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Dev help requested with account Merge (sent here from support ticket...)

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I went to merge my PC and PS Account and it's preventing me from doing so. It says that I've done a PC to Console to my knowledge I've never done the switch migration but I'm being told that I have. I Would like to merge my PC and PS accounts since both were created individually and I would not want to have to quit a game because I end up getting locked out of cross-trading and possibly other things due to being unable to merge (I know there is linking but I'm not going to wipe out nearly a thousand or 2 of money spent from one account or the other).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having the same issue, hopefully they reconsider excluding us for a decision/system they made 6 years ago. Like they should give us a solution to either transfer just the switch account or just the pc account if we partook in this back in 2018.

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