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Update 11.1.0


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Survival needs to get toned down a bit in scaling. It's just ridiculous. I'm all up for the challenge but when you have teammates who are still working for their levels+gear, everything goes to hell even at the 5 min mark.


Guess DE didn't consider new players and only thought of LOLvets.with this artificial difficulty.

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About time you thought of Aklex! Although not really necessary, but still - I will like to play with those guns. I've been running the Lex for quite a long time before starting the massive farm XP.

Also, dual Kamas = yay! The Kama was one of my faves already. What about dual smaller Machetes now?


Good job for a bunch of fixes as well.

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Akimbo Lex, oh yes.


The QT+Rage nerf saddened me at first, because I discovered it not 2 days ago, but I tried it again now and it is still pretty acceptable, it still allows for auto-heal, just not as many. It's just not a "cheat mode" anymore. I think it's a fair change!


And THANK YOU for restoring directional melee!

And for improving vaulting.

Now if you would just add an option to require sprint for wallrunning, like before... Just a toggle in the options.

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This is the worst patch yet.


Literally sucked the fun out of the game.

Yall were finally going in the right direction with build diversity consisting of unique mod synergy and in one update yall set yourselves back to square one.

Back to the boring mandatory redirection, vitality, Vigor combo. 



Ill even admit it.

Rage and QT synergy was slightly overpowered and needed a tweak.

Not removed from the game completely.   


Come on guys, I know yall could have been more creative than that. 

Edited by ADDpillz
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It really sux that you broke QT+Rage, it wasn't even that OP. You could still die lots with QT+Rage before you made it totally useless. It also sux for all the ppl paying tons of platinum for a broken build (thankfully I'm not one of those ppl). :( This needs to be reverted asap pls.


But oh well, a good duration/efficiency Blessing build Trinity with Ghost-cloaking was a more reliable "godmode" anyways. Or is this next on your relentless campaign of nerfs?


I'm glad private messaging doesn't suck so much anymore now, it's actually possible to have conversations with ppl in-game again so thanks for that and other various fixes. And TY for Aklex, maybe it'll make us feel better until you make QT+Rage useful again, and maybe it'll replace my beloved Dual Vastos as somehow it seems they just aren't quite cutting it these days.


Fixing the reduced Affinity problem and giving us a reliable way to farm Volt again would be nice too. Also I hope J3 is making a comeback someday!


And please please please add Pathogen Rounds to the enemy drops! The amount of plat people are asking for it in the trading channel is ridiculous. >_< Maybe J3 is out looking for Pathogen Rounds on his vacation, and is coming back so we can kill him and take them from him. >:D

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QT + Rage should have been slightly nerfed, like 220% on QT instead of 240%, and that's all.

The new combo is just useless and QT doesn't even do what is described on the mod.

Becoming so useless for such rare mods, we had to farm for so much time, it's sad.


The main problem with this update is the fact you still put new useless stuff (nice weapons with S#&amp;&#036;ty stats like the dual kama) while your game is still full of bugs and balance issue.

Please work on your priority DE, we are not just your cash cow.

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  • Fixed:  The effect of puncture damage mods being inconsistent:
    • The dual stat mod now increases existing puncture damage, as intended
    • Reworded the text for damage increasing mods to possibly make it clearer




It should be the other way around.


Mods shoud add ips damage like elementals do. 


NOT as a percentage of the already weak ips innate damage.


This not only makes mods useless unless your weapon has already a good corresponding ips damage (think weapons without one of the three types, do not benefit AT ALL from the missing damage type mod)  but also weapons with weak sides cannot be played/improved upon.


Mods are there for variety and this change shoehorns us rather than enabling us.  Bad design choice imho.

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DE, you made me use one of my precious Forma on my Gram, so I can enjoy its awesome, redesigned model. Also thanks for the Aklex, even though I haven't used my Lex in ages it's still my most used weapon according to my profile, and I want to replace that entry with the Aklex.

And while Darvo has not that many lines, I'd love if he'd pop up more often in the future. Maybe add him to the random alert table, cause I love selection of messages and how he words the the different status updates.

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- "Second, for security reasons? you have encrypted the drop tables?" (quote... how to manually add?)

Have to say that, as a new player (started ages ago, months break, playing since 2 weeks "for real") the warframe wiki was perfect for me.

The Warframe Codex might be a nice addition. But what kind of pain is it to unlock everything to see the drops on the enemies for a beginner? I have better things to do than sneaking around and wasting my time around every corner, besides once groups of enemies are running at me I can't scan them as beginner without dying. It's by no means a great tool, especially for beginner. Besides of that a ton of information is lacking in the game and beginners can be glad that the community created such a huge and informative wiki for the game. Shame on DE if it's for the editors not possible anymore to adjust the data values as they need. I know it's a beta (and that the Codex is new, even worse for ppl who were new) - but come on.


The Stalker - I get oneshotted everytime I see him. And mostly 3/4 of my group. I've got some frames who are nicely equipped already. But that's not enough. Once I see that guy, I'm dead. It's no fun at all. What's the purpose of it, if somebody without uber mods can't fight him? It's boring as hell. Don't tell me you're supposed to look forward to beat him eventually. It's lame and annoying to get oneshotted in the middle of your mission. Just happened last night when I was leveling my new Warframe by unlocking new systems cause Survival mode is broken.


