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Jade Shadows: Hotfix 36.0.3


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1 hour ago, Eternal_Phenix_Prime said:

meanwhile me sitting in it for lols.

Admittedly I kind of did the same as Nezha or Rhino after casting Nezha's Warding Halo for up to 30M absorption or after casting Rhino's Iron Skin for about 4M overguard.

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Dear DE - loving the patch. Me and my clan are really enjoying things.

Quick Bug Report: Jade's 3 (the MIGHTY GAZE as Pablo calls it) affects Thrax weirdly. It SHOULD strip armor and shields, it ALSO makes them super slow to go up in ghost form like cold used to. Tested it on Lua.

Sorry to add to the pile. Keep up the good work!

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8 hours ago, PopocraftGD said:

Btw this still hasn't been fixed. Also it's not just me, I've talked to other people and everyone has this issue to a varying degree. Orbiter is insanely dark


Hey Popo. This is indeed a bug. I had something similar with a weird black splotch on the left wall as you go into the operators chill/tank room, no lighting on my warframe model there, and my helmnith was dark with blooming lights where the flowers are. I tried updating my drivers (no help), and changing to dx12 (also no help) based on an old post I found. I complained about this and asked a clanmate who had "no problems" to sit down with me and go through their graphics settings.

To be clear, this is clearly a bug and kind of an ugly one (not gamebreaking but really visible and makes the area we spend the most time in look pretty bad). But for the moment this is what I found out:

In Options > Video: turning on Dynamic Lighting, Volumetric Lighting, and Contact Shadows fixed most of my problems.

Give that a spin and see if it helps you until they can get a fix out (I suspect it will be a bit and need a code fix).

Edited by wickedcourage
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41 minutes ago, Trollocaustic said:

Aside from revenant, how were you staying alive?

is this a serious question?
you can shoot the orb to dissipate the laser, move out of the way, or kill the eximus
shieldgating also exists

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1 hour ago, vasRayya said:

you can shoot the orb to dissipate the laser, move out of the way, or kill the eximus

Honestly my initial gut reaction to people complaining about the Jade Eximus is that being able to shoot the beam makes them less of a threat compared to other Eximus.
As far as I'm aware, you can't shoot a Leech's bubble and make it go away. Or, maybe you can and I've just never tried.

Though there was a genuine problem with defense objectives getting vaporized in seconds by Jade Light beams, but from my experience that has been addressed.

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Are you guys going to put the Host Migration fix from the Belly of the Beast mission into the rest of the Warframe missions? It looks like you used the easy fix idea of adding a virtual 5th Squad member as the host then using cross save to do invisible migrations when people leave the squad and after the mission is completed. I'm pretty sure eliminating host migrations across Warframe would likely be the #1 most appreciated enhancement of all time.

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About 3 days of feedback, on three days of release.  Let's hit the bad, the good, and the WTF.



1) Release state as usual.  Who did no basic testing to ensure rewards and damage was working properly?  It's a new game mode...and it feels like you pushed it out about two weeks too early.

2) Another !$% grind.  Let me short this one.  25-28 motes for the steel path, and the most basic part costs 150.  Joy.  6 runs to earn a piece...or 1/20 chance to drop if it works.  Theoretically then the fact that I have earned a grand total of one chassis, but more than 1000 of the resource, means that your numbers are still garbage.  How about the 6 bows, 2 thrown weapons, and one scythe.  How about two arcanes at 15 earned, with the rest at 6.  Note that this didn't have question marks as punctuation, because at this point this is about Voruna levels of suck at about half the required time scale (less with a competent team).  Wish this wasn't another a crappy grind...but 46*42 = 1932.  Add in about another 400 (the actually new stuff) and you've got 2332...or at 10 a run 233 runs.  (233*8)/60 = 31.067 hours to get the maximum valued 2 full arcanes....because "you want to protect us from burn-out."  Great....you seem to have a very different grasp on the English language than most.

3) I now see how much the Dread needed that Incarnon.  Evensong apparently is already lining up for it...or does the prime come first?

