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We Don't Want Tragedy's LOS "Fixed", We Want It REMOVED.

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Dark Verse had a LOS check from the beginning?
I am very certain that it did not, given that I was applying slash to enemies below floors and on the other side of walls.

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22 minutes ago, Rovaeden said:

Dark Verse had a LOS check from the beginning?
I am very certain that it did not, given that I was applying slash to enemies below floors and on the other side of walls.

it always had one and it has not changed, its just not super annoying, i think they are much more lenient with LoS for conal abilities vs radial ones, but if a enemy is not in your LoS you wont hit it

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7 minutes ago, Nero.DMC said:

it always had one and it has not changed, its just not super annoying, i think they are much more lenient with LoS for conal abilities vs radial ones, but if a enemy is not in your LoS you wont hit it

Ok. So how was I able to apply slash to enemies on floors below me that I could not see?

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On 2024-04-08 at 7:31 PM, Rovaeden said:

Ok. So how was I able to apply slash to enemies on floors below me that I could not see?

It was always like this. you need LoS to hit enemies

As you can see here you CANT hit enemies on lower floors but look it hits 1 even tho he is not really visible (its just that LoS for Dark verse is super lenient)




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2 minutes ago, Nero.DMC said:

it was you just did not notice

Hydron. Sedna. Im standing on the casket in its lowered position casting Dark Verse. Enemies in their spawn areas are taking slash damage.
Clearly it was just the mountains of LSD that I don't take that were confusing my feeble mind.

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1 minute ago, Rovaeden said:

Hydron. Sedna. Im standing on the casket in its lowered position casting Dark Verse. Enemies in their spawn areas are taking slash damage.
Clearly it was just the mountains of LSD that I don't take that were confusing my feeble mind.

maybe you had the lil owls running around? like hydron might as well be the Tragedy triggers of slash damage one shoting them, in short everyone 100% confirmed it had LoS from the start, you are trying to imply that for you and only for you this was not the case?

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5 minutes ago, Nero.DMC said:

maybe you had the lil owls running around? like hydron might as well be the Tragedy triggers of slash damage one shoting them, in short everyone 100% confirmed it had LoS from the start, you are trying to imply that for you and only for you this was not the case?

ok. well, back to my giant bowl of LSD for breakfast.

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3 minutes ago, Rovaeden said:

ok. well, back to my giant bowl of LSD for breakfast.

Dude its okay to be wrong, what is not okay is being then proven wrong and still stick to being wrong when everything points at you being wrong, a "my bad" would have been 100x better than this "i dont do drugs so what i said must be true" i am not implying you are wrong on purpose just confused, but not accepting reality is not a great.

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2 minutes ago, Nero.DMC said:

Dude its okay to be wrong, what is not okay is being then proven wrong and still stick to being wrong when everything points at you being wrong, a "my bad" would have been 100x better than this "i dont do drugs so what i said must be true" i am not implying you are wrong on purpose just confused, but not accepting reality is not a great.

Its not about strictly being right or wrong.
I know what I experienced on more maps than just hydron, but I used that map as a simple example.

Honestly, its irrelevant. It doesnt matter anymore what was, but how utterly eff'd up Dante is going to be once DE finishes butchering him, or not, but I find that less likely.

Edited by Rovaeden
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5 minutes ago, Rovaeden said:

Its not about strictly being right or wrong.
I know what I experienced on more maps than just hydron, but I used that map as a simple example.

Honestly, its irrelevant. It doesnt matter anymore what was, but how utterly eff'd up Dante is going to be once DE finishes butchering him, or not, but I find that less likely.

okay, i will say this, if you somehow played dante pre release version that's the only one that did not have LoS ond Dark verse, they prenerfed it b/c having both tragedy and dark verse without LoS was insanely strong

i hope they just remove the LoS for tragedy we already have LoS on dark verse it makes 0 sense to have it on tragedy too, its a problem for them i guess since on low star chart you could kill a lot of enemies but low star chart is such a bad place to balance for.

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Just to clarify for the both of you, Dark Verse DID require LOS, but it was buggy and sometimes made it through walls. I played Dante day-1, not a single hotfix, and LOS was present for Dark Verse.

The individual claiming that Dark Verse did not have LOS is simply mistaken, but understandably so, due to the fact that it was very buggy (in our favor) and often times went through walls.

Regardless of Dark Verse, which I think makes sense to have LOS, Tragedy should NOT have LOS. Tragedy can only nuke on it's own in very low levels (1-60ish). In Steel Path, Tragedy is USELESS without Dark Verse, which again, already had LOS, so adding LOS to Tragedy was nothing short of a.... well, tragedy.

They refuse to admit the true reason for his massive nerf, but DE did this to us to prevent us from farming relics faster in low-level Defense missions, as well as Sanctuary Onslaught. I was able to complete 10 waves of Defense Missions in just 4 minutes and 30 seconds, they don't want that.

Funnily enough, I have another Warframe (that shall remain unnamed) that can still complete 10 waves in 4 minutes and 40-50 seconds, but the downside is that my fingers aren't treated very nicely for the entire duration of those 4 minutes and 40-50 seconds.

Another funny thing is that Tragedy can't 1-hit eximus enemies... which were added in the first place to combat AOE Nukers! So their excuse STILL doesn't make any sense! Oh well, they enjoy seeing us suffer. I guess that's the TRUE true reason behind it all.

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Just found out about Eclipse.... There goes my unique Zephyr build. Thanks, DE.

Y'all used to complain about Scott's Nerf Hammer, but now we got all these Warframes and their Helminth abilities Cobaining themselves...

