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was there ever a chroma prime trailer?

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A lot of frames don’t have prime trailers, and Chroma is one of them. 
Garuda Prime also doesn’t have one, and Harrow Prime too… which is odd considering Rell and all. 
It’s rare for a prime to get their trailer. I hope everyone else will be a Hydroid Prime situation (made waaay after the prime if I remember correctly)l 

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If I recall correctly, Hydroid and Valkyr Prime were supposedly the last prime trailers of their kind, both having significant production delays.

Chroma, Garuda, and Harrow came after, and coincidentally fell into the gap years; before, everything began to resume with Octavia Prime as a half story teaser half gameplay showcase.

I'm not entirely sure who is at the helm for the current gen trailers, but there was something magical about Minki and Geoff's tenure, breathing life into both the trailers and frames; but, this generation hypes up the primes so much better via weaving between story and showcase.

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ah. ok thank you for the refresher. kind of forgot that. or at least thought de caught up on the prime trailers. was in a funk were i thought because of chromas specific situation that DE really didn't care for him for a paticular reason or another. namely the reason why i thought of it was vex armor doing most of the heavy lifting while everything is considered either meh or ok.

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Funnily enough, out of the four frames I've considered "mains" over the game's lifespan (Volt, Zephyr, Nezha and Gauss), only Gauss has had a full prime trailer.

Have to say, it was worth the wait.

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