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Invincible MOA


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Since the update twice now, afaik, I have run across motes that do not take damage. They have no health bar above them. Nothing I do seems to affect them in anyway but they are still active threats. So far I've only seen Corpus Motes be affected by this weird bug. I did think originally it was only Jade Eximus motes it can happen to but last encounter had a Sanguine Eximus mote.

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Twice in a row now on two separate Interception alerts, once with Amalgam Corpus and second with normal Corpus, invincible normal green Moa that are untargetable, have no health bar, and are undamageable/unaffected by any abilities or weapons have spawned which prevent the round from being finished. 

I was using Octavia, so I'm not sure if its some strange interaction with her abilities or if its just a general spawning bug related to the new Eximus, since every single Moa had Eximus 'voices' and were capable of using the green laser.

Edit: and just as an aside so I don't make two topics back to back, apparently incarnon form now prevents you from picking up items or something. All I know is I'm unable to pick up credits or ammo and hearing a nonstop ticking noise until I revert the incarnon.

Edited by Bravest_Mustainest
additional findings
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7 hours ago, Bravest_Mustainest said:

I was using Octavia, so I'm not sure if its some strange interaction with her abilities or if its just a general spawning bug related to the new Eximus, since every single Moa had Eximus 'voices' and were capable of using the green laser.

I don't know if it's related, but I had Octavia's Resonator in this clip. Here it appears to be a larger (eximus?) Vapos Moa. The mission was the Radiation Hazard Survival from yesterday's Sortie. Before that I encountered another Moa in an operation alert.



Edited by Tykvesh
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Ever since the Jade Shadows update released, I have noticed that sometimes an enemy MOA of any type, including the infested, will be invincible. I don't know what causes it, but they don't have a health bar and when you aim at them the game does not recognize them as an enemy. I don't know if the bug only occurs in the Operation: Belly of the Beast alert missions or just in general. It can be pretty annoying when a Jade Light eximus MOA spawns that I can't kill.

Edited by CDarty16
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I dont know if this is the same Moa unit but I found an immortal eximus version of it. There was no UI text above it with health and name. This also happened with what I think was two seperate entities unless the one from Spy A teleported to me some 100+ metres away. Edit: forgot to add this is Nereid, Neptune

Edited by Alriandi
Forgot the map name
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Doesn't occur only in the Operation, can happen in all corpus missions...

That bug is actually pretty old, but up until the Jade Shadows update it only happened in survival gamemmode entered through corpus railjack missions. Those MOAs won't despawn no matter what you do, and i had multiple survival runs where i had to stop because they accumulated and in the end made up about half the enemies, thus blocking "regular" spawns, which is bad when you play a survival where kill speed counts...

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Posted (edited)

I had an interesting bug show up farming credits in Laomedeia today in which a bugged-out jade eximus moa spawned with the following properties:

1. No nameplate/healthbar when moused over

2. Completely invincible to myself, my companion and my Wukong celestial twin (with one exception, see below).

Weirdly, I could still damage it with the airborne kick attack from crouching while jumping, although I obviously didn't try to see if I could kill it this way (lol)

I tried to take screenshots but I was a few rounds in and couldn't stand still for very long (even if I wasn't being chased by jade light) so the results weren't great.

Edited by MIrror517
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Posted (edited)

I'll add my two cents. Had this in a BotB survival alert, at a Gas City tileset. No nameplate when targeted, attacks have no effect. Didn't catch the moment when those became immortal, so can't say if they were eximus or not.

Some more details - maybe this will help reproduce the bug.

  • Solo run
  • Damage types used: Impact + Viral + Heat + Radiation (Laetum Incarnon), Viral + Heat (Verglas)
  • No damaging abilities used (except one time - see last point)
  • Had 4 occurrences in a 5-minute run, all MOAs of different types
  • One of those enemies lost aggro and wandered around aimlessly
  • Seen damage numbers when I tried hitting them with airburst (twice), but it didn't kill them (so this doesn't seem to be an "infinitesimally small amount of HP remaining" type of deal)

Here's a screenshot - incidentally, you can see my carrier try and lase one to death, to no avail. Ignore the green haze, that's just me about to get jaded.




