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Getting kicked out of a clan for asking members to stop calling everyone gay



Is there any way for us to get rid of the toxic. I went on dojo chat and asked one of the members to stop calling everyone gay and told him just to keep it respectful and reported the incident. When returned to the game I was kicked out the clan and im not sure if i lost all my Belly of the Beast progress. Is toxic behavior allowed in this game now or can we do avoid this in the future and can the guilty parties please be panelized. 

How can I go about this matter? 

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The problem with Federal Law and National Law is very fine and a Federal Law could over rule a National Law in a Court of Law. In other words.  It's against the law and quite serious.  Did report in game and eagerly I await feedback.  


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How old do you think those trolls are? 

Did you know that if your game is distributed in another country/state it should abide but that particular country/state's law?

All I want is for DE to address this toxicity and discrimination


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No bro.... There's a chat disclaimer. There's a end user agreement You can't change the rules because you own the clan.  I asked the guy politely and he started dissing me in DM and on the server or is hate-speach something that the warframe community encourage?       

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No I won't zip it... 

On the contrary.  

I have the right to be upset. Now I have to wait for a new clan Key. (I got punishment because someone else used hate speech).  

I demand from DE to address hate speech


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1 hour ago, One2theTrees said:

I went on dojo chat and asked one of the members to stop calling everyone gay and told him just to keep it respectful and reported the incident. When returned to the game I was kicked out the clan

Were there rules about being gay and because you weren't following them, you got kicked?

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Posted (edited)

@Agall don't know.


I just asked them to stop using hate speech, used the ignore function in chat to avoid direct confrontation, went to make a coffee, came back and saw i cant buy arcane energize cause I'm not in a clan.


Got no official warning, and I thought Clan admin will explain to them why hate speech isn't allowed and didn't think they would kick me. 

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@YOURteacher100 oh I have a feeling you are in the same clan. I'm sure there's ways to check I'm very sorry to inform you that I'm not a kid. haven't been in years and you are trolling my post.  I did ask you and now i ask you nicely.


Pretty please don't make me work now! Don't assume things you don't know anything about and don't support hate speech on public sites (just general advice) 


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Posted (edited)

ok Now Im going to ask you to please stop trolling my post but nicely, So please stop trolling my post

You can say you are but your lack of sympathy tells another story. If I ask you in a proper way to stop and you still don't. The ask to stop = indication that your language is offensive.  The I don't stop = Hate speech.  The Kick you out of the clan = discrimination.    


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37 minutes ago, One2theTrees said:

@Agall don't know.


I just asked them to stop using hate speech, used the ignore function in chat to avoid direct confrontation, went to make a coffee, came back and saw i cant buy arcane energize cause I'm not in a clan.


Got no official warning, and I thought Clan admin will explain to them why hate speech isn't allowed and didn't think they would kick me. 

Oh, so they were using that word in a hateful way?

20 minutes ago, YOURteacher100 said:

Lol as someone who is actually gay, its not hate speech

Report it to the police if it is, otherwise you are the one breaking rules with false reports

That assumes Canada has authority over the individuals, which isn't always the case.

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@agall and jumped into dm and start attacking me.


I didn't think about screen shots and Im not sure how to trace it but I don't really care for that... Wish DE could maybe just censor some words out and prevent this from happening again.  I get that people get agitated while grinding loot but name calling and hate speech is supposed to be something of the past. 

I really don't get it but YOURteacher made me realize that this is the 1)norm in Warframe or he was 2)involved but none the less.


Time for a new game I suppose.  

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2 hours ago, One2theTrees said:

Is there any way for us to get rid of the toxic

I'd advise to just report it in game or via support ticket when you see it, and moderation staff will review it; that's the only official channel for reporting these things, and likely the best way to handle it. People may disagree on what is or isn't toxic behavior, but context is important and moderation can make a finalized judgement on it with all appropriate logging and information (and take action if necessary).

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This thread went into a pretty bizarre direction. 

Anyway, OP, your best route is to contact the Support Desk and Submit a Support Ticket. Contrary to some other claims, Clans don't just get to decide to any and all rules regarding user interactions in Warframe. They are subject to general game rules, EULA, so on. If you had an abusive clan leader, who was frequently hostile, using offensive terms to others etc, they may be reprimanded, moderated., penalised etc How and why, well thats something you will have to discuss with the DE Support Staff member, and you may have to offer evidence as well. Which is of course important to avoid false accusations, and so on.Plus context is generally important. 

Clans don't get absolute freedom or passes as far as rules, behaviour etc. That also being said, there is plenty of other options to pursue such issues before going to a countries legal systems. 

Good luck either way! 

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vor 14 Stunden schrieb One2theTrees:

Is there any way for us to get rid of the toxic. I went on dojo chat and asked one of the members to stop calling everyone gay and told him just to keep it respectful and reported the incident. When returned to the game I was kicked out the clan and im not sure if i lost all my Belly of the Beast progress. Is toxic behavior allowed in this game now or can we do avoid this in the future and can the guilty parties please be panelized. 

How can I go about this matter? 

just report them. and there is chat police even for private messages.
so if this person has not been banned, then it is probably allowed according to the company politic? because there is a permanent ban for certain words

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If they violated the chat rules (i.e. harassment, bullying, abusive behavior, etc) then report it in-game or via support ticket and move on.

Otherwise, clans are allowed to remove users for whatever reason they see fit; if they kicked you out, they don't have to provide a reason why.

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