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Warframe is a game held back by how easy it is


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1 minute ago, kuciol said:

Try harder kiddo.

God, how do you not even know what I said???

JESUS, it's so hard to even sh**post with you, because you just don't understand a single thing ever.


8 minutes ago, kuciol said:

Its has augment, its has fire status effect, good enough for 1st ability. BUt wHaT if IT DIdnt!?!?!?!

That's all calculated. I never said "but what if it didn't." That was you, fallacious as always.


Do you have any idea how math works? Or even MECHANICS, which you seem to wanna bring up, even though it sure as sh** doesn't benefit you to do so?


Fireball applies the Heat status in a 3m radius. The CC is the best part about the Heat status, and Fireball can't even accomplish that.


So you wish to bring up her augment, do you? Okay, let's do that.

  1. Heat is not a good element on a weapon. The best thing you want from that is to turn it into Blast, which is actually okay. So you can have that. But now you still need to use a Cold mod slot on your weapon anyway.
  2. We once again see that you don't know much about math. I, on the other hand, have done math for Warframe builds a million times over. And I can visually see in my head what kind of damage boost Fireball's Augment will give you. By all means, show me your build, and I'll do the math right here and right now. But I'll also make a prediction. Chances are, Fireball's Augment is probably going to give you anywhere between an 11% to 15% damage increase.

Do I really need to tell you what a VIRAL PROC from Wyrd Scythe will get you???





Man... What am I even talking to???
Who's the person behind that keyboard over there???

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11 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

Yes, actually. It says that you've ignored the official survey of seventy thousand players that DE themselves surveyed just two short years ago in which only 10% of people said they did not want Raids to return. You've ignored DE themselves saying they want Raids to return. And as you've so cleverly pointed out - players that want this kind of content (the majority of players in this game) are leaving this game to get it. It's a market DE is losing players to which they could work to capture. Which they have said they want to do.

Meanwhile y'all keep speaking for DE like you run the place.

I don't get how people type out "yes Warframe players used to have raids, but now that they don't some of them have left to get that experience elsewhere" like that's a good thing. Like that's something DE wanted to happen. These people genuinely cannot bear the thought of Warframe catering to interests different from their own and will fight tooth and nail to preserve this delusional entitlement, going completely against what the developers themselves have said they aspire to.

Edited by traybong111
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5 minutes ago, 4thBro said:

God, how do you not even know what I said???

JESUS, it's so hard to even sh**post with you, because you just don't understand a single thing ever.


That's all calculated. I never said "but what if it didn't." That was you, fallacious as always.


Do you have any idea how math works? Or even MECHANICS, which you seem to wanna bring up, even though it sure as sh** doesn't benefit you to do so?


Fireball applies the Heat status in a 3m radius. The CC is the best part about the Heat status, and Fireball can't even accomplish that.


So you wish to bring up her augment, do you? Okay, let's do that.

  1. Heat is not a good element on a weapon. The best thing you want from that is to turn it into Blast, which is actually okay. So you can have that. But now you still need to use a Cold mod slot on your weapon anyway.
  2. We once again see that you don't know much about math. I, on the other hand, have done math for Warframe builds a million times over. And I can visually see in my head what kind of damage boost Fireball's Augment will give you. By all means, show me your build, and I'll do the math right here and right now. But I'll also make a prediction. Chances are, Fireball's Augment is probably going to give you anywhere between an 11% to 15% damage increase.

Do I really need to tell you what a VIRAL PROC from Wyrd Scythe will get you???





Man... What am I even talking to???
Who's the person behind that keyboard over there???

Honestly i could post another answer but i got bored of you. You ignore 90% of things said to you and nitpick few words that could help you push your agenda. You are definition of posting in bad faith. It was waste of time to give you a chance.

Edited by kuciol
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Il y a 2 heures, PublikDomain a dit :

Correct. It's the same thing with the concern people have with "blandness". If that's a real concern, then what we have is already something they should be very concerned about. We already have this issue and the solution isn't to ignore it and do nothing.

