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PSA: Hotfixing Paused Until The Lotus Eaters


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14 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Want to elaborate on that at all? Not seeing any game breaking bugs at all, now or waaaay before Tennocon, although considering that's also not a measurement of time it's hard to know when you mean. Was it 2020 or something?

The very first comment on this is quite literally Railjack being broken, Railjack currently has, a broken UI so your markers aren't aligned, Kuva/Tenet confrontation doesn't work half the time, you go on their ship and they don't spawn, and even if they spawn they are fully invincible with all of the guardians down.

Zariman bounties randomly rolling over mid cycle, yes it is game breaking if i want to farm a specific bounty with a specific secondary objective, you gonna do random amount of missions and the objective on the next one will just completly roll over without the timegate changing.

Zariman client softlock bugs, this happens anywhere and it's a very old bug but its most prevalent in zariman because of the way its instanced, you essentially become ghosted and the enemies wont shoot at you at all and you cant shoot them back, and nobody can extract from the bounty afterwards unless the host leaves. u cannot also interract with the elevator in this state or any other form of object such as voidplumes.

14 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Cool. Now keep in mind that right now you're the only one pretending to speak for other players. Can I have a look at the survey you did with new players? Nobody here could possibly be silly enough to come in here and try to definitively claim "Craft Timers kill the game for new players" unless they've done the appropriate work to have this locked in as a fact. I'm interested in seeing the data.

I don't have to "pretend" to speak for other players, I have interacted with plenty of players across many platforms in the past 10 years of me playing and the game and helping many players by giving tips because the game doesn't explain anything on its own.
The majority of new players I've talked to say that the game feels like a mobile game with the craft timers and that it is the number one thing they hate about the game because it doesn't feel engaging or exciting at all receiving an item from the foundry after you've waited for it for a minimum of 12 hours for a weapon up to 3 days for a warframe they got from a quest, followed by the limited amount of slots at the start of the game and how the game pushes the market in your face at the very beginning of the game, recently that got changed but it used to very much be a thing, and last but not least the Timegated bounties and Syndicate cap, i get why its there, but its very punishing for players who just started and they feel like they need to catch up with other players.
I don't know what kind of data you want me to provide to you when you can easily find this anywhere on your own if you actually play the game like you state, both in-game, on the forums and in like any Discord related to warframe.


14 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

And yet I was one of the many complaining about the unnecessary Dante nerf update. Swing and a miss. You have nothing to teach here.

Don't know why you had to point this out like you were the only one doing this, I also very much disagreed with the Dante nerfs because he wasn't around for long enough in the first place to justify the nerfs, for the average person he was around for like 2 and a half days after craft timers for the most part, excluding the players who bought him, he was played because he was new. Was he strong? yes but he wasn't op. but with the health changes his nerf just makes absolutely no sense now

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9 hours ago, Crisp said:

The very first comment on this is quite literally Railjack being broken, Railjack currently has, a broken UI so your markers aren't aligned, Kuva/Tenet confrontation doesn't work half the time, you go on their ship and they don't spawn, and even if they spawn they are fully invincible with all of the guardians down.

Zariman bounties randomly rolling over mid cycle, yes it is game breaking if i want to farm a specific bounty with a specific secondary objective, you gonna do random amount of missions and the objective on the next one will just completly roll over without the timegate changing.

Zariman client softlock bugs, this happens anywhere and it's a very old bug but its most prevalent in zariman because of the way its instanced, you essentially become ghosted and the enemies wont shoot at you at all and you cant shoot them back, and nobody can extract from the bounty afterwards unless the host leaves. u cannot also interract with the elevator in this state or any other form of object such as voidplumes.

Testing these out as we speak. I'll be honest, it's not looking good for you so far, but unlike some of the claims in here I actually do like to be fair. 2 liches down so going to do 2 sisters and 2 last liches tomorrow.