I can't talk about QT + Rage, but reading the posts here make it quite clear that those mods are useless now.

Damage 2.0 is kind of interesting, but I'm not too fond of changing my mods eveytime I fight another type of enemy. If I wanted to play a game with management, I would god damn play that.


Oh yeah. Also it sucks hard that I can't put mods in my weapon that are in the weapon of my sentinel. Micro-Management without any support of the game at all, cause it doesn't tell you what mods are in which Warframe/Weapon/Sentinel. Lame. Easiest way is surely to avoid the same weapon type at all, but maybe I don't want that.


Edited by Saiodin
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There's at least one legitimate complaint: it removed all previous damage types. This removed stuff like staggering and ragdolling from certain specialist melee weapons, essentially breaking them.

True.. The ragdolling was amazing with blunt and bolt weapons.. but I thought the staggering was unrealistic at times.. like the flux rifle :/

2) Totally lie. Remember Pathogen Rounds?


3) No. Problems lie withing the no-brain stats adjustements. Physics are no match on elementals, melee mods are much stronger than sidearm mods, and sidearms much stronger than rifle mods or even shotgun mods. So no, problem is NOT in weapons theirselves.

You do have a point :/ but I mean eventually it will be as nice as the wiki.. never a replacement I suppose. But when I said weapons themselves the stats of the weapons are included, if certain weapons got buffs to their stats they would feel just like they used to. I can see your concern with the physics vs elements, and the melee vs guns.

But really, try to think about this realistically(in a somewhat sci-fi way):

A sword slashing down upon you


A bullet shooting you

Melee weapons are supposed to be stronger than guns.. the only reasons guns have the advantage are: range, aim, caliber, and ammo type.

If you get up close and personal melee would fugz S#&amp;&#036; up every time, there's no recovering from that.

Shot in leg


Leg chopped off


The same can be seen with elemental vs physical

Radioactive round in your chest(insane complications)


Bullet in your chest(people live through this)

But as Brimir said before, extra effects are definitely much missed. Nothing like pinning a grineer to a wall with a bow or bolt weapon...

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  • Reduced effectiveness of the interaction between Rage/Quick Thinking mods to prevent indefinite immortality in all game modes.
  • The QuickThinking mod no longer saves you from suicide damage.

It doesn't do next to anything now?

Did it get broken or is it just me?

I'm using: Max vitality, Rage, Quick thinking and Energy siphion the result is 2hp health restore and then I die on solo or go straight to bleedout in multiplayer.

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It really sux that you broke QT+Rage, it wasn't even that OP. You could still die lots with QT+Rage before you made it totally useless. It also sux for all the ppl paying tons of platinum for a broken build (thankfully I'm not one of those ppl). :( This needs to be reverted asap pls.

You're right before this update broke it I could die using that combo but more often I would be in constant stunlock before dying, I tried using knock down recovery and resistance mods and it didn't do jack to save me from stunlock if anything I was expecting a fix for those mods to reslove that issue.

I have tried using reflex guard but I don't like how it locks you into blocking until your stamina depletes which should be on the card description ...

Reflex guard % chance to lock you into deflection animation until stamina depletes.

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"Survival Mission enemy level scaling changes"

Now enemies are scaling too fast. +1 level almost every 20 seconds. So, it's about 60 lvl Infested on Phalan at 15 min. Survivals turned to be impossible on Ceres/Eris/Pluto. Even with good modded weapon and frame It's very hard to stay more than 10-15 min solo.
Change it back! It should not be faster than +1 level every 40-50 sec.

Edited by AntLion
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True.. The ragdolling was amazing with blunt and bolt weapons.. but I thought the staggering was unrealistic at times.. like the flux rifle :/

You do have a point :/ but I mean eventually it will be as nice as the wiki.. never a replacement I suppose. But when I said weapons themselves the stats of the weapons are included, if certain weapons got buffs to their stats they would feel just like they used to. I can see your concern with the physics vs elements, and the melee vs guns.

But really, try to think about this realistically(in a somewhat sci-fi way):

A sword slashing down upon you


A bullet shooting you

Melee weapons are supposed to be stronger than guns.. the only reasons guns have the advantage are: range, aim, caliber, and ammo type.

If you get up close and personal melee would fugz S#&$ up every time, there's no recovering from that.

Shot in leg


Leg chopped off


The same can be seen with elemental vs physical

Radioactive round in your chest(insane complications)


Bullet in your chest(people live through this)

But as Brimir said before, extra effects are definitely much missed. Nothing like pinning a grineer to a wall with a bow or bolt weapon...

weakpoint of this speech is here:


wanna more powerful melee? Do it more powerful. So the same value added with similar mod should add much more significant damage. But keep it balanced.



galatine (400 charged, 280 slashed charged) + 90% slashed = 532 slashed charged damage - seems perfect


when why Tirgris (112 slash) has only a silly Shredded (30% slash) which is make 145.6 slashed damage? Is it fair? 


It have to be:

112 slashed + 90% slashed = 212 slashed damage


Long story short: a "powerful" melee should be powerful in it's base, not by overpowered mods installed.

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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO "Fixed Corpus security lasers to force knockdown as design intended." Q_Q i really really thought that you saw the error of yours ways and nerfed them Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_Q_Q knock down in this game is so painful.

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