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Stabilized Thermia Fractures again!

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Hmm I wonder if they changed the formula to determine it, maybe they did it when they did the Valis syndicate re-balancing happened. In the past it was very hard to trigger this condition since Thermia Fractures is certainly a gamemode within Warframe that probably has a very very VERY low playrate and is an automatic trigger unlike Razorback and Fomorion.

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2 hours ago, sly_squash said:

Enjoy pulling in 1.4M credits from Profit Taker every 3min for the next 1.5 days.  I know I will.

And what do I do with all these credits? Transmute?

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On 2024-03-20 at 8:13 PM, Zakkhar said:

And what do I do with all these credits? Transmute?

Enjoy having a nice stockpile.

If I want a quick fixing of plat I just rank up a couple of rank 10 mods which requires a batch of credits to do.

If you on the receiving end you need 1 mil credits for certain trades so that covers those bases.

If future content comes out where 1 mil credits is needed for something on a semi-frequent basis you'll enjoy having those credits to begin with rather than trying to do catch-up farming.

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Dang it's already over.  :(

I took it easy and only pulled about 150M this time.  I figured we'd get a longer double credit event to celebrate the anniversary/tennocon soon enough so I didn't use my wildcard invigoration to shave a few seconds off each run.  Plus it's the middle of the week so it's hard to fit in too many runs.

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