9 hours ago, Crisp said:

.I don't have to "pretend" to speak for other players, I have interacted with plenty of players across many platforms in the past 10 years of me playing and the game and helping many players by giving tips because the game doesn't explain anything on its own.
The majority of new players I've talked to say that the game feels like a mobile game with the craft timers and that it is the number one thing they hate about the game because it doesn't feel engaging or exciting at all receiving an item from the foundry after you've waited for it for a minimum of 12 hours for a weapon up to 3 days for a warframe they got from a quest, followed by the limited amount of slots at the start of the game and how the game pushes the market in your face at the very beginning of the game, recently that got changed but it used to very much be a thing, and last but not least the Timegated bounties and Syndicate cap, i get why its there, but its very punishing for players who just started and they feel like they need to catch up with other players.
I don't know what kind of data you want me to provide to you when you can easily find this anywhere on your own if you actually play the game like you state, both in-game, on the forums and in like any Discord related to warframe.

I agree, you certainly don't have to pretend. But considering you're the one who randomly accused DE of putting their Employees under "crunch" with absolutely no evidence at all, your word on this isn't trustworthy either. So is there any sign of anything that can prove what you're trying to claim is a fact? No more paragraphs of semantics, yes or no will do.

Side Note; Its incredible how it suddenly changed from "game killing" for new players to them just hating it isn't it? That's quite the downgrade, one I'm guessing you hoped wasn't noticed.


9 hours ago, Crisp said:

Don't know why you had to point this out like you were the only one doing this, I also very much disagreed with the Dante nerfs because he wasn't around for long enough in the first place to justify the nerfs, for the average person he was around for like 2 and a half days after craft timers for the most part, excluding the players who bought him, he was played because he was new. Was he strong? yes but he wasn't op. but with the health changes his nerf just makes absolutely no sense now

I say "one of many" and from that you got "like you were the only one". Cool...

Did you notice what it was in response to? The text above it was claiming I'd defend any update. Its the reason why that text is above what you just quoted. Accusation -> Correction. It's exactly how I've been answering your replies. How did you not get that?

Edited by (PSN)MYKK678
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On 2024-08-09 at 10:25 AM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

DE: Hey folks, we're delivering 3 Updates over the next 5 months, so we'll be taking a short 2 week break to try our best to make sure everything's as polished as possible. Keep in mind, we'll still be collecting bug reports so keep on sending them and we'll keep trying to get them fixed in the next Cert Build Update.

Not sure why you're trying to inflate the 3 updates as if we're getting 3 expansions, when we're not. DE is not providing quantity that exceeds the norm.

On 2024-08-09 at 10:25 AM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:


DE isn't just pausing for 2 weeks, they've recently paused multiple times in a fairly short time span. Developing, selling, and ensuring the game can be played is their paid job; not something done voluntarily. There's a bug that makes not playing parts of the game possible. It's honestly silly to say people are entitled whiny babies for expecting something basic to be done.

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9 hours ago, Yamazuki said:

Not sure why you're trying to inflate the 3 updates as if we're getting 3 expansions, when we're not. DE is not providing quantity that exceeds the norm.

Source for how big or small the updates are altogether please? Sorry but if you were expecting to get away with dressing assumptions up as facts, you came to the wrong place.

9 hours ago, Yamazuki said:

DE isn't just pausing for 2 weeks, they've recently paused multiple times in a fairly short time span. Developing, selling, and ensuring the game can be played is their paid job; not something done voluntarily. There's a bug that makes not playing parts of the game possible. It's honestly silly to say people are entitled whiny babies for expecting something basic to be done.

So to be clear you can't play the game right now? Also did you not read any of this thread before attempting this kneejerk reply? I like to be fair, so I'm testing out what one of the members has claimed as game breaking bugs and issues. Its too early for a definitive decision on the subject as I'm not done yet (that's called patience btw) but it isn't looking good for those complaining so far. 2 Liches and 1 Sister down so far, zero issues. I've even exited and reloaded instances a few times to see if it's variable. Apparently not. But fair is fair and I've still 3 more lich/Sisters to try out before the laughing begins.

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4 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Source for how big or small the updates are altogether please? Sorry but if you were expecting to get away with dressing assumptions up as facts, you came to the wrong place.

The thing is about providing sources is that in this situation it is actually your job to do so, not mine. You made a statement with the heavy implication we are receiving 3 updates of high significance. I merely questioned why would you inflate the content we are receiving, because based on everything DE has stated and shown only one of the updates was going to be of significance with the rest being the standard small updates. Three major updates in a short period would be an unrealistic expectation unless DE stopped updating the game for a year or so. Not even cheap mobile games accomplish this.