For example, Ember's Fireball recently got buffed to what, 2-16k damage? oooOOOooo 👻👻👻 my Khora hits for 150 times that in raw damage alone. Why would I ever use Ember for killing enemies? I can do that with anything. And Ember's deals good damage compared to other abilities. What about poor Banshee? Sound Quake deals 200 Blast DPS 🤓. Sonic Boom? 50 Impact damage. 50. My Khora deals 50,000 times more than that in one Whipclaw - and that's just the raw damage not counting procs. You'd have to Sonic Boom someone for 14 minutes. And yet both are damage-dealing 1st abilities and both cost 25 Energy.

So if there's some concern with frames keeping their "identity", then what is a frame like Banshee's "identity" right now? "Just cast Silence and Sonar and ignore the other two"? What is the "identity" of Sonic Boom and Sound Quake? "Augment or ignore" and "free subsume slot"? Ember's identity? "Kills low level mobs worse than Thermal Sunder" and "has butt"?

But.. what if people want to play it, and play it for the challenge of it ??? Is that a problem for you now ? Do you want people to have challenges or not ?



il y a 22 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

You're cooked. Go read that fallacy article. No video games until you finish your homework.

Look ! It's screeching again. Go read articles about narcissistic perverse, you freak, maybe you'll then understand why the world hate your kind.

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11 minutes ago, kuciol said:

No. We just know there is more to things than just dmg numbers. Just look at recently added weapons Okina and Velox prime. Stat wise they are middle of the pack even in their own class and yet DE still added them like that. Guess why?

My man, that visual representation is the Great Wall of China, you gonna pick away at it with your 14% crit chance Velox???


6 minutes ago, kuciol said:

top asking stupid questions. You know what differences there are

He knows the answers to his questions. What he's trying to do is get you to say them, so that he can continue on with his point.

But, every time, it's like trying to herd a donkey into the pen. "Come on, this way! No no, this way! Over here! Come on, you can do it!" And you just keep bumping into trees and bushes and stuff.

I sincerely cannot tell if you do it on purpose because you know that the answers to the questions will prove his point, or if you aren't actually doing it on purpose, and are genuinely bumping into trees and bushes and stuff.

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il y a 7 minutes, 4thBro a dit :


  1. Heat is not a good element on a weapon.

Wow. Just wow. Like.. what ? What ??? I mean... AI were smarter than this guy 50 years ago.

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7 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Look ! It's screeching again. Go read articles about narcissistic perverse, you freak, maybe you'll then understand why the world hate your kind.

This guy is truly unhinged. He keeps posting stuff like this, but still thinks he's the good guy.



4 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Wow. Just wow. Like.. what ? What ??? I mean... AI were smarter than this guy 50 years ago.

Go ahead. Explain to all of us why Heat is a good element on a weapon.

You have the floor.

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il y a 3 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

This guy is truly unhinged. He keeps posting stuff like this, but still thinks he's the good guy.



Go ahead. Explain to all of us why Heat is a good element on a weapon.

You have the floor.

It's just psyochology 101. You just can't accept it. You'll never accept it.

In the same ways i'll explain to you why +% heat is broken in the meta... How wait, no I won't because what ever I say, you can't understand it and you'll say it's a lie, a fallacy, or deflect and run away, as you did with any facts this topic put in your face. Beause that's what narcissistic perverse do. Now you'll claim this is another victory to you, but everybody reading this know the truth. Screech some more.

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13 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

But.. what if people want to play it, and play it for the challenge of it ??? Is that a problem for you now ? Do you want people to have challenges or not ?

If those abilities were improved to be able to stand on equal footing with other mechanics like weapons then they'd fit the same challenges that those already get. SP, EDA, etc. So there would still be challenging content for these players. What problem is there?

23 minutes ago, kuciol said:

You know what differences there are

Yes, and I want you to say them. Here I'll start with the big one: D_____ M___.

23 minutes ago, kuciol said:

And yet players still do public runs with others, funny isnt it?

Yes, people would like to play together and not solo in an online multiplayer video game. Funny, isn't it?

24 minutes ago, kuciol said:

And we got EDA and netracels, thats the replacement.

And we will get more. Howl all you want.

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Just now, dwqrf said:

It's just psyochology 101. You just can't accept it. You'll never accept it.

