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The Standing System, and How it Screws Over Everything Relating to Standing


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(I suppose this probably goes into Missions...)


In my Personal Opinion, and probably others, the Standing System is the worst thing in Warframe, and it all stems from 1 thing: The Daily Limit.


So many things in this game are locked behind Standing, and yet, we can only get so much in a day. Some people have said the limit is there to create FOMO, my personal conspiracy is that it's so you don't stress yourself out by grinding out standing, but you know what it does do? Makes me not want to bother with the system, which severely handicaps me, since several features, like Profit-Taker, which you sometimes need to kill for Nightwave Missions, are locked behind it, creating a domino effect where you just can't do things all because 1 system you don't want to interact with is preventing you from doing it in a reasonable timeframe.


And it's not like DE is gaining anything by keeping the Daily Limit in. You can't pay Platinum to reset the cap. You already have the Rank Up requirements.


There's not even a narrative reason to keep it in. Why would you suddenly stop caring about someone working for you just because they got an arbitrary amount of brownie points?


TL;DR, The problem with the Standing System as is is that I see the Daily Limit and that pushes me away from interacting with it.


If Pablo or Rebecca or someone in charge can give me a legitimate reason for keeping the Daily Limit in, I'll shut up for the rest of the game's life span. Because as it stands, the only reason they're keeping it is FOMO and it's literally doing the opposite for some people.

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1 hour ago, WanPrimeW98 said:

Some people have said the limit is there to create FOMO, my personal conspiracy is that it's so you don't stress yourself out by grinding out standing,

And it's not like DE is gaining anything by keeping the Daily Limit in. You can't pay Platinum to reset the cap. You already have the Rank Up requirements.

If Pablo or Rebecca or someone in charge can give me a legitimate reason for keeping the Daily Limit in, I'll shut up for the rest of the game's life span. Because as it stands, the only reason they're keeping it is FOMO and it's literally doing the opposite for some people.

The daily limit, as the daily login reward, daily crafts or daily/weekly activities, in F2Ps, are here to push players to log in regularly instead of grinding it all in one day and connecting once a month / year to check on updates.

It won't change.

Edited by Chewarette
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1 hour ago, WanPrimeW98 said:

the only reason they're keeping it is FOMO and it's literally doing the opposite for some people.

How is it FOMO when the things never disapear? And the link with nightwave came long after the systems implemation. 


Plus its like limits in the steel essence shop it makes it so players cant grind to much with these more time taking systems so it do not create burnout since thats bad for player retantion.

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Just play the game when you can/want to play it. That's why these reputation limits exist, almost all the content in this game is accessible for free, imagine if everything could be released quickly, who would be playing after 1 week? I think it's fair that the company wants at least a player base playing its game regularly.

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A Standing blessing would be interesting. It could grant a +1000 standing to your total daily cap and maybe a +5% on standing gain? But I don't think the fundamentals of the mechanic should change.

What I do think would be nice is if, like Murmur, Deimos, and Zariman, you could accrue various standing 'tokens' (Voca, Mother Tokens, Plumes) so that on a day where you have time to farm you can build up a lot, and then just log in to spend the tokens throughout the week. Every faction where that's an option I'm either rank 5 or, in the case of Deimos, the standing isn't what's holding me back.

I know that this sort of exists for other factions, like collecting Narmer, but Murmur/Zariman do it best since the collection is so straightforward and the value is so high.

Unsurprisingly, I'm also lowest standing in factions that rely on open world bounties. Having some daily "capture/exterminate/survival" or whatever just like with Syndicates would be really nice. I'm so bored of the slow open world bounties.

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3 hours ago, Oggyswe said:

How is it FOMO when the things never disapear


It's a points system with a daily cap. If you miss out on reaching the cap one day, you get no option to catch up on the previous day, since you can only reach the next day's max limit. That puts you further behind than you could potentially be, and is supposed to encourage/scare you into playing more so you feel like you miss out less on potential progress.

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35 minutes ago, Pakaku said:


It's a points system with a daily cap. If you miss out on reaching the cap one day, you get no option to catch up on the previous day, since you can only reach the next day's max limit. That puts you further behind than you could potentially be, and is supposed to encourage/scare you into playing more so you feel like you miss out less on potential progress.

But except a some very few evergreen rewards theres a finite amount of things to buy and get that you get within max a few weeks.


While FOMO things have a finite time to reach the end of all rewards and then gone for ever.


But the zaws and kitguns are always there and the mods and moas.

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6 hours ago, WanPrimeW98 said:

Because as it stands, the only reason they're keeping it is FOMO and it's literally doing the opposite for some people.

There is another, much simpler and less insidious reason, as to why there are daily caps:
To make you return the next day and the day after that and the day after that forever.

That is the purpose of the daily limit on standing.


Back before we had the daily limit people would seriously grind through everything in a syndicate in 2 or 3 days, yell and complain that "There's nothing to do in warframe!  Why can't we have longer term goals that aren't done instantly!" and proceed to completely drop the game until the next big update and all the while they aren't playing whinge and complain about having nothing to do, while completely ignorring the fact that they just ground through an entire system in 2 or 3 12 hour play segments.


Same thing happened to focus 1.0 (which was more expensive and slower to gain, especially considering you only gained focus for your kills and not ally kills).
People legitimately finished the entire focus 1.0 system in 3 days of solid non-stop grinding.  And then whinged and moaned and complained "There is nothing to do!  Why can't DE make long term stuff for us to grind out!"


So DE put in a daily cap so you literally can't do that anymore.  They got tired of people finishing the entire system in 2 or 3 days and then complaining about it so they put in a daily cap so you can't just grind it out in 2 days and then completely drop the game for the next 3 months as you complain about it the entire time.


And as a F2P game, it's kinda needed.  The game lives and dies off of people playing it day after day after day after day, and the daily cap system helps to facilitate that.

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1 hour ago, Pakaku said:


It's a points system with a daily cap. If you miss out on reaching the cap one day, you get no option to catch up on the previous day, since you can only reach the next day's max limit. That puts you further behind than you could potentially be, and is supposed to encourage/scare you into playing more so you feel like you miss out less on potential progress.

That's not FOMO, you don't MO on anything, you just get them later. And considering how few the "power defining" or "progress" stuff there are in standing shops, it doesn't really matter.

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So because a few whiney people, everyone else has to suffer not being able to rank stuff up in a reasonable time?


It's beyond not fun to rank stuff up when you only get 25,000 Standing at MR 18 and the standing needed just to get from Faction Rank 2 to 3 is 44,000.


I hate taking 2 days just to rank up a Faction to middle rank. Again, it makes me not want to bother with the system, yet I'm being punished for it by other systems I actually want to interact with requiring certain factions to be max rank.

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After giving it some thought, I have come to 2 different compromises

1. Base the Daily Limit off the Faction's rank rather than MR. That way it only takes about a day to reach the next rank, maybe 2 depending on what's needed to rank up, but it doesn't snowball into taking multiple days between ranks, and you can't farm them all in one day.


2. Make Standing over the Daily Limit function like Affinity does for MR, but cap it for Rank Ups, perhaps reducing the amount of Standing gained past the Daily Limit. That way I can invest my time into ranking the faction up and not be practically told to pound sand.

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