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Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.2


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4 minutes ago, sal139 said:

Am I tripping, or ever since this hotfix was added. I stopped getting the 3k endo from every mission. 

Because that was not intended duh?

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2 hours ago, FaraTenno said:

Unfortunately this is likely another change they are going to dig their heels in the ground over and refuse to revert.

BET it's actually a bug they couldn't fix in time and decided to ship it as a "feature"

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46 minutes ago, iSiawPrime said:

BET it's actually a bug they couldn't fix in time and decided to ship it as a "feature"

Yeah I've had the theory that they broke it while making new status visuals and didn't bother to fix it for a little while, but I'd like to give DE more credit than that.

I'd like to...

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  • Fixed the Secondary Fortifier Arcane overwriting existing Overguard values if they are over the Arcane’s 15k cap. 

Does this also effect other instances of overguard interaction? I know Kullervo had a similar issue, where he could actually lower his overguard by using Recompense when he had more overguard than the ability would grant - say, via Dante.

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Is Arcane trickery not working with bladestorm anymore? I used my same build today and cannot get trickery to proc at all. It was working pre jade shadows.

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I wish alchemy was never added to duviri circuit, takes a long time to finish. That being said, the enemies have a low spawn rate & mostly drop the wrong elements. For example, when it is toxin/cold they drop fire/electricity instead. Please fix this ASAP

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1 hour ago, CatYang said:

Is Arcane trickery not working with bladestorm anymore? I used my same build today and cannot get trickery to proc at all. It was working pre jade shadows.

bump it's for sure not working for me, if this is an intended change then Arcane Trickery is literally useless as an arcane because Ash is the only frame in the game that uses it anymore. Hope it's a bug, if not R.I.P. Arcane Trickery 1 plat market price incoming

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8 hours ago, [DE]Taylor said:

This is in our known issues list! We are aware and it will be fixed. 

Just chipping in to let ya'll know that this Jade Eximus ability issue is not a global issue. I've been (on Steel Path, as always) standing in the beams out of curiosity and they're doing very little damage to my fully built frames. Honestly just feels like they're a Leech Eximus who's ability follows you instead of being a puddle on the ground.

Also, please pass this request on to the team:

1 hour ago, SpadaNgDios said:

Can we please have an option to remove all those Wreaths next to the Planet names in the star chart navigation.

They are making the interface very cluttered.

Seriously agree. The navigation interface is horridly cluttered now. Getting to the point of looking like a cheap Chinese mobile game.

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Just interesting

why it possible to use semi-rifle cannonade with ogris, but imposible with tenet envoy? they are both rocket launcher

U can use SMC even with kuva zarr, which grenade launcher+shotgun...








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22 minutes ago, JezzailPrime said:

Just interesting

why it possible to use semi-rifle cannonade with ogris, but imposible with tenet envoy? they are both rocket launcher

U can use SMC even with kuva zarr, which grenade launcher+shotgun...

These mods are limited to weapons that are classified as "semi" under "trigger" in the Arsenal.    Ogris is semi.  Zarr is semi in both modes.  Envoy is auto.

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There is a bug with garuda prime, she can use seeking talons but don t seek enemies, only hits when i m a few meters near them. i don t know if this also happens with the normal garuda.


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when are you going to fix the 2 bug of sevagoth? the augment shadow haze don't give base crit chance, and when you reap enemy effected by sow insted of taking damage of max healt they take it of current healt and it is not effected by the damage vulnerability of reap

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Anyone else having the problem with the Jade Prex card still not showing in inventory ?  I got the Ivara bug, but there has been no other card to pick up to get Jade and its still not in my codex. Is DE going to replace the card for us to re-pick up to get the Jade Prex?

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13 hours ago, FaraTenno said:

Hence why this should be an accessibility option. This comes down to each player's personal preference.
Some people may enjoy universal status colors for aesthetic or gameplay reasons, but I, and many others, do not enjoy the visual vomit of having 6+ statuses with different colors on every enemy on the screen, as it tends to be in late game.

This throws off existing visual synergies that many players have been using, "Tagging" enemies in colors from a specific weapon to know if they're primed for a finishing blow. As it stands right now, if anything inflicts Heat or Radiation, it's pretty much a guess as to which statuses are underneath them. At least, it is visually.
For instance, I have yet to notice a single viral visual effect since the update dropped, because the noise of the effect is so much weaker compared to other statuses being inflicted at the same time.

This also breaks immersion with fashion frames, which is self explanatory. An ember with blue fire should inflict blue flames.

I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but we can already see which statuses enemies are suffering from with the icons above their health bar. If you ask me, that's as clear as it needs to get.
If they aren't visible enough, change them to the colored status icons that appear in the arsenal. This will let you notice at a slight glance if an enemy has a certain status effect.

Unfortunately this is likely another change they are going to dig their heels in the ground over and refuse to revert.
It's a shame that I'm starting to expect them to not listen to clear majorities of the playerbase.

And yet another casualty of designing things by virtue of dumbing them down for "new player experience".

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6 hours ago, ExarOtter said:

Dark Verse ability used to break containers but now it doesn't. Is this a bug or just another 'fix' to destroy containers manually?

It still does try it again most likely a bug you had.

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Is it a bug that the jade shadows belly of the beast lasers are so strong that it literally wipes any shields and pretty much kills everything within 4 seconds? Because that type of game play makes me not even want to play

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