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Caliban need more attention


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(I apologize for the typo's) I am a caliban player and I like using him but a common response when I ask if some one has caliban is he's not worth the grind and I feel all Frams have something to set them apart from the rest and I think caliban should get some touch up like why not give him a prim or make something new he is a sentient so why not something new like Status caliban were his ability aplys stats effects or something and mabie give him a personal mod that could do something like +2 semtienal summons and ×2 sheld Regan or something also when I look at caliban I think of a pirate so it be cool to have an event revolving around him pirate themed 

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2 hours ago, Ywncross said:

I apologize for the typo's

You've made type in "typos". Someone, somewhere will be triggered. Haha.

As for topic, I think he needs fixes and changes. His first has "loot issue", cannot cast other abilities. 2nd being weak/bad. 3rd is.. meh. Shield regen doesn't work, their CC may be ok but I don't play too much. That makes 4th. It's pretty good... but there are many frames with armor strip that are easier to farm and have other, better abilities. And his passive is joke.

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Well his spinning ability you are able to do the stomp ability While spining and as for the regen it could use some work and I agree he needs some tlc that's why I made this post I like the idea of him it just he need buffed the ides of spining like a Beyblade and killing people I find funny and he can someone three Sentenals to fight for him and give him shield if he reserved some buffs and is tweaked he could be really good 

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It keeps coming up, but for some weird reason Inaros is next on the Rework Block despite being far more usable and useful than Caliban.

His 1 needs a complete change in functionality, his Sentient Summon needs to summon Ranged Attack Sentients and Sentient Wrath needs to do something other than "lift enemies until they're hit one single time". Theres been multiple threads opened with multiple options proposed but he's likely going to be stuck as-is until 2030 at this stage. Even the Shield Changes didn't improve him much, he just dies 5 seconds later than usual.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Caliban needs to exist.


he barely exists.

On 2024-02-08 at 5:17 PM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

It keeps coming up, but for some weird reason Inaros is next on the Rework Block despite being far more usable and useful than Caliban.

His 1 needs a complete change in functionality, his Sentient Summon needs to summon Ranged Attack Sentients and Sentient Wrath needs to do something other than "lift enemies until they're hit one single time". Theres been multiple threads opened with multiple options proposed but he's likely going to be stuck as-is until 2030 at this stage. Even the Shield Changes didn't improve him much, he just dies 5 seconds later than usual.

that should be an augment.


honestly.. i would like the summons to be leveled purely on global enemy level and not have a time limit... make str just add 5 to the current level and scale that way... 300str = pets 15lvls above the room when summoned... not too over/underpowered at any level of play really. If you didnt need to worry about duration with them you could gain quite a bit of build diversity, but at a minimum pets should scale with enemies like Mind Control or Shadows of the dead, otherwise they are both worthless at high end, and overpowered at low...


Come on DE.. this is why you started doing scaling abilities, they dont overdo it or underdo it when done right. Calibans pets is a prime example of when an ability should be scaling.


other than that his first needs... well to have damage worth talking about or FAR better energy economy... maybe make it a duration ability, like they did with firewalker... only drain energy if you charge or have it automatically speed up the more damage it does for free.

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On 2024-02-08 at 5:17 PM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

It keeps coming up, but for some weird reason Inaros is next on the Rework Block despite being far more usable and useful than Caliban.

Inaros was the most requested because of just how unwieldy his kit was overall, especially compared to the other no-shield frames.  With that rework, it's definitely not the "zero to hero" level of overhaul Hydroid got, but at least now his kit is slightly more useable (channeling Scarab Shield is still stupid though, but beggars can't be choosers I suppose).

As for Caliban, I think he's in the same boat as Loki, where his kit is "fine" and that the issue is players trying to use him like they would with a typical nuke frame.

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2 hours ago, Raarsi said:

Inaros was the most requested because of just how unwieldy his kit was overall, especially compared to the other no-shield frames.  With that rework, it's definitely not the "zero to hero" level of overhaul Hydroid got, but at least now his kit is slightly more useable (channeling Scarab Shield is still stupid though, but beggars can't be choosers I suppose).

As for Caliban, I think he's in the same boat as Loki, where his kit is "fine" and that the issue is players trying to use him like they would with a typical nuke frame.

Yeah, his kit is fine - some small QOL, a change of his first ability would be nice and an augment or two. No idea what content people are doing that they think he's so terrible he needs a complete overhaul lol. 