Edited by Pygmyowl
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I had this as well. It seems to have something to do with the corpus ship and gas city tile sets, even had an invincible infested moa on one of those tile sets. I did find one way to kill them though, I have the shooting gallery muzzle flash augment and it makes them vulnerable to finishers. Not sure if the Naramon or Vazarin operator abilities that open to finishers work the same way because I'm usually on Madurai or Unairu.

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Ran into this two days in a row... using different frames both times so not sure what causes it.

As an aside - the dante killing invincible things is also problematic in 'spawn necramech' bounties, as he seems to be able to kill the designated invincible Culverin that is running to spawn them, delaying the matches.

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Bump. I got a bunch of invincible moa's in a BotB survival.  No name. No health bar.

I switched to operator and was able to damage/kill them.  Verified that when damaged (with operator) they would get a ground finisher icon and I switched back to warframe to finish them off.

They are otherwise immune to damage from weapons, companions, and abilities that I tried. 

I guess since I'm able to kill them, they're not invincible.  Maybe just call the SuperMOAs and give them names and health bars and state they can only be damaged with void damage type...

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This has been going on for at least a week or two.  I noticed that in endless missions an invincible moa of many different types, including infested, would eventually appear.  It was usually only one.  I think they were all various types of eximus units as well.  These moa would not take any damage from any of my equiped weapons/items, however I could damage them with warframe abliities.  Operator form could not damage or affect them at all.  They would show up regardless of what I had equiped.  I believe that this also only happened on relic missions.  It has happened several times in survival relic missions but it also may have happened in a disruption relic mission.  These were also different era types of relic missions.  It seems to happen only in solo mode after being in the mission long enough.  I don't recall it happening in a public mission but I may be mistaken.


This is a video of one of the moas I encountered: 


Edited by ShadowOfTheNightmare
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I've faced the same issue for a week now, mine was usually still able to at least finish the mission, but a Belly of the Beast Interception just bugged out where I have 6 unkillable MOAs and I cant finish the second wave, as it wants me to destroy all remaining enemies.

Tharros Strike does "Damage" but I've used it about 50 times on the same enemy and it wont die. Nothing else registers, not even 0's, Operator Mode, any other abilities, Melee, Primary, Secondary either.

Companion tries to shoot at it, but does no damage.

At least a few are Jade Eximus, as even though they have no health bars, its still trying to jade light across the map, while I am using Wellspring to regain energy.

Edited by Nelladeymx
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I went into a Sister node, Capture mission where MOA's can spawn from the pods, and I ran into a MOA type that I haven't seen before. I couldn't target it nor hit it, but it could shoot me while it was slowly gliding on the floor.

Is this a new upcoming enemy type, an unused enemy accidentally added or is it a bugged model?

This happend on the 90* Corner Stair tileset on Venera, Venus.




Edited by Strompey
Accidental link to picture without inserting it directly
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Can some of DE devs will be so kind and look in Moa code? Problem is, very often Moas (all kind of them, corpus, narmer and infested) become immortal ghost (invincible to damage and without health bar).

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After a bit of research on the wiki, it appears to be an Energy Leech Moa without the Eximus effects on it, not an unknown moa, unreleased or that. Others appear to also have had the bug.

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On 2024-07-28 at 9:04 PM, sly1171 said:

I have encountered this as well. Nothing seems to harm them outside of Warframe abilities.

I've found this bug many times before and never damaged/killed them with my abilities, i've only managed to do this with the arcane Melee Influence. I'm not using the arcane, but here is my video about the bug, this moa is basically unaffected by Nekros' Terrify. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8F2d5ad-RzI

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