4 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

So to be clear you can't play the game right now? Also did you not read any of this thread before attempting this kneejerk reply?

If you're going to tell someone they can't read, maybe you should address what was missed; because this thread is actually fairly short being barely at 2 pages when I responded. The thread started with complaints about the pause because they've been pausing a lot with low hotfix frequency and there being game breaking bugs with others discussing some bugs. Then you pop in generalizing the forums as whiny babies. You then doubled down in another response. You have yet to address the multiple pauses with limited hot fixes or acknowledge the complaints as valid.

4 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

I like to be fair

There is no need for dishonesty. The "I don't experience this bug so it doesn't exist stop whining" is on the extreme end of far from fair. It takes less than 1 minute of searching to find multiple reports of others experiencing issues. Some bugs also do not appear when solo.

If people are complaining about a bug you do not experience, or have any knowledge on, the proper thing to do is move on without saying anything. Bug report compilations typically do not ever ask for input from those not experiencing them. Assuming multiple people reporting on a problem are all conspiring against DE is the silliest possible action to take. 

I do not experience every bug mentioned on these forums [or elsewhere], but that doesn't mean they suddenly never happened to anyone, or shouldn't be fixed. I also recently did RJ and Lich and had no bugs encountered with the specific missions. However, I have been experiencing a bug in multi-player that causes terrible desyncing with the bugged player unable to interact with anything including trying to use a vehicle in open maps, entering/exiting Railjack/ships and sometimes unable to walk through doors which is tied to the animation bug and can impact both the host and client. This bug only happens when ever the melee animation bug happens and goes away when ever that bug goes away. It's a rather annoying bug to be experiencing when I got 2 people to try and play Warframe, only to have a bug that makes playing together annoying or having their quests forcing them to restart sections.

Edited by Yamazuki
bad English
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7 hours ago, Yamazuki said:

The thing is about providing sources is that in this situation it is actually your job to do so, not mine. You made a statement with the heavy implication we are receiving 3 updates of high significance. I merely questioned why would you inflate the content we are receiving, because based on everything DE has stated and shown only one of the updates was going to be of significance with the rest being the standard small updates. Three major updates in a short period would be an unrealistic expectation unless DE stopped updating the game for a year or so. Not even cheap mobile games accomplish this.

Did I? It's hard to tell if folks in here have the ability to scroll up and down webpages or to hit the previous page button. I said 3 updates. Not 3 big updates. Not 3 huge updates. Not 3 updates that will keep us company until Xmas 2025. 3 updates in 5 months. Where was the "heavy implication"? Should I bother asking that question or is it safe to assume you'll dodge it too? Because I didn't see your source, considering you literally implied the updates will be small.

7 hours ago, Yamazuki said:

If you're going to tell someone they can't read, maybe you should address what was missed; because this thread is actually fairly short being barely at 2 pages when I responded. The thread started with complaints about the pause because they've been pausing a lot with low hotfix frequency and there being game breaking bugs with others discussing some bugs. Then you pop in generalizing the forums as whiny babies. You then doubled down in another response. You have yet to address the multiple pauses with limited hot fixes or acknowledge the complaints as valid.

Didn't say anything at all about can't read. Said you didn't read. "Have you not read", not "Can you not read". Really jumping the gun there aren't ya. The possibility of you being here for an actual discussion instead of just flying off the handle trying to be offended by everything really just flew out the window with that one.

Also, really? Your point to this is that I should randomly summarise a thread for people? Really? That was the best idea you had for a response to this? You could have taken an hour or two and that was what you came up with? But you want me to say the complaints are valid despite testing so far saying otherwise? Cool...

7 hours ago, Yamazuki said:

There is no need for dishonesty. The "I don't experience this bug so it doesn't exist stop whining" is on the extreme end of far from fair. It takes less than 1 minute of searching to find multiple reports of others experiencing issues. Some bugs also do not appear when solo.

