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Jade Shadows: Known Issues ×

Didn't like it

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23 minutes ago, ChangelingRain said:

Yeah, this was... a miss in perhaps every possible way. I was excited for Jade in concept but I'm not really sure now that I've played the quest and there's the unremovable pregnancy orb. It's so disappointingly heterosexual, especially for all the buildup they did - heavy spoiler warnings, all the 'Jade is a reflection of the Stalker' stuff, the trailer/promo images with Jade walking into the Stalker's landing craft(which doesn't even happen! she's dying and then dead the entire time!), and what do we get? Sad bad man is a father now.

There isn't even anything on like, the 'Stalker is secretly a tenno and sad about it' side - no transference into Jade, no nothing.
'Was I one of these wretched things?' my ass - apparently he wasn't at all!

100% this on all fronts. There was so much build up and themeing in the trailer and pre-quest content that just... aren't relevant at all to the actual themes of the quest? Why were Jade and Stalker never shown together? It felt intentional. Why was there so much messaging about the idea of 'change' when nothing really changed at all? The Stalker still attacks you in missions. 

I just feel like the end result of the quest feels so... nothing, in comparison to everything it could've been. In a game all about being who you want to be rather than who people try to make you be. 

Having that shot of Jade walking towards Stalker's landing craft when she was, in fact, literally just laying down and dying the whole quest is borderline criminal lol

Edited by PorpitaPorpita
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I'm trying to think of the good female characters but the only one I can think of is Margulis pre New War.  Regardless, I don't like the quest either.  Not on the same page but in retrospect, I can't think of anything nice to say other than this is a fathers day meme that wasn't worth a few months of waiting.

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5 minutes ago, chofranc said:

I personally didn't liked it because it felt rushed, it tried to be an important short story with a WTF/shocking moment like the Apostasy Prologue but with the emotional impact of The Sacrifice, the Kahl section of the New War had more emotional impact that this quest.

There is a lack of character development by Jade's part, bad story phasing and out of character moments.

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Pregancy doesn't count as character development. The fact that everyone talks about Stalker and the baby but not the quest itself and Jade should tell you everything.

They could had repeated The Sacrifice chase but with Stalker chasing after Jade.

  1. Jade search for Warframe food or something around the Starchart.
  2. Stalker encounters Jade for the first time and gets a connection with her.
  3. He gets visions after some encounters with Jade.
  4. Stalker learns what Jade is doing and her condition.
  5. Stalkers defends Jade against a faction(Corpus or Grineer or The Indiference)
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6. After everything calms down, Jade gives birth, Stalker remembers her.

7. She disolves and Stalkers have the baby in his arms.

8. He goes into hiding.


I feel like a lot of this aligns with a lot of lore, to the point that you need to be all caught up to fully appreciate it. I think it was well written, but I like to nerd out on the lore. Here's my understanding of the story of Jade and Sorren:

Sorren, as a Low Guardian, was forbidden to have a relationship with Jade. Whether this is a "you must be celibate" rule or a "we mustn't mix the classes" rule, in the end, they were discovered. Whether being warframes was a punishment, or the reason for their discovery, Jade's punishment was that the baby would become a parasitic warframe inside her, but not without grace and dignity, perhaps as a twist of the knife for Stalker, letting her come to terms in her own way, while in a form incapable of expressing this to him. Jade likely has a lot of time to be a strong frame, but as time passes, she slowly degrades. It is unclear if she surpassed the collapse of the orokin, but eventually she fell too ill to do anything.

Something, something, Awakening to The New War.

Stalker knows that the Tenno can help him save his wife, but is too proud to seek them, and fears he may already be too late. With Narmer on the horizon, and the Tenno on loosely reasonable terms, he needs to make a choice soon.

Queue Jade Shadows quest.

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The issue is most of the lore isn't well written.  Most of the plot writing is hamstrung by constantly adding retroactive material because Warframe had no direction for years.  There's nothing to appreciate unlesscyou really like campy void fill.

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8 hours ago, PorpitaPorpita said:

You're far braver than I am - I had been hovering with my mouse over the post button on a very similar new thread. 

I'm a cis woman who's married to a trans woman, and you can imagine how much of a slap in the face this felt like for both of us, based on the theories that have been going around. I know there are other female frames, I know it was a theory with no evidence, yada yada yada... But still. God, it feels really bad that they went as cishet as possible for a quest during pride month. I know they donate to LGBT charities, which I'm SO grateful for, of course.

