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Survival Missions


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In regards to arbitrations & even void fissures survival is easily the most unrewarding game mode in the game as you're entirely time gated and then there's an added hint of rng for life support drops which can be boosted if every survival team uses [insert loot from here]. It would be nice if Survival in those game modes could be changed to an endless exterminate mission. It could work so simple too:

Random kill count required, once achieved round complete, level the enemies up to make it more challenging

I feel like this would give more of a survival feel than camping in a room with loot frames, actually give reason to go and seek out the enemies faster but also it scales the missions enemies in conjunction with the increased rewards not being time gated to 4 drops per 20 minutes or 1 c rotation per 20 mins which is just appalling. 

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What you ask for is basically Endless Exterminate, which would be a good idea btw. The problems are :

- Endless Exterminate would be impossible to fail ... unless you add the timer back, but then, why not simply leave it as it is ?

- Endless Exterminate would have a different play style than Survival. In Survival, when you reach levels too high for you, you can still try to grab a few seconds / minutes by playing strategically. It wouldn't work with the kill-count requirement. Unless you meant to have the kill-count in addition of the 5-minute rotation, which means whichever is reached first triggers the end of round ?

The only problem of Survival is that it lacks secondary objectives which are part of the mission itself, which pushes people toward camping. Look at Alchemy : It's basically a Survival with something added on top of it, and it's cool.  If they were to be changed, I'd push more toward changing the survival pods mechanisms. Make them being attacked from time to time and you have to defend them (for a "time bonus" maybe ?), but then it would resemble Circulus. I'm pretty sure there is something that can be done about it, but the current Survival is interesting in some aspects, that we should try to enhance instead of erase.

Edited by Chewarette
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