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Let Hildryn cast all of her abilities in her 4.


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On 2024-02-10 at 1:20 PM, Birdframe_Prime said:

DE thought it was going to be strong.

That's the whole caveat here.

DE thinks it's overpowered to hell.
We do not. Obviously, since we've used a bit of everything.

However, since DE is the final judge, verdict and wholesale tyrant-god on what gets changed? You get what we have today.
Because lemme tell ya, in NO reality does having Mesmer Skin work the way it does while Limbo continues to get shafted is in any way logical.
Pure favoritism, nothing more.

I see Aegis Storm as being redeemable to be powerful, but not overpowered. All in a different way.
Though, it's mainly just... (and yes, some of these may include concepts already stated. Chances are if it's said before? It's a pretty common opinion, so it may be a good idea.)

  • Increase the Charge Rate, Damage and Shield Cost of Baelfire when in Aegis Storm.
    • I'm already giving up my weapons when using it, at least give me a reason to use this weapon while in it.
    • An increased shield cost while boosting it's stats in Aegis Storm encourages the player to focus it more when flying through the air.
    • In addition, IF you enable Pillage while in it? This encourages keeping a better eye on your shields.
  • Enable Pillage while in Aegis Storm.
    • The only other source is the Baelfire's augment which can be unreliable.
    • Especially if you're not the host-- as clients tends to have the augment work at seemingly random.
    • OPTIONAL: Change it so the field lingers where it's originally cast and turns into a shield pickup upon expiration.
      To avoid having to fumble with animations during it, but this is also a decent mechanical change.
    • This adds a certain level of upkeep the player has to keep in mind. It also lets the Baelfire Augment maintain some niche use.
  • There is no need to change Haven while in Aegis Storm.
    • I have no real idea how one would reasonably go about that without forcing a change.
    • Therefore, I don't really think it needs one.
  • Aegis Storm itself already provides plenty of energy orbs for others as is, along with disabling many CC-prone enemies in the process.
    • However, it's very slow unless you specialize in Parkour Speed- usually by Amber Shards- to boost the roll speed.
    • A boost function that dramatically depletes more shields in use, but allows the player to ram enemies could be a very useful addition that engage the player.
    • Ramming enemies would ideally restore some of the shields used to do so. Exact amounts can be messed around with until a suitable cost is met.
    • This is an ability that is supposed to impose SOME limits, but be an overall boon if you have the resources to upkeep it.
      A dramatic and powerful shift, but one that must be managed properly. "Power for those who can handle it." is the best way to make this game tick after all.

... which mainly boils down to the idea that if I'm giving up my ability to move normally, use weapons freely AND have a big drain on my shields?
I should be encouraged to engage enough to upkeep them for the power and utility they bring.

Let's be real here, Warframe is far from a difficult game. That doesn't mean it needs to be boring by being super simple.
Changes like this will not be game-breaking, the game is already broken as is and let's face it-- DE is not fixing that on their life. They had their chances, more than a countable few.
So if we must have a broken game, let's make it an engaging one. This isn't a new concept, some games build their whole appeal on that very notion and it works for them greatly.
Warframe is no different, only so because DE cannot visualize it despite the negativity that brings.

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22 hours ago, MarakViri said:



This "Exalted" Weapon is a glorified Stug. It has the same Critical Chance, Critical Multiplier, and Status Chance as the Stug Explosion. That is not good. The only reason this weapon has been usable is due to its base damage being so high. 

What I propose for this weapon is to give it two different fire modes; [Uncharged] and [Charged], and will be taking inspiration directly from the Epitaph for this.

The Uncharged Shot would be the Primer form, having an increased Status Chace of 40%, but retain the current 5% Critical Chance. This is a huge jump from where this weapon currently sits, but still places it below top-tier primers.

The Charged Shot, however, would have an increased Critical Chance, jumping all the way up to 35%, but would keep the Status Chance of 10%.

Both forms of this weapon would have a highly increased Critical Multiplier of 2.8x (2.5-3.0), and an increased fire rate.

To counteract these changes, the base damage of the weapon would be reduced to 250.

It will also remain moddable even if the ability has been removed with the Helminth, as it will still be used in Aegis Storm even if the ability is no longer equipped.




if they removed the "knockback" itd be way nicer to use, the weapon cannot even 1 shot fully stripped enemies it has no right to be knocking them all over the place 

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On 2024-02-19 at 3:21 PM, CrownOfShadows said:

As a general rule of game design, you don't want to create a way for players to be infinitely immortal or for 'strong' abilities to have zero downside to their use.

pillage gyre entered the chat

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12 minutes ago, Hejirah-Umbra said:

pillage gyre entered the chat

It is kind of funny that Hildryn is forbidden from using Pillage during her 4, but it's not a problem for most frames that have stolen it.



DE, in next patch:  "Pillage may no longer be used while any fourth ability is active."


...and then Banshee with Pillage replacing Sound Quake crashes game whenever she presses 4...



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50 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

It is kind of funny that Hildryn is forbidden from using Pillage during her 4, but it's not a problem for most frames that have stolen it.

well, other abilities most likely are not fed/need to run off the shields you get from pillage

Edited by Hejirah-Umbra
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34 minutes ago, Hejirah-Umbra said:

well, other abilities most likely are not fed/need to run off the shields you get from pillage

Very good point.  Although the contrast would make more sense if the energy economy wasn't totally off the rails.  (At the mid- to upper end where most energy options are available, anyway.)

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12 hours ago, DeathOfASaint said:

if they removed the "knockback" itd be way nicer to use, the weapon cannot even 1 shot fully stripped enemies it has no right to be knocking them all over the place 

Edited my post to add that. I completely forgot about that due to how rarely I actually use the Balefire.

I also added a new feature of her passive (armor applies to shields) that gives her additional survivability and cause her "energy" to last longer.

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20 hours ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

Could you have phrased the comment like you weren't shouting at me as if I were somehow against you?

Apologies, it's a habit from needing to do that so often to most others.
Keyword: "Needing to". I absolutely hate that I have to.

For future reference? If I'm upset at ya, I'm usually one to make it very clear.

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