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Status druation buff is horrible in so many ways.


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Harmony melee have 30% status duration buff. 2x more for Jade & all 3 weapon equipped. That sound interesting until you realize it's just 2(4 for whole) seconds. Lasting sting that gives 110% status duration (another more or less +6 second)? Lavos that can e.g. give you 300% (+12 seconds)? IT DOESN'T MATTER. HARMONY BUFF IS JUST +2/4 SECONDS.

It could be calculated AFTER all mods (so +4/8 seconds) and before lavos buffs. Or it can give you like 200/300% value. That would be nice and all. However at least don't put the wool over our eyes with that fancy text. That's bad thing to do. If it's going to be just 2/4 seconds WRITE THIS IN SIMPLE WAY - 'buff 2 (4 for ...) second'. Same for that one melee from Kahl afair.

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I don't have the weapon yet.  But assuming it is additive, I'd say it's formulated as a percentage simply because that's the way status duration is communicated.  Moreover, status effects don't all have the same duration, and saying +2-4s would make people wonder why it varies and  if it was a flat bonus to duration before mods.  OTOH 30% is very precise if you already know how status duration works.

Harmony also has an Expedite Suffering effect on heavy attacks, so the status duration may be more impactful than you're reckoning when you're not playing Lavos or  using Lasting Sting, etc..

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6 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

Moreover, status effects don't all have the same duration, and saying +2-4s would make people wonder why it varies

Ok, so note it's like "30% of base status duration not affected via mods added after all status duration changes" .

6 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

would make people wonder if it was a flat bonus to duration before mods. 

Now it's clear? Because I honestly I had no idea how it worked without testing.

6 hours ago, Luigispikachu said:

honestly DE need to really work on how their descriptions work because they don't make the small print clear enough.

Yeah, like old HP modding (based on base health instead of nowadays frame rank 30).

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Well, except it is Harmony we are talking about - which means it is 30% increase in direct damage if you follow its mechanics. 30 % Is a lot. Sure, other SD sources might be even stronger, but it still is a notable reward for following the mechanics.

The weapon has its place even without the bonus, so I would not complain about the 30 % damage increase.

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