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On 2024-04-08 at 7:08 AM, magusat999 said:

Yeah, DEneeds to EMBRACE its inner Path of Exile instead of fighting it, which its been doing ever since Nova came out and they nerfed Molecular Prime. After that, its been nerfatopia. Just let us nuke in peace, DE. Nuking is fun. Its fun in POE. Its fun in Borderlands, its fun everywhere. And when they nerfed aoe weapons... Why? Nobody wants to play a game where the developer has you single killing everything, like its Resident Evil!!! If players are so good that they are begging for nerfs, DE dont need to create false difficulty for them and ruin the fun for others. They need to go find another game. (I doubt the nerfs have anything to do with player whining, actually. More like DE is convinced that bringing everything to mediocrity is a successful type of "process"...)   Yeah...

And it'll be the same people begging for nerfs because we're "too strong" that were making threads about how DE also needed to nerf the Fragmented One because he's too hard.  

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On 2024-04-08 at 7:08 AM, magusat999 said:

Yeah, DEneeds to EMBRACE its inner Path of Exile instead of fighting it, which its been doing ever since Nova came out and they nerfed Molecular Prime. After that, its been nerfatopia. Just let us nuke in peace, DE. Nuking is fun. Its fun in POE. Its fun in Borderlands, its fun everywhere. And when they nerfed aoe weapons... Why? Nobody wants to play a game where the developer has you single killing everything, like its Resident Evil!!! If players are so good that they are begging for nerfs, DE dont need to create false difficulty for them and ruin the fun for others. They need to go find another game. (I doubt the nerfs have anything to do with player whining, actually. More like DE is convinced that bringing everything to mediocrity is a successful type of "process"...)   Yeah...

I don't think DE realizes this so, um. 

Hey DE, we all have crazy stressful lives where we deal with garbage on the daily, work bills you know adult things - wait do they know? Screw it I'll assume yes- we play games to GET A RETREAT FROM THAT BS, for a small fragment of time we can unwind and nuke some geno clones or infested with godlike impunity. Then we go back to life a bit happier and a bit more joyful. 

We don't want to boot into our escape and have to bloody do complex LoS math equations just to get crap to work right!  You said in the dev short the range is the issue. OK. LOGIC, then nerf the range. If 30 is too much go 20, a hair under the next max aoe which is Xaku. Or ,essentially try 26, 27, pick a number!  ITS NOT BLOODY BRAIN SURGERY HERE. You've identified that the issue could have been totally fixed with a small  adjustment to the range, ok, so honestly who, in the blue moons of Fortuna THOUGHT LOS WAS THE FIX? Seriously. 

That's like a doctor going, "Little Timmy broke his finger, so we could just put this compact splint on and send him off, instead were going to hospitalize him, full body cast him and keep him bed rudden until his fingers healed" little Timmy's parent's would slap you for being a quack and go find another doctor with a brain. Like C' mon seriously here.


3 hours ago, MrDugan said:

And it'll be the same people begging for nerfs because we're "too strong" that were making threads about how DE also needed to nerf the Fragmented One because he's too hard.  

I honestly felt he was fine, hardly the most frustrating thing in the game, a challenge ok but not anything to scream about. 

Edited by (PSN)Thanatos-Prime
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17 minutes ago, (PSN)Thanatos-Prime said:

I don't think DE realizes this so, um. 

Hey DE, we all have crazy stressful lives where we deal with garbage on the daily, work bills you know adult things - wait do they know? Screw it I'll assume yes- we play games to GET A RETREAT FROM THAT BS, for a small fragment of time we can unwind and nuke some geno clones or infested with godlike impunity. Then we go back to life a bit happier and a bit more joyful. 

We don't want to boot into our escape and have to bloody do complex LoS math equations just to get crap to work right!  You said in the dev short the range is the issue. OK. LOGIC, then nerf the range. If 30 is too much go 20, a hair under the next max aoe which is Xaku. Or ,essentially try 26, 27, pick a number!  ITS NOT BLOODY BRAIN SURGERY HERE. You've identified that the issue could have been totally fixed with a small  adjustment to the range, ok, so honestly who, in the blue moons of Fortuna THOUGHT LOS WAS THE FIX? Seriously. 

That's like a doctor going, "Little Timmy broke his finger, so we could just put this compact splint on and send him off, instead were going to hospitalize him, full body cast him and keep him bed rudden until his fingers healed" little Timmy's parent's would slap you for being a quack and go find another doctor with a brain. Like C' mon seriously here.


I honestly felt he was fine, hardly the most frustrating thing in the game, a challenge ok but not anything to scream about. 

Id say if they if they put pageflight back to the way it was and took LOS off of dante while cutting the range to 25 or 20 it would get him back to feeling how he was before the nerfs and make basicly everyone a bit happy they somewhat got there Dante back 

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Just now, Mr.Holyroller said:

Sorry, but a frame that gives you 20k overguard honestly should barely have any damage potential outside of being a weapons platform. 

It seems you don’t do Steel Path. 😂

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8 минут назад, Mr.Holyroller сказал:

Я даже не уверен, что это должно означать.
Скорее всего, я сделал больше всех видов контента в игре, чем вы.

Clown, go to the steel path and play up to 200+, your whole OG will melt in at least 50K in a second.

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2 minutes ago, BloodyPrimeSkull said:

Clown, go to the steel path and play up to 200+, your whole OG will melt in at least 50K in a second.

Steel path is extremely easy and overgaurd is broken.


You can get 20-50k overgaurd in seconds and it makes you status/knockdown immune. 

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18 minutes ago, Mr.Holyroller said:

Sorry, but a frame that gives you 20k overguard honestly should barely have any damage potential outside of being a weapons platform. 

It should have always had LoS.

Dante is hardly the first frame capable of that

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