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On making blast more useful.


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One of the most neglected damage types is blast damage. In part because it doesn't do anything other damage types don't do better, and because the status effect is mediocre to almost useless.
I had an idea while toying around with aegrit today.

Damage resistance/weakness tweaks.
-25% effectiveness against both alloy and ferrite armor.
+25% effectiveness against flesh and cloned flesh. (Pressure waves can cause significant organ trauma as they pass through the body)
Retains +75% effectiveness against machinery.
+50% damage against shields (My understanding of shields in this universe is that if you spread out the incoming damage over the shield, it struggles to keep up, hence why impact damage is more effective. A blast wave is just a bigger hammer made of air pressure.)
+25% damage against proto-shields
+25% damage against robotics (Corpus robots probably have less moving parts overall than Grineer machines do, but there's still a a danger of knocking parts out of alignment or damaging highly sensitive components.)
Retains + 50% damage against fossilized
Neutral to sinew
-25% effectiveness against infested and infested flesh (Kind of doubt technocyte cares about organ trauma when it can just grow new ones instantly, also not sure what the difference between these types are)

New status. Shell Shock: Enemies are dazed and unresponsive, slowing their responses for a brief period. It's not an overall animation slowdown like cold, but rather a delay in their behavior. Or something to the effect of compromising the enemy's ability to attack.

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Blast wile it didnt do much damage back before its change, still managed to be useful as its AoE knockdown was very useful for Crowd Controlling. I remember using my Stiletto with a Corrosive/Blast build and when shooting at groups of stronger mobs, would knock down groups making them easier for me to take down with some Primary, Melee or ability.

Blast was also amazing when built into the Zenistar as it would create a massive negation area where enemies wouldnt be able to cross and would constantly get knocked down and/or stunned too if you also had shock.

24 minutes ago, Mizar5129 said:

New status. Shell Shock: Enemies are dazed and unresponsive, slowing their responses for a brief period. It's not an overall animation slowdown like cold, but rather a delay in their behavior. Or something to the effect of compromising the enemy's ability to attack.

Nah, honestly they should just bring back the knockback and maybe increase the splash damage it delt.

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Il y a 1 heure, BiancaRoughfin a dit :

Nah, honestly they should just bring back the knockback and maybe increase the splash damage it delt.

I'd say we'd be fine if blast simply did 10% of whatever damage you dealt as true damage around the target in like 3~5m radius with a relatively small falloff.

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21 minutes ago, Fred_Avant_2019 said:

I'd say we'd be fine if blast simply did 10% of whatever damage you dealt as true damage around the target in like 3~5m radius with a relatively small falloff.

I heard you like that Kuva Bramma/Ogris/Zarr, so we propose more Bramma/Ogris/Zarr in your Bramma/Ogris/Zarr. Nevermind we just nerfed whole ammo mechanics due to these 3 weapons.

Edited by Zakkhar
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There's one fundamental catch to blast damage... It's almost always an innate element on explosives launchers, so trying to make Blast good means making those launchers exponentially stronger, and I feel like Blast itself is held back because of that

I think we probably need to do something like change Blast into its own physical damage type that launchers get, which doesn't actually proc anything and is simply there as an AoE stand-in that contributes some amount of neutral damage. Then we could turn the actual H+C combo into something actually good without worrying about explosives launchers becoming innately overpowered, but you could still have the option to mod it back in if you wanted it.

The other thing to think about is what you give up from modding H+C: anything else that Heat or Cold mod with, namely Viral. Unless Viral stops being the meta, we need to figure out how to make H+C worth considering. If it doesn't shake up the meta hard enough, then it's not really worth the dev work

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Easiest way to fix blast, is just make it a type of DOT, where blast status persists on an enemy and does additional blast damage, intermittently, for a set period. Not as frequent as Heat and not the same mechanics, but a damage and a slight CC. Then make each damage instance make onomatopoeic noises, around blast, boom and bang like noises/sounds. With the original status inflict being the loudest, and then getting quieter, "smaller bangs/blasts" being the quietist. 

No way that can fail.  

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2024-03-20 at 4:38 AM, Pakaku said:

There's one fundamental catch to blast damage... It's almost always an innate element on explosives launchers, so trying to make Blast good means making those launchers exponentially stronger, and I feel like Blast itself is held back because of that

I think we probably need to do something like change Blast into its own physical damage type that launchers get, which doesn't actually proc anything and is simply there as an AoE stand-in that contributes some amount of neutral damage. Then we could turn the actual H+C combo into something actually good without worrying about explosives launchers becoming innately overpowered, but you could still have the option to mod it back in if you wanted it.

The other thing to think about is what you give up from modding H+C: anything else that Heat or Cold mod with, namely Viral. Unless Viral stops being the meta, we need to figure out how to make H+C worth considering. If it doesn't shake up the meta hard enough, then it's not really worth the dev work

I think this is the key!

If all explosive attacks' Blast damage was instead converted into IPS (mostly Impact, I guess?), then the combined Heat+Cold element could be changed into something else entirely, something useful.

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