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Entry 4 - New Lotus


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The voice acting in the game is pretty decent.


Although, first time I heard Valkyr scream, I joked over chat:


"Wow, Valkyr screams just like Megan!"


Sadly, I now keep getting asked how I know what Megan screams like.

(It was a damn joke at the time, she's bigger than me and I suspect, more than capable of beating me up, I also never knew it actually was her voice)

Edited by Keltik0ne
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"Multiple Bio Signatures" when there's only 1 Infested left, and similar "multiple" type messages should be suppressed if not a placeholder with "the last remaining signature" or something along those lines, is used instead..


When another faction breaks into the battlefield, Lotus should announce it with more urgency and "alert" style. Something like "Watch out, Tenno, the Corpus have boarded this vessel / intruded into this installation" and similar lines, only played once per mission, ofc.

Edited by ScorpDK
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"Taking longer than I calculated..."


Someone give Lotus a new calculator already!


I wonder how people would react if DE changed it where when the timer is around 30 seconds left she says she may be close to finishing and with around 5 seconds left she says "This is going to take longer than I calculated. Continue to defend." and additional minute and thirty seconds were added to the timer.

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Can we get an "Original Sounds" sound pack to the original English speaking Grineer and some old gun sounds?

We wouldn't care about the quality so you dont need record them again.

Oh, absolutely!!!!  ^THIS!!!  Pleeeeeeeze


I have someone in mind to use "Leave my mother outta this" as a ringtone for!

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