In the same ways i'll explain to you why +% heat is broken in the meta... How wait, no I won't because what ever I say, you can't understand it and you'll say it's a lie, a fallacy, or deflect and run away, as you did with any facts this topic put in your face. Beause that's what narcissistic perverse do. Now you'll claim this is another victory to you, but everybody reading this know the truth. Screech some more.

Nah, I'll give you some Psychology 101 right now.


You just spent 64 words, 343 characters, telling us that you WILL NOT explain to us why Heat is a good element on a weapon.

Let's compare that to something like this:


"Hey, can you explain to us why Viral is good on a weapon?"

"Yeah. It makes you do 2x damage or more."


That is 9 words, 40 characters.

Explaining the answer to the question is MUCH EASIER than sitting there and concocting a reason as to why you will not.

But you don't have an answer. And so, you go out of your way to spend MORE TIME AND EFFORT to evade the question entirely.


There's your Psychology 101.

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il y a 1 minute, PublikDomain a dit :

Yes, people would like to play together and not solo in an online multiplayer video game. Funny, isn't it?

Play together, yes ; be dependant on others, no. As raids were.

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Just now, dwqrf said:

Play together, yes ; be dependant on others, no. As raids were.

Heh... The fact that it doesn't click in your brain...


Okay. I'll explain it for you, since - of course - you need it explained to you. Your own logic.


You openly vote against "stat squishing," a.k.a. balancing everything to be closer knit.


Okay... You following so far?

You are okay with the disparity.


But also...

You don't like people that play "meta," and clear rooms instantly. In fact, this dynamic is why Warframe is barely even a multiplayer game. One guy clears all the enemies, and everyone else is left with nothing to kill. This is largely why people run out of the Netracell zones to kill enemies outside of it.

The current game is very much "one person gets to have fun, everyone else has to watch."



You are against raids, where people get to all equally participate, and everyone depends on everyone else.





... ... ... Okay, so let me know if you're seeing the loophole yet.

No, please. Let me know if you see it, or if you need me to draw some kind of chart or diagram again. I will do it, if it appears that I need to.

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il y a 2 minutes, 4thBro a dit :

"Hey, can you explain to us why Viral is good on a weapon?"

"Yeah. It makes you do 2x damage or more."

Which is wrong again. And heat scales infinitely. I won again. How wait, you can't even accept defeat even in front of facts. Screech some more, narcissistic boy.

One of the most famous person the World with the same psychology as you is Amber Heard. Even with video tapes, records, testimony, and facts, and losing in front of judges and millions of viewers, she still thinks she is right. That's crazy, right ? You are just like her.

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il y a 1 minute, 4thBro a dit :

You openly vote against "stat squishing," a.k.a. balancing everything to be closer knit.


Okay... You following so far?

You are okay with the disparity.


But also...

You don't like people that play "meta," and clear rooms instantly. In fact, this dynamic is why Warframe is barely even a multiplayer game. One guy clears all the enemies, and everyone else is left with nothing to kill. This is largely why people run out of the Netracell zones to kill enemies outside of it.

The current game is very much "one person gets to have fun, everyone else has to watch."



You are against raids, where people get to all equally participate, and everyone depends on everyone else.

Ho, look who is strawmaning ? I win again.

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6 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Play together, yes ; be dependant on others, no. As raids were.

Being in the same room as someone is not cooperation.

And you're free to present your own surveys or quotes from the developer showing that players and DE don't want this kind of content. Can you?

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Just now, dwqrf said:

Which is wrong again.

What? Viral isn't good because it makes you do 2x dmg or more??? Okay, then why is it good? Because its typing isn't very good, when there are several typings that have no weaknesses.


1 minute ago, dwqrf said:

And heat scales infinitely. I won again.

No. Yet again, you lag behind.

Heat technically scales infinitely. But it ramps up very slowly. You can sit there and ramp up your Heat if you want, but I'll zoom by and do 100 mil damage instantly and leave you a tip on the table.

You wanna see who can do more damage to 60 Eyes? Make a game. I'll be Volt, you be some Heat Inherit nonsense.

You're either down or not down. Up to you, buddy.


5 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

One of the most famous person the World with the same psychology as you is Amber Heard. Even with video tapes, records, testimony, and facts, and losing in front of judges and millions of viewers, she still thinks she is right. That's crazy, right ? You are just like her.