If people are complaining about a bug you do not experience, or have any knowledge on, the proper thing to do is move on without saying anything. Bug report compilations typically do not ever ask for input from those not experiencing them. Assuming multiple people reporting on a problem are all conspiring against DE is the silliest possible action to take. 

I do not experience every bug mentioned on these forums [or elsewhere], but that doesn't mean they suddenly never happened to anyone, or shouldn't be fixed. I also recently did RJ and Lich and had no bugs encountered with the specific missions. However, I have been experiencing a bug in multi-player that causes terrible desyncing with the bugged player unable to interact with anything including trying to use a vehicle in open maps, entering/exiting Railjack/ships and sometimes unable to walk through doors which is tied to the animation bug and can impact both the host and client. This bug only happens when ever the melee animation bug happens and goes away when ever that bug goes away. It's a rather annoying bug to be experiencing when I got 2 people to try and play Warframe, only to have a bug that makes playing together annoying or having their quests forcing them to restart sections.

See here's where the nitwit factor really kicks in. Remember being pointed towards the idea of actually reading the short 2 page thread? That really, really would have come in handy right about now. See if you had, you'd have noticed 2 things. First off that I'm testing this myself over multiple days. Secondly that I haven't finished doing this and any updates I've given have been about no bugs showing up so far. Do you see? Do you see how reading that might, might just have benefitted you before this weird triple-paragraph of "nothingness" was typed up? I'm actually genuinely interested now to find out if I'm the first person in your entire life who has introduced the idea of "context matters" to you? I have to be right?

Also this all kinda deserves a proper summary, so:

- You've made negative claims about the 3 new updates in a way that you can't possibly know

- You've tried to shift the blame on that and failed miserably in your attempt to do so (see point A above)

- You've tried to imply I was mocking you for being unable to read when in fact its pretty clear I was pointing our your decision not to read, all just to Distract from the points made against you that you cannot answer.

- You've accused me of being dishonest and have gone "full on Gen Z" thinking you can hold a little lecture when you have nothing worth teaching, proven by your shallow grasp of the context of this thread and your unwillingness to prove anything you think you can just claim without question.

Yeah, you'd pretty much fit into the ungrateful bunch too. All of the above just to defend complaints you haven't even read. The irony of the folks in here "liking" your comments without realising that your replies so far paint them as folks who can't defend their own views is admittedly pretty funny though. I look forward to more.

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6 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:


Yeah, I know what should be done as a solution about this whole topic. You should quit Warframe and play Roblox instead, you'd fit in better there.

Edited by Stafelund
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9 hours ago, Stafelund said:

Yeah, I know what should be done as a solution about this whole topic. You should quit Warframe and play Roblox instead, you'd fit in better there.

.....cool, I guess?

Was that supposed to be a reference anyone was meant to get?

To your credit, Its ironically pointing towards you being a Roblox player yourself so you've succeeded in managing to match the tone of others in here, sabotaging themselves and their own points.

Please don't waste my time again unless you have something meaningful to add. You didn't even bother addressing the subject at all which would, according to the rules, qualify as trolling. If there's a next time it'll be reported.

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23 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

.....cool, I guess?

Was that supposed to be a reference anyone was meant to get?

To your credit, Its ironically pointing towards you being a Roblox player yourself so you've succeeded in managing to match the tone of others in here, sabotaging themselves and their own points.

Please don't waste my time again unless you have something meaningful to add. You didn't even bother addressing the subject at all which would, according to the rules, qualify as trolling. If there's a next time it'll be reported.

Non-sequitur posts that sound like they're trolling deserve non-sequitur responses. You didn't raise up a good point either since the beginning, and that's gotta be some mental gymnastics for you to reach that conclusion.

For this one, I'm not going to bother explaining in detail since you are so deep in your ODD and tribal mentality of "me vs them". Figure it out yourself, I'm sure it won't be that hard.

Edited by Stafelund
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On 2024-08-09 at 1:25 PM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

DE: Hey folks, we're delivering 3 Updates over the next 5 months, so we'll be taking a short 2 week break to try our best to make sure everything's as polished as possible. Keep in mind, we'll still be collecting bug reports so keep on sending them and we'll keep trying to get them fixed in the next Cert Build Update.



