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Hi fellow Tenno's, I noticed that something was missing from the game... The ability to decorate the interior of your Railjack. I'm sure you all have noticed this, it doesn't seem fair that we can add decorations to the interior of our personal orbiter but not our Railjack. I personally think the Railjack interior looks really boring and we cannot do anything about it, so if the Devs are listening and monitoring the forums, PLEASE Devs can you add a feature to allow us to place decorations inside our Railjack? Pretty Please with a cherry on top?

Edited by (PSN)Duty_Patrol1995
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Not gonna happen. Orbiter and dojos get decorations because they're places where game play doesn't happen. So if you cram them to the limit with stuff and your framerate takes a dive it isn't a big deal. Having the same happen while you're trying to do space combat will be a bad time.

"But my machine is super dee duper awesome with a side of fries I don't have a problem."

That might not be the case for someone else joining your squad. Even if their machine is good, more stuff makes the loading time longer, which isn't great for everyone.

It's bad for the same reason that having a bunch of junk in a vehicle you're driving. It gets in the way, reduces visibility, and causes distractions. The hangar is huge, decorate that. When in a mission nobody should be gawking at decorations in the ship.

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The Railjack needs to be a functional combat space, so giving players the ability to place objects would mean they have the ability to impede visibility, both for themselves and for other players.  Between that and the performance implications, this is something that simply isn't going to happen.

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as others have said, not gonna happen, because nobody wants a bunch of sculptures or posters blocking their way.

what we COULD have though - and should - is Railjack Interior styles: Grineer, Corpus/Solaris, Orokin, etc. the layout will still be the same of course, but the styling would give a whole new vibe to the Railjack. more skins for the outside would be nice as well!

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40 minutes ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

what we COULD have though - and should - is Railjack Interior styles: Grineer, Corpus/Solaris, Orokin, etc. the layout will still be the same of course, but the styling would give a whole new vibe to the Railjack. more skins for the outside would be nice as well!

Maybe stencils like the lounge.

More outwards skins would also be welcome.

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