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Update 11.1.0


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DE - have you really become so broke that you've come to these money grubbing tactics? Attempting to force us to purchase stuff from you? First off, fix the difficulty on the stalker, he has become almost invincible. Second, for security reasons? you have encrypted the drop tables? What security? Your fat wallets? Making it so you can underhandedly change the drop tables without anybody knowing? If I'm wrong and there is actually some how a way where the very helpful people who data mine and share what the get on warframe-wiki are becoming A SECURITY THREAT(?!????). Fine. Then i am wrong. You know what you could do DE? Post the drop tables so people don't have to data mine, and everybody could be happy. You want to change the data tables? Release an updated version of what we can use.


So in recap - 1. You've made a lot of people angry, fix this drop table issue in any way possible.

                     2. Get rid of or make major revisions on Damage 2.0 BASED ON YOU'RE PLAYERS COMMENTS/COMPLAINTS.


                                                          before a lot of people label you developers (or your managers who make you do it idk - place the blame where the blame needs to be) who are more concerned about money than the quality of the game.


sincerely, a level 2 founder, VilasVirus

1) The only profit in a FREE-to-play game comes from micro transactions. Although, it can be done better. Check my posts via my profile.

2) With update 11, the codex has become the new wiki and listed ALL drops from ALL enemies.

3) Damage 2.0 is lovely and I haven't seen too many intelligent negative responses to it. Minus some damage types not working properly. The problems lies within the weapons themselves.

4) I love DE and you should too.

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3) Damage 2.0 is lovely and I haven't seen too many intelligent negative responses to it. Minus some damage types not working properly. The problems lies within the weapons themselves.


There's at least one legitimate complaint: it removed all previous damage types. This removed stuff like staggering and ragdolling from certain specialist melee weapons, essentially breaking them.

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Wonderful job with the update! I just had a question, after testing out quick thinking after this update i found it doesn't actually do anything anymore. I did not have the rage mod equipped, i did however have a surplus of 100 energy and was killed twice without the surplus of energy turning into health. Anyone experience anything similar? 

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Good, how about you guys work on fixing weapon proc rates for the next week to make them suck less. Also, ignis is a flamethrower and should ignite enemies on fire regardless of proc chance. A Flamethrower that does not inflict fire damage most of the time is as unrealistic as "on fire while frozen" balancing or not. Just about every enemy in this game can catch fire, even the robots can when enough heat is applied.

Edited by Glisp
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Fix the Stalker. I lost all my revives and goodies because of him, and Darvo mission failed since he appeared at the last seconds on third terminal.


If he is intended to kill all players in 1-2 shots, no matter what builds they have, at least say it.

I'm so annoyed by this thing.


I was so happy to see stalker make an appearance on me since weeks ago and I didn't even had the chance to shot him once and I got killed.

I like a challenge but not this crazy thing where I don't even have a small chance at winning.

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2) With update 11, the codex has become the new wiki and listed ALL drops from ALL enemies.

3) Damage 2.0 is lovely and I haven't seen too many intelligent negative responses to it. Minus some damage types not working properly. The problems lies within the weapons themselves.


2) Totally lie. Remember Pathogen Rounds?


3) No. Problems lie withing the no-brain stats adjustements. Physics are no match on elementals, melee mods are much stronger than sidearm mods, and sidearms much stronger than rifle mods or even shotgun mods. So no, problem is NOT in weapons theirselves.

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Well thanks a lot for Aklex - always wanted them.


But are not you forgetting anything? Pathogen Rounds? Does this name ring a bell to you? 100% of Codex is opened but this mod is unlisted by a single enemy. How marvelous.

I understand that it is intended for all of us to flush mods and credits for transmutation - but c'mon, transmutation is not even part of a game, and it's trully boring.

Hopefully all of this is unintended, otherwise it's dirty to do like that.

Edited by YourMoms
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and you must be one who never got this mod and how hard is to get it. maybe they need to downgrade all damage mods and see if anyone like that. Are you agree?

I never got these mods, nor was I ever trying to get them or thinking about them. Why do people feel like they need to have complete control over a game in their favor to feel like "god?" That takes ALL of the excitement out of it. Try learning how to get better w/ your personal skills instead of being fed by a silver spoon.

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