My man.

You're really backwards on this, aren't you? That's you on the tapes. That's me presenting the tapes to the judge.


How can you POSSIBLY think that you've proven a single thing at all in this entire thread, when all you ever do is avoid answering questions, and dodge all accountability for your own tangled logic? You can't even stay afoot anymore. You've been tripping over yourself for at least 5 pages straight.

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5 minutes ago, dwqrf said:

Ho, look who is strawmaning ? I win again.

Don't use terms you don't know the definition of.


If you think I've misrepresented you in any way, show us specifically which line is wrong, and then correct me on what your actual stance is on that topic.

Or just avoid doing that, like we all know you're going to do.





You're just such a waste of time. You're frothing at this point. We've lost you to your own insecurities.

"He's dead, Jim."

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il y a 7 minutes, PublikDomain a dit :

Being in the same room as someone is not cooperation.

And you're free to present your own surveys or quotes from the developer showing that players and DE don't want this kind of content. Can you?

I dont need to, because the game change/nerf/remove every content like that. Since raids. Isn't that proof enough ? Even the simple alchemy/volatile heat pipe is causing friction.

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1小时前 , PublikDomain 说:

The damage they deal are garbage. Why do you think DE added the 25% instakill threshold to Soul Punch in 2020? Because even four years ago 500 damage was worthless garbage when compared to the millions of damage players can deal in other ways.

Are you just ignorant of the scales at play here?

This is 500 damage:

This is 2,500,000 damage:

That's why DE keeps having to give plain old damage-dealing abilities some other secondary effect or some augment. It used to be that you could have a frame like Banshee that just deals plain damage, but now the damage system is so completely rat#*!%ed that if an ability doesn't strip armor or instakill or scale with damage mods or have some other effect it's literally, objectively, factually, mathematically worthless.

Yeah wow no S#&$ I want all the foods to be tasty. Wow it's almost like I keep saying this over and over and over again.

Meanwhile you're over here pointing to toenail clippings and dryer lint acting like we've got a feast.

You still don't get it.

Anyway, I am sure you are right. Have fun.

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1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

Yes, and I want you to say them. Here I'll start with the big one: D_____ M___.

Wrong. Ammo capacity, range, is it aoe? beam? burst? Does it have infinitepunch through? What mr is it for? How easy it is to get? How comfortable it is to use? Does it have fall off? This and many more factors. It all maters Thats for weapons. 

As for frames : what theme does it have? where is it on progression? Is it stealthy one? Weapon platform? Tank? Support? Caster? AoE nuker? Single target dps?

You think all of this is not important? Only dmg? If thats all you can think of im glad you do not work in any balancing departament.


1 hour ago, PublikDomain said:

And we will get more. Howl all you want.

Its not like its up to me man, never was. 

Edited by kuciol
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3 hours ago, dwqrf said:

I dont need to,

So you can't.

3 hours ago, RichardKam said:

You still don't get it.

But I'm spelling it out for you?

2 hours ago, kuciol said:

Wrong. Ammo capacity, range, is it aoe? beam? burst? Does it have infinitepunch through? What mr is it for? How easy it is to get? How comfortable it is to use? Does it have fall off? This and many more factors. It all maters Thats for weapons. 

As for frames : what theme does it have? where is it on progression? Is it stealthy one? Weapon platform? Tank? Support? Caster? AoE nuker? Single target dps?

You think all of this is not important? Only dmg? If thats all you can think of im glad you do not work in any balancing departament.

Here I'll give you another hint: D____E M__S

Because, newsflash, it doesn't matter what your ammo capacity is, or what your range is, or if you can AoE, or if you have a beam or punchthrough or MR rank or comfort. None of that S#&$ matters on a weapon if it can't be used to to the one thing a weapon is meant to do: defeat an enemy. That is the first and primary thing that matters. All the rest you throw into the pile? Secondary. Doesn't matter. You know damned well you're not modding for any of that unless you absolutely have to.

For frames it's pretty much the same issue for damage. It doesn't matter how cool damage-dealing abilities like Soul Punch or Fireball or Sound Quake are when they all suck compared to the things dealing hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands of times more damage. So they get handed some other consolation effect like armor stripping. And those that don't, like Sound Quake, get subsumed.

