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Can we have a non-pregnant Jade skin?

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Oh Im definitely resigning myself to playing her only once she gets a deluxe skin if this discussion doesnt pan out. Hey, if you're on board with us requsting that, then Ill take that as a win, though it would be a much longer and drawn out one... Good to know we can reach some common ground.

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3 hours ago, WanderingJoe said:

Oh Im definitely resigning myself to playing her only once she gets a deluxe skin if this discussion doesnt pan out. Hey, if you're on board with us requsting that, then Ill take that as a win, though it would be a much longer and drawn out one... Good to know we can reach some common ground.

Oh 100%, I even kind of hope that all of this talk spurs DE on to make that duluxe skin much faster than it took to get Yareli Pandea. (Though I do hope they also make an Xbox skin for normal Jade, considering how all the old "Jade" cosmetics were designed explicitly for Xbox!)

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12 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

Besides this topic (and the others) turning into flame wars, it's still shocking to me that DE has -yet- to even perk up about this, considering that the community is legit at each other's throats at this point.

I'm a tat bit worried this will go over then just bickering in forum posts.

I wouldn't be surprised if their keeping quiet in hopes people tire themselves out so they can sweep it under the rug or something. Even a little acknowledgement  would be better then nothing.

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5 minutes ago, Zalgo said:

I wouldn't be surprised if their keeping quiet in hopes people tire themselves out so they can sweep it under the rug or something. Even a little acknowledgement  would be better then nothing.

I don't think THIS will go away anytime soon, also quite bad for them just to sweep this under the rug, feels a bit you know, uncaring for people's actual feelings and trauma.

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To be honest, I think thats actually pretty sound as a strategy as a business. sometimes. Looking at you sony, you know what you did and you caved.

So, I decided to try something based on a thought. I went to google and typed in "Jade warframe fanart" Huh.... thats a... a lot of promotional pics. you know, the artist community doesnt usually sleep on new frames. its been over a week... Okay, let me try some other phrases... nope, not really... Okay, "pregnant" okay that got two picks and a couple of ingame pics for fashionframe. still a lot of promotional material. Deviant art? No... okay, I hate to go here... twitter. #warframefanart. Huh, a lot of stalker dad memes mostly. oh, but there are a couple of memes about her.

And then, amidst the the posts about other warframes....


Yeah, you know we ain't alone in our opinion about Jade if the art community is sleeping on this.

Edit: Seems DE has already showed this art on one of their streams. probably gonna look a little foolish because of that but Ive been missing the past couple of streams because of work. What are ya gonna do right?

Edited by WanderingJoe
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On 2024-06-25 at 6:52 PM, ChangelingRain said:

Are you telling me the glowing orb that represents pregnancy is supposed to stick around after you give birth? It definitely leaves Jade's body in the quest, though, so I don't think you're right.

It is not pregnancy at all.

The orb is simply her POWER.

Note that Jade is also based on Abrahmic angels. You could consider this ball of light to be the metaphorical eye of the Jade Light itself.

Even the wiki page makes this clear. Please look it up.

4 hours ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

I don't think THIS will go away anytime soon, also quite bad for them just to sweep this under the rug, feels a bit you know, uncaring for people's actual feelings and trauma.

Since when should devs care about your personal trauma?

Thats a YOU problem. Not their problem.

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22 hours ago, SirKeksalot said:

That is right, but censorship is not what people are asking for. They want an OPTIONAL function to disable pregnancy in-game while being shot at. They don't want it gone, they want the option to avoid something that may be upsetting to some--not because they're bigoted, but because this is an unexpected aspect of the frame that none of the promotional material discloses and, as op mentioned, brings up trauma for some.

And believe me, I know all too well that you can't just ignore or shut out your problems. That's a mistake that's robbed me of years of happiness I could have had if I faced my demons sooner. But there's a difference between that and having those problems shoved in your face unexpectedly, as in op's case.

