as far as i can tell. you cant get more then -30% strength from power donation, i would of expect this number to go down to -34.5%

my testing method was simple, load into simulacrum, and damage an enemy with antimatter drop, i did this with and without overextended, and with/ without coaction drift
i also tried reloading the simulacrum after each test because sometimes it wont update your build properly since you are changing the build in game
anyway my finding were

with over extended 
with coaction drift 
1 on hit damage 15 explosion's damage
without coaction drift
1 on hit damage 15 explosion's damage

without over extended
with coaction drift 
1 on hit damage 105 explosion damage
without coaction drift
1 on hit damage 105 explosion damage

so as far as i can tell, this does not buff the -ability strength
i would of expected without over extended with, more numbers to play with, i would see a small difference at least
i would assume that coaction drift is only buffing allies power without reducing yours further

either way, if your running speed nova now you all know, it doesn't work, and you should probably just take any other mod unless this interaction gets changed

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21 minutes ago, Quantum_rage said:

maybe their are some game breaking things that happen when you get too much negative strength tho

This would be the case.

There were a few glitches that could cause you to double (or more) its effects and actually get negative power strength which would cause really interesting things to happen (negative damage being the least of which)
And if you happened to hit exactly 0 it would cause some interesting things as well, especially with Nova and her slow.

The math of the game didn't really like that so they just "fixed" it by having it not interact with other things and then just not releasing anything else that can lower your power strength further.

Edited by Tsukinoki
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24 minutes ago, Quantum_rage said:

that makes sense but still. -34.5% + -60% is only -94.5% so it would not be reaching a negative number or absolute 0. so theoretically it should work just fine?

Theoretically yes.

But DE is probably disabling the interactions as a "just in case we do something in the future...".  After all if nothing affects power donations negative effect on yourself then they can potentially release another mod/effect in the future that increases aura effects without having to remember "Oh yeah, power donation is a thing!"

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