4) Jade Eximus suck.  Not just the early bugged versions...you seem to have given them the abilities you took away from the player.  I was at the end of a sanctum run, trying to open the door to get out.  No line of sight to anything...but all of a sudden a jade beam materialized over me.  That's in this hotfix.  The eximus targeted me through a door blind, while I was trying to hack the terminal to get out.  A terminal you made needlessly longer with a new hacking mechanic that requires I wait until you decide to RNG me the right glyphs, so it's timed without any ability for the player to use skill to speed it up.  I thought the beams were crap when I had multiple spawn on me whilst unviewable from 270 degrees...and so many other situations where I couldn't kill the eximus because I couldn't find one in sight.  Now I have confirmation that you gave the enemies BS x-ray vision while you cannot consistently get acid shells to hit enemies 5 meters away from your killed target.  WTF?




1) Short cinematic.  Not bad.  Not special.  Do not take this as an insult, this is basically a tenno reinforcement pack of old with a cinematic.  I cannot show enough pleasure in finally getting that.

2) Enemy faction based damage is a good way to remove your busted old system of vulnerabilities that you can never balance for.  Cool.  Now take another decade old suggestion and bring back clan content. 

3) I want to fill this space, but Jade is still cooking.  Her weapons suck on other frames...but I reserve judgement.  I'm looking forward to seeking what she can do, as she seems to be everything but a looting assistant frame.



1) Seriously, get your RNG together.  Statistically I am an instance that should not happen...and once your elevator event disappears it's going to be murder to grind Jade out solo with the absolutely silly spawns, drops, instant kills on non-hosts, and the inability for certain abilities to recognize height at all.  Specifically I play as a Mesa...and her peacemaker is a toss-up as to whether or not it targets the jade light orbs...but they can be cast against me with no line of sight, from an enemy at the maximum vertical distance I can jump at once...

2) I know you don't want Impact to be left behind.  Making Grineer vulnerable to it is not a solution...  Old grineer had no real negative interaction with cold, and corpus had no interaction with heat.  You've basically made anyone who modded for grineer as corrosive+heat left with garbage, and the opposite for magnetic+toxin.  3 forma isn't gonna cover that spread....unless you want to make cold a - instead of D...

3) There a reason for the Jade eximus to spawn in undercroft missions?  That jade light can still do huge damage in no time flat to a defense objective.  With them being able to spawn those lights all around you...from a surprising distance, I've watched my team get wiper in both defense and mobile defense because missions.  I highlight the undercroft only because of the RNG nature of everything you can be stuck with some weapons not designed for that, which seems a little more of an insult than a challenge.  



My two cents, I want to see more like this.  Not this, it was busted.  I want to see smaller bites, minimal cutscenes, and some creativity.  I'd prefer to see a real version rather than just mobile defense but vertical, with the annoyance of resource collecting like excavations, but it's a start.  

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On 2024-06-20 at 11:02 PM, [DE]Taylor said:

Any details on this? I don't see any bug reports pertaining to the Cinta. 

It's a visual bug that has been around for about a year now. SImilar to what Daikyu used to have, where the bow is misspositioned when folded on the back, and the bow sticks out towards the ground instead of being folded next to the quiver like folded Daikyu does - same design.


It think it should be a fairly simple fix, since as I've mentioned, Daikyu suffered from the very same holster bug a couple years bug and it got fixed, and since Cinta holster fold works the same way, it most likely sufferst from the same issue. I just think the team does not know about it, as it has been in this state for a long time.

Edited by Jaffawer
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With this patch, the 3rd and 4th Lavos power, both original and subsumed, have broken timers - counting down 2-3 times in a row (for various durations) instead of just once for a fixed duration.

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16 hours ago, wickedcourage said:

Hey Popo. This is indeed a bug. I had something similar with a weird black splotch on the left wall as you go into the operators chill/tank room, no lighting on my warframe model there, and my helmnith was dark with blooming lights where the flowers are. I tried updating my drivers (no help), and changing to dx12 (also no help) based on an old post I found. I complained about this and asked a clanmate who had "no problems" to sit down with me and go through their graphics settings.