Lol this makes no sense as even if you toggled it off for yourself, other players may not have it toggled off and prefer it, so what would be the point? You'd still be "traumatized."

So stupid.

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4 minutes ago, (XBOX)AnnabelleNewell said:

Even the wiki page makes this clear. Please look it up.

  • Because of the circumstances during Jade's conversion into a Warframe, any copies of her, like the playable Jade, also appear to be pregnant.

I'm not sure this supports your conclusion. Can you provide a different quote from the wiki other than this one I found when I looked?

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11 hours ago, (XBOX)AnnabelleNewell said:

Lol this makes no sense as even if you toggled it off for yourself, other players may not have it toggled off and prefer it, so what would be the point? You'd still be "traumatized."

So stupid.

1. It's way less conspicuous on another person's frame. That's not quite the same as having it on your own.

2. This feature is coming from the people it affects. I'm only backing that request because I believe other players have a right to feel comfortable in the game they love, and I can only assume it's enough for them because it's literally what they're asking for. Is it enough for them? Idk, go ask them, not me, because I personally don't know what it's like to be offended by Jade.

3. An imperfect solution that mitigates the problem is better than none at all. Unless you have a better idea and you really care about solving problems, this kinda talk does no good.

Edited by SirKeksalot
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Thank you Keks. I can step up to the plate for this one but having someone on "the other side" willing to speak in good faith for us certainly helps with how this discussion looks to any lurkers/moderators. As for this...

1 hour ago, SirKeksalot said:

what would be the point? You'd still be "traumatized."

You speak like we think a toggle is equivalent to therapy or a universal coming to terms for everyone from one setting in a game. I think anyone can see how ridiculous that sounds. To follow my own advice, I'm going to appeal more to anyone from the mod staff or DE reading this than to the person Ive quoted. I'm not sure if they'd be worth the effort given they're not the person I'm trying to convince anyway but it gives me a springboard to bounce off of and talk a specific part of the issue. Ahem...

The toggle goes a long way to reassuring any qualms the players of the game might have over Jade's design. Obviously a way to turn off the pregnant shape wouldn't magically make people okay with people being pregnant or seeing videos of pregnant women on the battlefields present in real life, but it would make the game more fun. Which I think is the goal of most if not everyone playing warframe: To have fun. Nothing like having something constantly pressing on your mind, bothering you, to suck the fun out of an otherwise enjoyable activity. We're happy for the people who enjoy Jade's design and we'd love to enjoy her gameplay as well, but for whatever reason we've encountered a mental snag that is making the newest warframe as fun for us as she is for everyone else. We'd appreciate the ability to "turn it off" as we choose at our own discretion. its the only part of the equation we can not do for ourselves. Everything else, from choosing whether or not to look at other people's warframe in game, to deciding who we will or wont play with, is something I'm sure we all plan to manage ourselves as at that point it is something that would be unreasonable to ask DE to intervein for us.

Some people say we're asking a lot for this. I have no clue if we are but I operate on the principle that I don't think we are. After all, its not like I can do anything about this beyond asking DE about this. The ball is, as it always is, in their court when it comes to in game content. If we are asking for too much, the request for a toggle wouldn't be addressed any way so I may as well hedge my bets on the possibility that it is something reasonably feasible on the chance that it is, and so might be heard and responded to in a reasonable fashion. 

Edited by WanderingJoe
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I'm glad to see most of the people in this thread are understanding and support the idea of a toggle for Jade. I personally enjoy her design as-is and don't feel like changing it, but I won't force other people to conform to my preference on a frame's appearance.

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En 26/6/2024 a las 9:30, Circle_of_Psi dijo:

Besides this topic (and the others) turning into flame wars, it's still shocking to me that DE has -yet- to even perk up about this, considering that the community is legit at each other's throats at this point.

I'm a tat bit worried this will go over then just bickering in forum posts.