As for Warframe """progression"""?

  • Reduced the Mastery Rank restriction of all Prime Warframes to 0. 

    • Only 11/34 frames had any Mastery Rank restrictions, so we decided to make these consistent with the rest (there were no Mastery Rank restrictions on any non-Primed Warframes).

Oh right that thing the developers of the game tossed a few years back. So much for "progression". You can have literally any Primed Warframe at MR0. What progression? lol

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15 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

So you can't.

But I'm spelling it out for you?

Here I'll give you another hint: D____E M__S

Because, newsflash, it doesn't matter what your ammo capacity is, or what your range is, or if you can AoE, or if you have a beam or punchthrough or MR rank or comfort. None of that S#&$ matters on a weapon if it can't be used to to the one thing a weapon is meant to do: defeat an enemy. That is the first and primary thing that matters. All the rest you throw into the pile? Secondary. Doesn't matter. You know damned well you're not modding for any of that unless you absolutely have to.

For frames it's pretty much the same issue for damage. It doesn't matter how cool damage-dealing abilities like Soul Punch or Fireball or Sound Quake are when they all suck compared to the things dealing hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands of times more damage. So they get handed some other consolation effect like armor stripping. And those that don't, like Sound Quake, get subsumed.

As for Warframe """progression"""?

Oh right that thing the developers of the game tossed a few years back. So much for "progression". You can have literally any Primed Warframe at MR0. What progression? lol

Ammo doesnt matter? So lets make soma prime with magazine capacity of 200 and insane fire rate do as much dmg with single bullet as Prisma Lenz that has 5. How about that? Prime frames you still have to farm up. So you need to get Axi relics that are unlocked on last planets. You have just proven that you dont understand what the game is about. For you its just numbers. Its pointless to continue since you will never learn. DE understands there is more to the game than just fancy numbers and they make subpar weapons even now. Just look at Okina Prime that is worse than Fang Prime at everything and yet they still made it that way. At this point i question if you even play this game or you just bought account. Nobody that even tried playing will say that how the weapon actually plays does not matter.

Edited by kuciol
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8 minutes ago, kuciol said:

Just look at Okina Prime that is worse than Fang Prime

Lul what? What here screams Okina Prime is worse than Fang Prime?


Better crits, better damage (along a more favorable damage type distribution), faster attack speed. All in exchange for 2% less status and 0.05m of range.

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I think that answers that.


Dwarf with a Q, I'm going to post one last time to you. I'm going to summarize this ENTIRE experience, and I'm curious if you're able to see the entire picture laid out before you, and accept it as the truth that it is. And I'm going to go deep into it. Just because I'm curious as to what happens.




You are a simple/casual player. You are, most likely, not typically very good at video games. Maybe average, maybe a little below average. (And this is fine. They are just games, after all. I don't even like the term "casual" here, because we are ALL casual gamers. This is Warframe.)

However, you don't like KNOWING this fact. For you, this fact is best left buried in the dirt, six feet under. Out of sight, out of mind. Additionally, this mentality stretches out into the real world, as well.


Enter Warframe. A game where you can obliterate hordes of enemies easily. And even though it's easy, it used to NOT be easy, when you were low level. It is that comparison that lets you feel strong now. It is that comparison that lets you feel sufficient. There are no leaderboards. There is no competition. Except for maybe the Damage Dealt stat - but you dismiss that stat in your head by calling people "meta players" if they beat you in that stat. This allows you to protect that bubble that you operate in.

And then, when it comes to the community? In theory, they might be able to pop your bubble. People like me, saying that the game is too easy. Well, hell, it's too easy for you, too! So, while you're going off about how good Heat stacking is, even though I'll run you down with any one of my multiple loadouts, it doesn't actually matter! Because we can BOTH accomplish the same thing! Even though I'm far past you, we are EFFECTIVELY on the same level, aren't we?

And so... never mind the people that are past you in this game. What's MORE important is that, when you enter the public domain (pun not intended), there are those BELOW you, too. People struggling with early Steel Path. People polling to have Archons nerfed. People that haven't finished their EDA's in weeks. And THOSE are the people that are most important to you. Because THEY are the people that let you still feel strong by comparison. Because strength is subjective, and thus it needs to be evaluated via comparison to something else.