Even disregarding all of that, it feels really bad from a woman's perspective that there's an entirely new Warframe who's entire purpose was to get pregnant and then die for yet another Sad Man Has to Do the Mom Thing and Watch a Baby plot, of which there's already a billion. 

Idk. I also really, really hope there's some kind of way to turn off the visuals of the pregnancy on Jade. I don't even usually get squicked out by pregnancy, but just the messaging here is making it me feel a little nauseous at the idea of actually playing her or being in a squad with her.

If the sight of a pregnant woman offends you, I'm calling misogyny straight up. 

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2 minutes ago, Femmeentity said:

If the sight of a pregnant woman offends you, I'm calling misogyny straight up. 

I mean, I'm a woman?? It's not that she's pregnant that's the problem it's that being pregnant is her Only Personality Trait. There was so much more they could've done with her, and esp considering the way women are having their bodily autonomy rights taken from them, a whole female character being reduced to a womb in her own quest is... yeah. Pretty offending.

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Well, i take things in a more light hearted way, i don't believe a story about a fictional universe has to be taken that seriously and it's always impossible to make everyone happy.

I do believe they aproached the subject in a nice safe way and made it somehow interesting, it's not ground breaking, it's just enough to move the plot in this warframe universe.
I've seen games (LofU 2 comes to mind) where pregnancy is mainly used as a shock factor or is unecessary, it appears out of nowhere a couple times and combined with other factors you realize that you're not enjoying the story, instead you're essentially reading the writers mind, this means that the story breaks the immersion. It's not just bugs that take you out from enjoyment of the game, the story can do that aswell.

Did warframe with the latest addition break the immersion factor? No, to me atleast.

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14 minutes ago, PorpitaPorpita said:

I mean, I'm a woman?? It's not that she's pregnant that's the problem it's that being pregnant is her Only Personality Trait. There was so much more they could've done with her, and esp considering the way women are having their bodily autonomy rights taken from them, a whole female character being reduced to a womb in her own quest is... yeah. Pretty offending.

I think something that needs to be mentioned is how warframes are canonically designed. Ballas basically turns people into his little art projects. We know that Jade and Sorren weren't allowed to be together, and Ballas is extremely petty. People judged how prim and proper all his frames were, so he made Grendel to be as disgusting and morbid as he could. In the same response, he made Gauss to be a high energy playful type. The candidate to become Gara was to be glassed for the presumption of volunteering for the role, so Ballas made her a glass warframe before Nihil had his chance. I can 100% see Ballas going out of his way to keep the child alive in the most inconvenient way possible.

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33分钟前 , PorpitaPorpita 说:

I mean, I'm a woman?? It's not that she's pregnant that's the problem it's that being pregnant is her Only Personality Trait. There was so much more they could've done with her, and esp considering the way women are having their bodily autonomy rights taken from them, a whole female character being reduced to a womb in her own quest is... yeah. Pretty offending.

They are warframe. Lore-wise all the 57 Warframes have no personality trait at all because they are mindless soulless killing machine. The only one showing some attitude was Gauss Prime in the trailer, and even that was arguably from the Tenno within, not from the warframe itself.

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5 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

They are warframe. Lore-wise all the 57 Warframes have no personality trait at all because they are mindless soulless killing machine. The only one showing some attitude was Gauss Prime in the trailer, and even that was arguably from the Tenno within, not from the warframe itself.

You only need to look as far as the idle animations to know that warframes were designed with a personality in mind, even if they are shells in actual lore. Take for example... Yareli: happy, bubbly, hugging Merulina. Wisp: playful, giggling, acting generally mischievous. Hildryn: flexing, showing off, and being boastful. 

Jade's idle animation is literally rubbing her pregnant belly. Even if you interpret idle animations as part of the Tenno inside rather than the warframe itself then the implication is... what? The canonically young teen operator is just having fun roleplaying a pregnancy?

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6小时前 , Void2258 说:

Jade in the Refrigerator.

Also I second "this is inconsistent with the corpus" comments.

If you are referring to the final sequence, it was literally taken (or homage?) from Children of Men in 2006. Absolute cinema.

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2分钟前 , PorpitaPorpita 说:

You only need to look as far as the idle animations to know that warframes were designed with a personality in mind, even if they are shells in actual lore. Take for example... Yareli: happy, bubbly, hugging Merulina. Wisp: playful, giggling, acting generally mischievous. Hildryn: flexing, showing off, and being boastful. 

