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After around 2 years of using Void Sling, I can safely say that I still want Void Dash back.

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Maybe we can have both… press in order to do the void dash, while holding it gives you the void sling mode. That way you can spam press like before, but still be able to choose which direction you go midair.

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13 hours ago, (PSN)XxDarkyanxX said:

And yes, Gravity. Your operator slowly floating downward as you're clunkily trying to correct aiming on a controller is a pretty nasty flaw for an ability with a delay-on-cast to it.

Which doesn't happen, continuing to show that you don't understand how the ability works. Gravity does not affect you while you are using Void Sling.


14 hours ago, (PSN)XxDarkyanxX said:

Which, I imagine you personally counter-act by forcefully hitting the orbs from an angle below to mitigate this issue of distance and latency because you might have experienced it yourself ; you can phase through those orbs and miss them even if you're actively two hands deeps into it.

You can imagine what you like, but you are objectively incorrect as to why I strike them from below. I do so because 1) I'm old, and my reflexes are significantly reduced as a result of that, and 2) it just feels better to me to do so, because it gives me more time to aim better due to the aforementioned issue. For a youngster, just directly striking the orbs without expending time on such a tactic would net faster results on the fight. I've never phased through the orbs, the only time I don't hit them is when I just outright miss them (which is the expected outcome of missing them, of course).

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