Edited by Almxce
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3 hours ago, Raarsi said:

Inaros was the most requested because of just how unwieldy his kit was overall, especially compared to the other no-shield frames.  With that rework, it's definitely not the "zero to hero" level of overhaul Hydroid got, but at least now his kit is slightly more useable (channeling Scarab Shield is still stupid though, but beggars can't be choosers I suppose).

As for Caliban, I think he's in the same boat as Loki, where his kit is "fine" and that the issue is players trying to use him like they would with a typical nuke frame.

Same boat as loki? Not at all, no. Loki has a kit built around his stealth and Distraction, everything in his kit is extremely useful if used correctly. He gets his stealth bonus damage from his invisibility, his radial disarm is one of the most underrated powers in the game, his switch teleport, although weird, is still a great teleport power, and anyone who hasn't tried Decoy mixed with Helminth'd Banish is missing out.

Calibans first power is undeniably, unquestionably absolutely useless. So in the first few seconds the Loki comparison is dead. His second power is next-to-useless. So Caliban gets bonus damage on lifted enemies, but once you hit lifted enemies once they lose the lifted status despite how long the power is meant to last. Great. The Sentients summoned with the Third Power are, again undeniably, the wrong choice. They should have been ranged-attack Sentients from the very beginning. Their damage is bad, their ability to pull aggro is bad, their scaling off Ability Strength is horrendous, they're a good idea but the worst possible execution of it. And his Fourth? Looks cool, came out already outdated. So you can try to line up enemies, hit them with his Fourth, create an Armour strip area for a while and hope enemies enter it. Or you can just go get Pillage.....

The biggest problem with Caliban is that it's painfully obvious he was rushed. The Devs were busy building and creating things for The New War, which undoubtedly took a lot of effort and talent to put together, and Caliban ended up being a consequence of it. With them focusing time on Reworks, once the bottom of the barrel was fixed (Hydroid) it should have been the second-to-last joke of Warframes turn, Caliban. And instead we got a Rework for who got the most moans on twitter.

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His abilities are not useless and his overall design is not terrible, massive over exaggeration. He is a decent cc and defence oriented frame, saying there are other frames that do what he does better is fine but then we're just having a circular argument because there'll always be another frame that does something better than another one. At this point rather than trying to make him "meta" I hope DE try something a bit different with him and add a layer of complexity instead, there being some more niche frames would be a welcome addition.

Only thing that needs to be changed drastically is his first ability.

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On 2024-02-28 at 12:14 PM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

So Caliban gets bonus damage on lifted enemies, but once you hit lifted enemies once they lose the lifted status despite how long the power is meant to last. Great.

I'm not sure if the wording you used just wasn't precise, or if you've been misled  about how the ability works. Sentient Wrath's vulnerability isn't dependent on the lift.  It works on at least some targets that can't be lifted, and continues to apply to targets where the lift has been ended early.   

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On 2024-02-29 at 9:20 PM, Tiltskillet said:

I'm not sure if the wording you used just wasn't precise, or if you've been misled  about how the ability works. Sentient Wrath's vulnerability isn't dependent on the lift.  It works on at least some targets that can't be lifted, and continues to apply to targets where the lift has been ended early.   

No it was fairly precise. Unless you're being silly and going around trying to kill every enemy one by one, they'll instantly drop after one single hit of anything and continue to shoot you directly in the face. The power does nothing except delay, which in Warframes current state of "run and gun", is pretty abysmal.

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Simple suggestions...


Make his First abiltiy a stat stick ability. 10% CC, 10% SC, 2.0 CM. 


make his 3 ability have no duration, make the Summons base their level on the tile level with a STR affected bonus (like +10 lvl at 100% str), require killing a enemy to summon. Hold cast to call to you. Hold cast while first is active to call to you and join in the spin for extra damage.


his 1 is intended as a DPS, so let it DPS.. his 3 is intended as a defensive, via Distraction CC and shield regen..


finally, make his passive work like sentient resistances or similar... 90% damage resistance for 30s when his shields break, based on the damage type that broke his shields.. True sentients have health % based triggers for their resistance, so having it based on his shields breaking seems like a good compromise.. most importantly, it MUST NOT OVERWRITE ADAPTATION but work with it. no passive should not stack with mods.

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