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We Have Titania, What About This?


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I was thinking, we have a frame that can become very tiny and fly, but what about a frame that can become huge?

Basically this frame would be able to turn giant (like the Hulk) and have a similar play-style to the necramechs.

1st Ability:

- Imbue your melee weapons with a status effect matching your energy color (scaled by ability strength: corrosive, radiation, viral, magnetic, blast, and gas)

2nd Ability:

Stomp the ground and all enemies within a certain radius are affected by a status effect matching your energy color (scaled by range and ability strength)

3rd Ability:

- Emit a loud roar that stuns enemies and applies a random status effect; slash damage steals health while using your 4th ability (scaled by ability strength and a cooldown timer effected by ability efficiency)

4th Ability:

- Increase your size drastically (scaled by ability strength; caps at a certain size)

- Increase your health and armor and shields are completely removed (scales by ability strength)

- A giant mace and shield are your ability weapons (damage scaled by strength)

- Every 10 kills increases your damage dealt to enemies by 5%

- Ability is energy per second




Post any ability ideas below! I think a frame like this would be really fun to play.

Edited by (PSN)SimulatedWhiskey
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1 minute ago, o0Despair0o said:

A frame like wouldn't be able to pass through 90% of doors in this game.


And we have a lot of doors.

That's why the size would cap. We wouldn't want this.


Even though, you could just disable it and enable it after you walk through.

Edited by (PSN)SimulatedWhiskey
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