To be clear, this is clearly a bug and kind of an ugly one (not gamebreaking but really visible and makes the area we spend the most time in look pretty bad). But for the moment this is what I found out:

In Options > Video: turning on Dynamic Lighting, Volumetric Lighting, and Contact Shadows fixed most of my problems.

Give that a spin and see if it helps you until they can get a fix out (I suspect it will be a bit and need a code fix).

It does help a bit visually but there's still a pretty clear line and I don't wanna roast my pc with dynamic lighting. Thanks anyway


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There is a bug with the Railjack: When as a group of 4 ppl make Kuva Lich Skirmish in the end, just before the extraction, on the host the game is freezing and he has been host migrated and the rest of people unable to finish the mission anymore


Edited by SamaelWar
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1 minute ago, SamaelWar said:

There is a bug with the Railjack: When as a group of 4 ppl make Kuva Litch Skirmish in the end, just before the extraction, on the host the game is freezing and he has been host migrated and the rest of people unable to finish the mission anymore


Yes, and when you try again, it is the same thing... Nobody can get out or get the weapon. It is like you never did the mission.

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10 minutes ago, SamaelWar said:

There is a bug with the Railjack: When as a group of 4 ppl make Kuva Lich Skirmish in the end, just before the extraction, on the host the game is freezing and he has been host migrated and the rest of people unable to finish the mission anymore


Same thing with me the first time when I wasn't the host it gave me "Host Migrated" and the second time I was the host and after we finished everything and teleported with the Omni to my ship it stuck the game with "Not Responding" and for a short time it was like that and then he got better, but the people who were with me were gone, so they can't finish their Kuva Lich.

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On 2024-06-21 at 4:12 AM, vasRayya said:

you can shoot the orb at the top of the laser to turn it off

 You can..... except when the orb clips inside other geometry like ceilings, pipes, support beams etc. In any case, if they left the big damage, you will just see Revenat usage increase even more, and it would not contribute to difficulty at all.

Getting one shot (because you don't play Revenant) by a sneaky beam of light that transcended space and came trough a wall behind your back is not difficulty, it is just bs!

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В 21.06.2024 в 03:50, [DE]Megan сказал:


  • Added Wisp Prime’s Theme to Varzia’s Prime Resurgence Offerings for Aya. 


  • Improved the accuracy of Frost’s Freeze projectile when cast within Snow Globe. 
  • Temporarily disabled Aiming Down Sights on fishing spears to prevent a soft-lock issue. 
    • The full fix for this issue requires Code for a future update, so for the time being we have done the above to ensure that players going through Quests with fishing stages are able to complete them without getting stuck. 
  • Removed a certain jump pad in the Ascension mission as it was yeeting players into a pipe along the wall (BONK). 
  • Improved the help tips in the Upgrade screen to be, well, more helpful! 
  • Made small edits to the prerequisites text in the Codex for the Vox Solaris and Heart of Deimos Quests. 
  • Updated Damage type icons in Status Damage tooltips to their colored version. 
  • Turned down the SFX volume of the Enlightened Hate Skin. 
  • Made minor improvements to texture streaming of certain UI components. 
  • Updated cinematic VFX during the Ascension stage of the Jade Shadows Quest.
  • Made lighting updates to the Ascension mission. 


