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The Update 12 Anticipation Megathread


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Air frame in Eris (well... maybe he will become useless in vaccum)

Loki Prime (he is the only starter frame without prime version)

changes in Defense void (to Endless, like Defense derelict)

probably, a new weapon


the rest, I can not speculate with 100% accuracy =x

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Thought Hyena boss update was actually coming before Vay Hek? So he's not in U12 either.


Just looking forward to the Prime stuff (come on Loki & Scindo) and weapons. Oh, UI too. Maybe new mods. Could do with those new auras already >_>

Edited by Naith
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I could do with that melee damage buff. NOT melee 2.0 with the animations and mechanics. But rolling out that damage buff to melee weapons in general would be a since hold-me-over. So many melee weapons could suddenly become viable to try and play with if they were actually at the right risk/reward level of damage.

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