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PC Dante Unbound: Hotfix 35.5.5


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16 minutes ago, yeahnil said:

Mods are massively censoring the Dante feedback forum and deleting any thread voicing criticisim towards the dev shorts. I just saw two threads disappear, including my own.

Is this how you're listening? Not even making an argument and straight up deleting? What the hell


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16 hours ago, Neon_Violet said:

I remember this, I was running Ash all the time before they gutted him, after the change I didn't touch ash ever again, I swapped to mirage with Synoid simulor and her augment where clones dealt a small percentage of damage, and they gutted her as well, never touched mirage after that again, went to ember built around world on fire and they gutted her too, all these frames getting gutted and yet saryn keeps slipping through the cracks makes me think some of the devs are saryn sympathizers and that's why saryn will never see a single change to ever, she can just continue to nuke anything without even ever laying eyes on most of them all saryn needs is one spore and the entire room is dead soon after.

I am so tired of this BS trend Rebecca should never have gotten the position of lead designer everything in this game has just turned to crap after that and I don't think it will ever improve after seeing the patterns if anything it might just get worse.

Whatever I'm done with this game despite not wanting to quit and still loving the game I am not going to stick around and watch the ship sink with the current trend.

Rebecca is not lead designer? She's creative director for the game, those are completely different positions lol.

I get being annoyed with the Dante changes, I really do, but critiquing a person who is not responsible for the actual balancing of the game maybe hints at a little personal bias? Acting like we didn't see these kind of changes back when Steve was creative director is completely disingenuous.

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7 hours ago, OchreYonah said:

Rebecca is not lead designer? She's creative director for the game, those are completely different positions lol.

I get being annoyed with the Dante changes, I really do, but critiquing a person who is not responsible for the actual balancing of the game maybe hints at a little personal bias? Acting like we didn't see these kind of changes back when Steve was creative director is completely disingenuous.

She still has more power than him she is the leader Pablo comes to her and she still has to sign off on it, if anything she is just as guilty as Pablo for this travesty, yeah there were changes I didn't like even was Steve was the creative director mainly the nerfs to ash, mirage and ember which rendered them all 3 completely useless.


The first time I truly enjoy a frame that gets released and then this happens I even bought the pack on steam for him which is a slap in my face its basically like DE just took my money turned around and spat in my face.

I'm sorry but this game is turning into a sinking ship they have more backlash now than they ever had I mean they have been silent since Friday not saying a word.

Edited by Neon_Violet
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So....quick feedback after so much has gone down.  


Dante's grind is pretty good.  The mission rewards a metric ton of axi and neo relics...and almost nothing for Dante.  That said, 8 rounds is a fun and relatively quick go where you usually wind up with one or maybe 2 bits.  90ish of the new material per one of those runs isn't bad...so you can buy your way out unlike the absolute trash fire of Citrine and Voruna...and not having to get 21 arcanes means that it's not a miserable hate filled experience by the time the grinding is done.


Dante's nerfs suck.  It was a bad decision, and "sowwy" doesn't cut it.  It's the usual 2-3 good changes followed by a staggeringly WTF decision that Warframe has been known for, for the better part of a decade now.  I don't blame new management...as I'm still angry with the obstinate "never having universal vacuum" crap that took years to fix.


I think that the archimedian thing is stupid.  It's primary end reward seems to be vosfor, to RNG roll for arcanes...which is frustrating as you've literally just slapped more RNG garbage onto old systems and bumped the numbers to make it "end game."  I'm tired of the acknowledgement that you don't know how to craft an endgame so RNG is the answer...


Finally, can we please get so feedback on what the plan is for Dante?  I've read the Reddit...because you don't post in your own forums...which is it's own kind of stupid.  I get the whole "well, our LoS check is borked" statement.  What I don't get is why you had to decide to make it Dante's problem.  You immediately cite other frames like that's going to make us more accepting of a broken mechanic....which boggles the mind...then you tell us it's being worked on.  If it's been in the game since Excalibur it's been in the game for years.  You obviously understand our frustration....because you deflected immediately....but instead of reverting you've decided to double down and leave him borked until the mechanic can be fixed.  That seems like a half step...and it's why people are pissed.  Maybe instead of just a non-pology and non-answer you can revert, and tell us when you'll get us a fix.  That's taking a slightly borked Dante and keeping it instead of a greatly diminished Dante...with the promise of a fix coming.  



Who am I kidding though?  We've had years of "buy the bunny ephemera and ears so it can disappear in a couple of months."  The last two Baros have been reintroducing stuff from years ago....so there's literally nothing new.  Dante's nerf is a clockwork of "good frame made meh."  This is just how things are....right?

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