  • Fixed being unable to equip the Semi-Shotgun Cannonade on the Steflos. 
  • Fixed Clients receiving self-damage from enemies dying from Blast’s detonation AoE. 
  • Fixed loot abilities (ex: Nekros’ Desecrate, etc.) working on the Sisters of Parvos in Ascension missions. 
  • Fixed Jade’s Aureolt Helmet not opening and closing. 
  • Fixed Jade Light Eximus’ light beam attack doing significantly more damage after Hotfix 36.0.2. 
  • Fixed Sevagoth’s “Shadow Haze” Critical Chance not scaling with Ability Strength. 
    • For players that weren’t building around Ability Strength, this made it appear as if even its base 50% Critical Chance wasn’t applying. Now that scaling has been fixed, you can mod to increase that Crit Chance beyond 50%. 
  • Fixed being unable to rank up with the Cavia after earning Standing from Netracell missions when already at max for the current rank.
    • If you were affected by this bug, you should be able to rank up now!  
  • Fixed being able to swap Jade’s Universal Polarity from her Aura Slot onto another slot. 
    • We’ll be reverting the moved Universal Polarity back to its intended spot in a future Hotfix. 
  • Fixed Duplicate Config failing to copy an equipped Riven to the new config, and instead equipping a Veiled Riven. 
    • You will need to either manually swap out the Riven Mod or duplicate the Config again for the correct Riven to replace the unintended Veiled Riven.
  • Fixed reviving on the elevator in Ascension missions taking longer than usual. 
  • Fixed sprinting during Voruna’s Ulfrun's Descent not increasing her movement speed. 
    • Also fixes her losing her custom animation and doing a standard walk. 
  • Fixed Manifold Bond triggering from Status damage instead of from killing enemies as intended. 
  • Fixed equipped Dragon Keys impacting Stalker in the Jade Shadows Quest. 
  • Fixed low enemy spawn rate in Circuit Alchemy missions (they should now be more in line with Excavation and Survival). 
  • Fixed a map hole in the Juggernaut Behemoth’s arena in the Jade Shadows Quest. 
  • Fixed the Relay Quick Access wheel having infinite slots. 
    • This was causing lil ol’ Ordis in the Larunda Relay to be placed in the very last slot, making it hard to find him since he wasn’t visible upon opening the menu - but he is now!  
  • More fixes towards immediately getting stuck on a railing after loading into an Ascension mission through Ordis at the Larunda Relay. 
  • Fixed Jade’s Prex Card pick-up context action being visible to players who don’t have a max rank Jade. 
  • Fixed the Leptosam Mutagen’s description saying it is used for Vulphaphyla instead of Predasite. 
  • Fixed Pupacyst’s upgrade screen having the “Lesion’s Frenzy” Unique Trait (this was a UI-only issue).   
  • Fixed the gears on the smaller elevator in Ascension missions continuing to turn even when stopped. 
    • Known issue: Clients are still experiencing this issue, we will be looking into fixing this in a future Hotfix/Update. 
  • Fixed performance issues during the Ascension stage of the Jade Shadows Quest. 
  • Fixed World State Window missions, alerts, etc. using incorrect subfaction names (ex: “Grineer” instead of “Kuva Grineer” for Kuva Alerts).  
  • Fixed offset issues with the left Harkonar Wraith Leg Plate when equipped on Jade. 
  • Fixed offset issues with the Mozi Syandana and certain leg armors when equipped on Drifter’s Vahd Suit and Greaves.  
  • Fixed Stalker’s Landing Craft appearing at Extraction in Ascension missions. 
  • Fixed Stalker’s Landing Craft being misplaced at the end of the Jade Shadows Quest. 
  • Fixed Jade’s Glory on High SFX clipping for Clients when rapidly firing. 
  • Fixed a slight outline on the Legendary Rank 1-3 Sigils. 
  • Fixed PH tag in the “Start Wave” context action on Exodampers in Void Armageddon missions. 
  • Fixed PH tag in the Cold Damage’s tooltip description. 
  • Fixed cases where confirmation prompts to begin Quests were case sensitive. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Jade’s Glory on High alt-fire. 
  • Fixed a script error in Ascension missions. 
  • Fixed a script error in Duviri Decrees. 
  • Fixed a script error caused by Qorvex’s Containment Wall ability. 
  • Fixed a crash caused by Blast Status Effects. 
  • Fixed some rare crashes when hitting Blast’s max stack count on enemies who are liable to become immune to Status Effects on damage. 

Please fix the ceramic incarnon mesa does not recieve gun and blade stacks from ultimate thank you.

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Please allow the Tenno to leave during Temporal Anchor rewind so they can stay in place; so the frame returns to them. The Tenno's transference, back into the frame is inconsistent, as well as when Temporal Anchor is finished are still returned to the the frame initial starting point of Temporal Anchor.

Edited by Jedi_pup
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