It may not have been the intention, but this thread sure did work out as a great way to highlight as many ungrateful players as possible. Keep voluntarily adding yourselves to that list folks, it'll help determine who's opinion to take seriously in future threads.

What's your source for the entire forum acting like entitled babies? Surely you have a peer-reviewed study or at the very least an evidence based reason for this, right? So, what is your very comprehensive data for the assertion that a significant portion of the community is, in fact, overly entitled?

On 2024-08-11 at 11:10 AM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

So to be clear, due to the generic attempt to insult above, you can't explain what is broken in the game either. Cool.

You: Hey the cars broken

Me: How is it broken?

You: The Steering Wheel

Me: That's just a weird collection of words, not a description. What about the Steering Wheel?

You: (Silence)

Me: Anything? Anything at all?

You: Oh you must not drive if you can't answer the thing I can't answer.

Yeah, you really would do well not to reply further, I fully understand why you wouldn't.

To be more accurate it would be more like

OP: Hey car's broken

You: What's broken

OP: The steering wheel

You: I don't understand how words work, What's wrong with the steering wheel?

OP: Look at the logbook there is a laundry list of things wrong

You: No, I am testing the steering wheel in my car and I don't see anything wrong therefore no fault must exist in anyone else's car!

That's not how troubleshooting works. (Me, 2024).

On 2024-08-11 at 8:13 PM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Testing these out as we speak. I'll be honest, it's not looking good for you so far, but unlike some of the claims in here I actually do like to be fair. 2 liches down so going to do 2 sisters and 2 last liches tomorrow.


I agree, you certainly don't have to pretend. But considering you're the one who randomly accused DE of putting their Employees under "crunch" with absolutely no evidence at all, your word on this isn't trustworthy either. So is there any sign of anything that can prove what you're trying to claim is a fact? No more paragraphs of semantics, yes or no will do.

Side Note; Its incredible how it suddenly changed from "game killing" for new players to them just hating it isn't it? That's quite the downgrade, one I'm guessing you hoped wasn't noticed.


I say "one of many" and from that you got "like you were the only one". Cool...

Did you notice what it was in response to? The text above it was claiming I'd defend any update. Its the reason why that text is above what you just quoted. Accusation -> Correction. It's exactly how I've been answering your replies. How did you not get that?

Again you doing an "independent study" (trying to charitable) does not serve to confirm nor deny the existence of the bugs, because the sample size is too small to be representative; i.e. it's wholly anecdotal, which by itself is not sufficient evidence to make a claim (Kiriakopoulos, 2019). However, the mountain of bug reports do have a large enough sample size and a similar expression of symptoms to be used to make a somewhat informed decision.

On 2024-08-12 at 2:14 PM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Source for how big or small the updates are altogether please? Sorry but if you were expecting to get away with dressing assumptions up as facts, you came to the wrong place.

So to be clear you can't play the game right now? Also did you not read any of this thread before attempting this kneejerk reply? I like to be fair, so I'm testing out what one of the members has claimed as game breaking bugs and issues. Its too early for a definitive decision on the subject as I'm not done yet (that's called patience btw) but it isn't looking good for those complaining so far. 2 Liches and 1 Sister down so far, zero issues. I've even exited and reloaded instances a few times to see if it's variable. Apparently not. But fair is fair and I've still 3 more lich/Sisters to try out before the laughing begins.

As stated above your experience is anecdotal and insufficient to make an informed claim about a subject. Do better.

22 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

See here's where the nitwit factor really kicks in. Remember being pointed towards the idea of actually reading the short 2 page thread? That really, really would have come in handy right about now. See if you had, you'd have noticed 2 things. First off that I'm testing this myself over multiple days. Secondly that I haven't finished doing this and any updates I've given have been about no bugs showing up so far. Do you see? Do you see how reading that might, might just have benefitted you before this weird triple-paragraph of "nothingness" was typed up? I'm actually genuinely interested now to find out if I'm the first person in your entire life who has introduced the idea of "context matters" to you? I have to be right?