In other words, those players are your batteries.


And so, along comes this thread, right?


A lot of players want a challenging endgame. Oh no! What does that mean?!?

Well, now your whole position is challenged. If enemy power gets bumped up, that means YOU get bumped DOWN. That means you become the battery. Your strength, which was just barely scathing by, is no longer effectively the same strength as those that were drastically overkilling all of the content.

In short... You drop down a tier or two.


This is where your vision gets red & cloudy.

Your emotions take over. And you go into a panic.


We try to explain that things can be rebalanced. What this means is that all of our overkill strength doesn't need to be excess power, but can be the baseline that everything is brought up to. (Or that the overkill strength is brought down to other things below it.)

But that doesn't matter for you. That would require a logical discussion. But your vision is red now.


We explain that an endgame doesn't have to get in the way of anyone that doesn't want it. Warframe has many game modes that people don't like, and don't have to participate in. If YOU like Warframe the way it is, then that's great. Now WE want the things that WE want. That way, everybody can be happy.

But the fairness is lost on you. You weren't listening to 90% of the words, maybe more. Your vision is cloudy, and all you know is that you must protect your bubble at all costs.


You spend the entire discussion yelling and shouting, kicking and screaming. You quote Black so that you can declare White as your statement. If we say Up, you exclaim Down. If we declare Yes, then you must surely declare No.

Every single thing that we say needs to be refuted in the complete opposite direction. If any gears start turning, you must throw a wrench into the cogs before they gain enough momentum.


The logical arguments in favor of endgame never mattered. And pointing out your own fallacies never mattered. The simple truth is that your ONLY mission is to sow the seeds of chaos at every possible turn. Because you NEED to protect your bubble. And we have so much overkill in evidence of this psychological state of yours.


You admitted that you're autistic. Thank you for sharing that, as you did not have to.

I apologize if this may seem like I'm trying to use it against you, but it is more accurate to say that I am wishing to use it to make you see that perhaps it is you that's in the wrong.

You have not responded rationally or logically in........ well, maybe never at all, in this entire thread? If you did, it was long enough ago to where I forgot. You have, instead, not only been turning the thread into swiss cheese with a fallacy machine gun, but you have ALSO been throwing some pretty damn unhinged insults at me that came out of nowhere.

You even developed a hyper-fixation on me. Although there are MANY examples of this in the thread, your most recent one is one of the most compelling so far. You praise PublikDomain, and attempt to express your disagreement with him in as respectful of a way as you can muster. And you do this for a single sentence. Then you mention me immediately afterwards, and proceed to spend two whole paragraphs flaming me with random insults. And the thing that makes it funny is that, arguably, Domain has been talking down to you even more sharply than I have, as his patience dwindled at a very rapid rate. But you've fixated on me, and not him, so you even PROP HIM UP simply as a way to use that to put me down even further.


You have been progressively getting more and more insecure and emotional every time I point out your fallacies and your rudeness. The red vision has taken you over.

And it is only your remark of having autism that has even made me decide to give this one last go at trying to get you to see your own errors.


You say that you're on one end of the spectrum, and I'm on the other. Well, let's roll with that for a second.

What makes you think that your end is the good side? And my end is the bad side? Can't they just be different? Why does it have to be Good vs Bad?

Besides, if your side is the Emotional side, and mine is the Factual side, I'm not sure how anyone can argue with a straight face that the opposing side of Factual must be the Bad side.


But even still... suggesting that I have no emotions or empathy is, yet again, pretty unhinged. Just because somebody tries to keep things focused on facts and objectivity, and god forbid they express more control over themselves than you do, does not mean that they don't feel things inside of them.

Everybody cries.

Never forget that.

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5 minutes ago, Arbitrary said:

Lul what? What here screams Okina Prime is worse than Fang Prime?


Better crits, better damage (along a more favorable damage type distribution), faster attack speed. All in exchange for 2% less status and 0.05m of range.

Cool, i remembered it the other way around. I was wrong on this one but it doesnt change the fact that its subpar weapon, same goes for velox prime.

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