Jade's idle animation is literally rubbing her pregnant belly. Even if you interpret idle animations as part of the Tenno inside rather than the warframe itself then the implication is... what? The canonically young teen operator is just having fun roleplaying a pregnancy?

I did not realize that because all my warframes used the default animation ie standing only, except Rhino who used Wisp Noble. Does that make Rhino canonically playful as well?

I don't think animation (or cosmetic in general) has anything to do with lore.

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3 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

I did not realize that because all my warframes used the default animation ie standing only, except Rhino who used Wisp Noble. Does that make Rhino canonically playful as well?

I don't think animation (or cosmetic in general) has anything to do with lore.

I think you're missing the point. The point is that a warframe is designed with an animation that comes with it by default. That default animation they use signifies their personality. The personality trait that is signified with Jade is... Pregnant. 

That's all I'll say on the matter, because, honestly, nothing else needs to be said.

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12 minutes ago, PorpitaPorpita said:

I think you're missing the point. The point is that a warframe is designed with an animation that comes with it by default. That default animation they use signifies their personality. The personality trait that is signified with Jade is... Pregnant. 

That's all I'll say on the matter, because, honestly, nothing else needs to be said.

You're being obtuse. There's more to her animations than that, they're meant to convey an air of grace and elegance overall. Of course they're gonna incorporate one of her distinctive design elements into it, it's like Kullervo holding the dagger in his own animation.

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28 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

If you are referring to the final sequence, it was literally taken (or homage?) from Children of Men in 2006. Absolute cinema.

Fan service isn't an excuse for breaking character or context.

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32 minutes ago, PorpitaPorpita said:

You only need to look as far as the idle animations to know that warframes were designed with a personality in mind, even if they are shells in actual lore. Take for example... Yareli: happy, bubbly, hugging Merulina. Wisp: playful, giggling, acting generally mischievous. Hildryn: flexing, showing off, and being boastful. 

Jade's idle animation is literally rubbing her pregnant belly. Even if you interpret idle animations as part of the Tenno inside rather than the warframe itself then the implication is... what? The canonically young teen operator is just having fun roleplaying a pregnancy?

Eminations and echoes of long dead volunteers and victims, take away the operator and they become a sack of infested borg meat.  I will say, this touches on an old argument that the operator replaces any semblance of identity warframes had.

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1 hour ago, PorpitaPorpita said:

I mean, I'm a woman?? It's not that she's pregnant that's the problem it's that being pregnant is her Only Personality Trait. There was so much more they could've done with her, and esp considering the way women are having their bodily autonomy rights taken from them, a whole female character being reduced to a womb in her own quest is... yeah. Pretty offending.

I agree with you that a female frame being used only to give birth and then die could have been handled better, but this was marketed as Stalker's story - I trust DE (Reb) enough to believe this is going to be a lead in for a much more expansive, and autonomous, era for Warframes. 

What I don't agree with is the comments acting like portraying a pregnant female is somehow "gross' or "squicked" or "offensive" to another group of people. I also think it's disingenuous to be mad that this quest came out during Pride month because its about "heterosexuals" (as if they didn't just spend multiple quests displaying a homosexual relationship). Btw, I'm a lesbian. Didn't find anything offensive about it - it's pretty bold to make a pregnant warframe IMO, and I'm very curious about what this means for warframes going forward and their general autonomy outside the operator. It could have been done better sure, but it was also incredibly safe and people still find multiple ways to act as if it is taking something from them and their loved ones. 

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Warframes don't even fill their tactical roles fighting things well, why are we trying to humanize literal knockoff borg-tyranid flesh in metal suits?  Pregnancy and women aren't a problem despite what you said about being her only personality is true, it's the actual warframes filling a role nobody asked for while doing nothing to enrich the overall setting or adequately even fill in on the stalker.  It's a filler quest, that's all warframe unlocks except Umbra are and it was reinforced they were filler because they make primes of everything and stripped any meaningful identity with the operators.

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Could the story have been longer? Yes, but Jade's brief role is really no better or worse than other frames whose role was to meet tragic ends.

Stories like this shouldn't be treated as off-limits at any point in time. Getting upset that this was released during Pride Month is very non-inclusive behavior.

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45 minutes ago, RichardKam said:

If you are referring to the final sequence, it was literally taken (or homage?) from Children of Men in 2006. Absolute cinema.

This is just a problem with fandoms as a whole, but something isn't good because it had themes or pays homage to something. Execution is important. This quest executed poorly on its themes and a paper mache homage doesn't make that better.