You are correct the "nitwit factor" does really kick in here. However it's because you fundamentally fail to understand what a good experiment is and what is valuable data. Because, as has been pointed out several times by me earlier, your "testing" is anecdotal and insufficient regardless of how "patient" you are or what timescale you decide to test for. Because it is purely anecdotal which is the weakest form of data (Kiriakopoulos, 2019), you have no way of knowing how representative your results are when compared to the larger community. So, any claim of definitiveness based upon it has little to no value when taking an evidence based approach to decision making. You could have saved yourself multiple posts pertaining to your "testing" and subsequent pedantic rant about how someone should have been more observant.

22 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Also this all kinda deserves a proper summary, so:

- You've made negative claims about the 3 new updates in a way that you can't possibly know

- You've tried to shift the blame on that and failed miserably in your attempt to do so (see point A above)

- You've tried to imply I was mocking you for being unable to read when in fact its pretty clear I was pointing our your decision not to read, all just to Distract from the points made against you that you cannot answer.

- You've accused me of being dishonest and have gone "full on Gen Z" thinking you can hold a little lecture when you have nothing worth teaching, proven by your shallow grasp of the context of this thread and your unwillingness to prove anything you think you can just claim without question.

Yeah, you'd pretty much fit into the ungrateful bunch too. All of the above just to defend complaints you haven't even read. The irony of the folks in here "liking" your comments without realising that your replies so far paint them as folks who can't defend their own views is admittedly pretty funny though. I look forward to more.

This does deserve a summary:

A) You have made numerous posts claiming that your "testing" will provide valuable data, and that it "isn't looking good" for people experiencing the bugs

B) You have no understanding of vehicle repair and chose a terrible analogy

C) Your grasp of data science is as strong as your understanding of vehicle repair (see point A above)

D) You have opted instead to project your failures onto others and lecture them with this pseudo-intellectual garbage

E) Since we are being pedantic, you failed to correctly label the points of your summary so there is no "point A above"

With all due respect, stay far away from maintenance, data science, and maybe give the "intellectual" act a break while you're at it too. You don't seem particularly well suited for any of those. 


Kiriakopoulos, E. (2019, April 17) Learning from Research: Strength of the Evidence Epilepsy Foundation Retrieved from: https://www.epilepsy.com/stories/learning-research-strength-evidence 

Edited by UpstatePunk
To fix formatting.
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3 hours ago, UpstatePunk said:


What's your source for the entire forum acting like entitled babies? Surely you have a peer-reviewed study or at the very least an evidence based reason for this, right? So, what is your very comprehensive data for the assertion that a significant portion of the community is, in fact, overly entitled?

To be more accurate it would be more like

OP: Hey car's broken

You: What's broken

OP: The steering wheel

You: I don't understand how words work, What's wrong with the steering wheel?

OP: Look at the logbook there is a laundry list of things wrong

You: No, I am testing the steering wheel in my car and I don't see anything wrong therefore no fault must exist in anyone else's car!

That's not how troubleshooting works. (Me, 2024).

Again you doing an "independent study" (trying to charitable) does not serve to confirm nor deny the existence of the bugs, because the sample size is too small to be representative; i.e. it's wholly anecdotal, which by itself is not sufficient evidence to make a claim (Kiriakopoulos, 2019). However, the mountain of bug reports do have a large enough sample size and a similar expression of symptoms to be used to make a somewhat informed decision.

As stated above your experience is anecdotal and insufficient to make an informed claim about a subject. Do better.

You are correct the "nitwit factor" does really kick in here. However it's because you fundamentally fail to understand what a good experiment is and what is valuable data. Because, as has been pointed out several times by me earlier, your "testing" is anecdotal and insufficient regardless of how "patient" you are or what timescale you decide to test for. Because it is purely anecdotal which is the weakest form of data (Kiriakopoulos, 2019), you have no way of knowing how representative your results are when compared to the larger community. So, any claim of definitiveness based upon it has little to no value when taking an evidence based approach to decision making. You could have saved yourself multiple posts pertaining to your "testing" and subsequent pedantic rant about how someone should have been more observant.