DE doesn't read feedback forums. I though that this was a well known fact already xD


We’ve been absolutely loving your reactions to the Quest and wanted you to be able to enjoy it all over again.

This is the closest that they get to make a comment about all this topic after so much time. Written in the last hotfix 36.0.4 thread.


Until this topic is talked about by some content creator in Twitch or YouTube, you can forget about any answer from their part. Maybe if you spam them with this in the comments when they make any devstream you can get lucky (but they tend to cherrypick all the comments that they answer, so dont expect a lot either)...

Edited by Gaxxian
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7 hours ago, MobyTheDuck said:

Yeah, there should be a toggle.



One there I can play Jade with mini-Sirius, so I can roleplay as a recursive mecha pilot.

A skin that replaces the orb with the baby playing with joysticks would be hilarious in its absurdity. 

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Just caught up on this. I think some people are missing the point. I think that it is up to us to manage our trauma but the marketing was clearly misleading. If they wanted a pregant warframe that’s fine, they should have marketed her as such.

Also, no-one wants Jade censored, just an optional skin or toggle. An animation set would be great but not 100% as necessary as there are plenty of animation sets to choose from already.


You can argue that my fiance’s trauma isn’t really relevant and that’s fine - I’m not gonna die on that hill. The fact is that that was her response so I am obviously going to mention it, and as someone who loves her, do my best to help her. She enjoys how Jade plays, just not how she looks. A world where she can play the frame she enjoys whilst also enjoying how she looks is a world I want.

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37 minutes ago, DudeleeG2 said:

Just caught up on this. I think some people are missing the point. I think that it is up to us to manage our trauma but the marketing was clearly misleading. If they wanted a pregant warframe that’s fine, they should have marketed her as such.

Its not really fair to be too upset at the marketing, since there wasn't really anything misleading about it other than the Frame being a 50$ (cad) blind bag. 

Like it sucks in some ways, but its kind of understandable why they did it if that makes sense?

39 minutes ago, DudeleeG2 said:

Also, no-one wants Jade censored, just an optional skin or toggle. An animation set would be great but not 100% as necessary as there are plenty of animation sets to choose from already.


You can argue that my fiance’s trauma isn’t really relevant and that’s fine - I’m not gonna die on that hill. The fact is that that was her response so I am obviously going to mention it, and as someone who loves her, do my best to help her. She enjoys how Jade plays, just not how she looks. A world where she can play the frame she enjoys whilst also enjoying how she looks is a world I want.

I wish I could have that same naive optimism, but I've spent too much time online with Halo's toggle-wars to know that a sizable number of those people demanding a toggle are very much seeking to censor the character for superfluous and petty reasons.

I personally think the best course of action is waiting for a Deluxe skin and animation set, or even just a decent tennogen skin that might make her current design more palettable, since thats pretty much how its always been for every other frame where people have the same opinion as your fiancé. (I mean heck; for the Yareli Pandea stuff, there were people actually relieved they could finally play the frame without all the magical girl elements that had turned them away from her in the past, since she looked more like a traditional design from 2015-2016)

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8 hours ago, Gaxxian said:

DE doesn't read feedback forums. I though that this was a well known fact already xD

This is the closest that they get to make a comment about all this topic after so much time. Written in the last hotfix 36.0.4 thread.


Until this topic is talked about by some content creator in Twitch or YouTube, you can forget about any answer from their part. Maybe if you spam them with this in the comments when they make any devstream you can get lucky (but they tend to cherrypick all the comments that they answer, so dont expect a lot either)...

Eh, good point

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1 hour ago, (XBOX)Omega399 said:

I wish I could have that same naive optimism, but I've spent too much time online with Halo's toggle-wars to know that a sizable number of those people demanding a toggle are very much seeking to censor the character for superfluous and petty reasons.

I mean... I'm we were told to play as pregnant Spartans, I'd be asking for a toggle on thier forums instead

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