47 minutes ago, PorpitaPorpita said:

You only need to look as far as the idle animations to know that warframes were designed with a personality in mind, even if they are shells in actual lore. Take for example... Yareli: happy, bubbly, hugging Merulina. Wisp: playful, giggling, acting generally mischievous. Hildryn: flexing, showing off, and being boastful. 

Jade's idle animation is literally rubbing her pregnant belly. Even if you interpret idle animations as part of the Tenno inside rather than the warframe itself then the implication is... what? The canonically young teen operator is just having fun roleplaying a pregnancy?

I'm with you, this is just horrible on so many levels.

1) Jade is basically just pregnant. That's her character role.

2) She is fridged to develop Stalker (OF ALL PEOPLE) as a father figure.

3) Canonically the younger operator, not the adult drifter, is present for this mission and maybe also childbirth (???).

4) After all of that, you clone  the Stalker's wife with the whole baby inside of her??? Like you just recreate the person's offspring without their consent. Eugh I just get the heebie jeebies from this one it is gross. This is almost NTR with how it makes me feel.

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26分钟前 , Boghadir 说:

Fan service isn't an excuse for breaking character or context.

For argument sake, maybe the Corpus does not want to harm the (potential) merchandise; or maybe the Corpus does not want to make mortal enemy with the Stalker. Lore wise the Stalker can kill all the board members of Corpus in a week or something, the Corpus squad was able to hurt him simply because he was holding back. Or, you know, Eternalism.

Anyway, DE can always find a reason to fit the narratives, that's why I don't really care about the fine details of characters as long as the overall picture is intact and looks cool.

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They mentioned in the beginning, that Jade was the first one to save the stalker, before he tried to save her, so it's not that one-sided

But I agree, they could've give us another mission, where we play as Jade, on her way to save stalker, to balance guy in distress/damsel in distress situation

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1 hour ago, Snowbluff said:

I'm with you, this is just horrible on so many levels.

1) Jade is basically just pregnant. That's her character role.
2) She is fridged to develop Stalker (OF ALL PEOPLE) as a father figure.
3) Canonically the younger operator, not the adult drifter, is present for this mission and maybe also childbirth (???).
4) After all of that, you clone  the Stalker's wife with the whole baby inside of her??? Like you just recreate the person's offspring without their consent. Eugh I just get the heebie jeebies from this one it is gross. This is almost NTR with how it makes me feel.

Yeah :(

The quest idea was interesting - if it had been developed into a proper story.  So it's disappointing that it was so short to basically feel like 10% of an actual story. Just leaves me with a WTAF? feeling at the end.

I have no issue with pregnancy in general (I'm a mother)... but I agree that Jade's whole role in the quest to be a dying vessel felt really shallow when she's the frame we get to play as afterwards and the fact they sort of hyped her up.

I was expecting from the teasers that the story was going to be some sort of thing where she was the light/love side to balance stalker's angry/hate side... but no.... she was just a body there to give Stalker a reason to do stuff.

The frame itself.... I feel like it would be really weird to take a pregnant warframe into battle... so that makes me feel annoyed that she's now marred with that, when she otherwise has a cool look that I would have liked to play as.

Just.....  disappointing :(

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I must say that pregnant Warframe is the least thing I didn't liked in the quest, for me it was a sort of "blade runner" thing that a Warframe give birth is sort of miracle since she is an angel and yada yada. Her death part is like a self sacrifices but then again she is a Warframes and she can not die, we literally rebuild her and our Warframes certainly can not die so... 

On the bad side of the quest is ending and stalker's behavior. His beloved wife "dies" and he the vengeance incarnate that he is, goes soft and just walks away without going super crazy angry and stuff, I mean yeah hate is empowered but by green symbolic jade I am sure, not stalker, and he is sort of feels desperate... Why? There is not reason to lose powers or be on the last stand, silly.

And the corpus commander lady act is just goofy, a Warframe that infiltrated your base that killed many many people, stolen your stuff, then you chase him down to his lair where he kills a lot more of your people, and by the end you got him """pinned down""" you see that the he somehow have a child which is a miracle one of a kind thing, and you LET HIM GO?! Corpus worships money for god sake its may be the most pricey thing in a universe and Parvos might bless you or something I dunno, there is no reason at all to let him go other then she is a woman and a kind person and understands, but it's corpus, hello, they SUPPOSED TO BE VILLIANS!

Other then that it is fine, I love Warframe, and it was fun after all. 

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