This does deserve a summary:

A) You have made numerous posts claiming that your "testing" will provide valuable data, and that it "isn't looking good" for people experiencing the bugs

B) You have no understanding of vehicle repair and chose a terrible analogy

C) Your grasp of data science is as strong as your understanding of vehicle repair (see point A above)

D) You have opted instead to project your failures onto others and lecture them with this pseudo-intellectual garbage

E) Since we are being pedantic, you failed to correctly label the points of your summary so there is no "point A above"

With all due respect, stay far away from maintenance, data science, and maybe give the "intellectual" act a break while you're at it too. You don't seem particularly well suited for any of those. 


Kiriakopoulos, E. (2019, April 17) Learning from Research: Strength of the Evidence Epilepsy Foundation Retrieved from: https://www.epilepsy.com/stories/learning-research-strength-evidence 

I'll admit that I got a real laugh out of most of this, so thank you. But we do need to rewind back to one thing first:

Did you not take 5 seconds to look into what a peer review is?

I mean, it's in the name. Peer Review.

For clarity, a Peer Review is an attempt by a colleague or fellow within the same field of expertise (otherwise referred to as a Peer) to replicate a process you have reported on in order to see if the results match, and if they don't to figure out why. Sometimes it's even done intentionally trying to prove a theory wrong, because it's the best way to prove something right if they fail to do so. Can also include modifiers.

You've gone to great lengths to present yourself as someone educated in these matters so I won't insult you by explaining the problem here as if you don't see it too. So how do you explain the problem there?

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1 hour ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

I'll admit that I got a real laugh out of most of this, so thank you. But we do need to rewind back to one thing first:

Did you not take 5 seconds to look into what a peer review is?

I mean, it's in the name. Peer Review.

For clarity, a Peer Review is an attempt by a colleague or fellow within the same field of expertise (otherwise referred to as a Peer) to replicate a process you have reported on in order to see if the results match, and if they don't to figure out why. Sometimes it's even done intentionally trying to prove a theory wrong, because it's the best way to prove something right if they fail to do so. Can also include modifiers.

You've gone to great lengths to present yourself as someone educated in these matters so I won't insult you by explaining the problem here as if you don't see it too. So how do you explain the problem there?

You see folks, this is what you call fallacy, or grasping for straws. Dismissing the entire point by pulling something else in the argument, but even on this one, his reasoning of "peer review" is laughing-stock behavior at its finest and it doesn't make sense because what he offered to the thread has no value at best.

Adding to the guy had said above you, you shouldn't work as the head businessman or anything relating to quality control because it kind of shows you have poor reactions to negative criticism.  Your peer review means squat.

Actually, looking at my perspective of de-escalation and moderation, and by your definition, posts that add nothing of value are trolling, how about you get reported for trolling instead? Your posts are equivalent to ragebaiting/trolling with the pseudo-intellectual, higher-than-thou posts that sound delusional at worst.

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1 hour ago, Stafelund said:

You see folks, this is what you call fallacy, or grasping for straws. Dismissing the entire point by pulling something else in the argument, but even on this one, his reasoning of "peer review" is laughing-stock behavior at its finest and it doesn't make sense because what he offered to the thread has no value at best.

Adding to the guy had said above you, you shouldn't work as the head businessman or anything relating to quality control because it kind of shows you have poor reactions to negative criticism.  Your peer review means squat.

Actually, looking at my perspective of de-escalation and moderation, and by your definition, posts that add nothing of value are trolling, how about you get reported for trolling instead? Your posts are equivalent to ragebaiting/trolling with the pseudo-intellectual, higher-than-thou posts that sound delusional at worst.

Oh cool. Another one who doesn't understand peer reviews, but this being worse considering it was literally explained.

I was going to go into detail about how I mentioned "first" for a reason, but that time was better spent reporting both your previous posts for trolling. Another term you probably don't understand despite it being explained before.

The idea of me having a peer review of my own information.... amazing lol.

Also, "head businessman" being the best you could think of lol?

Just go before you're removed and save some time and some dignity.

You're like a living meme at this point:

- Tries to make a point about someone being unable to take negative criticism

- Completely forgets that the only reason he and others are replying in the first place, is because that someone pointed out very valid negative criticism, about them.

Hypocrisy be thy name.

Edited by (PSN)MYKK678
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37 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Oh cool. Another one who doesn't understand peer reviews, but this being worse considering it was literally explained.

I was going to go into detail about how I mentioned "first" for a reason, but that time was better spent reporting both your previous posts for trolling. Another term you probably don't understand despite it being explained before.

The idea of me having a peer review of my own information.... amazing lol.

Also, "head businessman" being the best you could think of lol?

Just go before you're removed and save some time and some dignity.

You're like a living meme at this point:

- Tries to make a point about someone being unable to take negative criticism

- Completely forgets that the only reason he and others are replying in the first place, is because that someone pointed out very valid negative criticism, about them.

Hypocrisy be thy name.

You didn't explain squat. Your "peer review" (if we can even call it that) is worthless, AKA wrong, incorrect, because there's a thread showing the bug in action, your point is invalid to begin with and it should be discarded. But you keep saying the bug doesn't exist because it doesn't exist in your end. I don't get the bug either but I don't deny the existence of it. Why don't you go to the thread instead and tell the people experiencing the bug in their faces how they're wrong and call them names debate with them? See how that works out for you, since you're the one who's trolling might as well go the extra mile, no?

Laughing stock be thy name. Lack of self-awareness, not even once.

EDIT: Bottom line, your point was people are being ingrateful for crying about a bug that lets a part of the game unusable/unplayable, and you are dismissing those by downplaying them just because you don't get that bug. That's very inconsiderate, yeah? Almost sounds like trolling. ODD at its finest

Edited by Stafelund
added more stuff
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Yeah, I've pretty much fully given up hope for Status Effect Colors being reinstated.
I could at least accept that they are focusing on more important bugs, like how completely unplayable Railjack is thanks to the broken enemy marker offsets, but it now feels as though they're actively making excuses not to address things players are having problems with.

I get that you guys want to make another game inside of the game with 1999, AGAIN, but I would've hoped Duviri taught you all that you still need to pay attention to the main game alongside developing your new idea.
Guess not.

I'll be back when 1999 drops to experience the quest, but if they still haven't fixed Railjack or reinstated Status Colors by then, I'm out.

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3 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

I'll admit that I got a real laugh out of most of this, so thank you. But we do need to rewind back to one thing first:

Did you not take 5 seconds to look into what a peer review is?

I mean, it's in the name. Peer Review.

For clarity, a Peer Review is an attempt by a colleague or fellow within the same field of expertise (otherwise referred to as a Peer) to replicate a process you have reported on in order to see if the results match, and if they don't to figure out why. Sometimes it's even done intentionally trying to prove a theory wrong, because it's the best way to prove something right if they fail to do so. Can also include modifiers.

You've gone to great lengths to present yourself as someone educated in these matters so I won't insult you by explaining the problem here as if you don't see it too. So how do you explain the problem there?

The problem is that you some how think a study cannot be peer-reviewed. It is one of the strongest forms of evidence for any serious inquiry. Precisely because, as the Wikipedia article you skimmed through pointed out, it is a separate group trying to replicate the initial findings or debunk the claim by trying to disprove it. 

Unless, you admit that your original argument about forums being overwhelmingly entitled is based purely on your anecdotal experience?

If so then you have again failed to use adequate data to form an evidence based opinion. You are using no experimental data, or even basic statistical data like polls, analysis of forum posts for trends. Nope, your source is "trust me bro" while screeching about other people not providing sources.

I provided sources, that clearly explained why your anecdotes are worth less than the bits used to compose this post yet you avoided any sort of intellectual engagement with it because you could not argue against it. As if your lone perceptions are some how equal to actual data. 

You also completely avoided any substance of my argument because you realized how dense you actually sound. Very nice tap-dancing around the topics. 

I see with your last paragraph you've resorted to projection again.  I am someone educated in these fields. You're the one singing around "source bro" and failed attempts at "gatchas" using terrible arguments.

Edited by UpstatePunk
Fixed typos
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Like you were hotfixing to begin with..

Bugs are piling up rn, turning into pre-mainline updates time.

And it's consistent too, every mission has bugs, some worse than others. And the time for fixes is getting more and more, if at all.

You are an industry veteran studio, what is going on, guys?

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4 hours ago, UpstatePunk said:

The problem is that you some how think a study cannot be peer-reviewed. It is one of the strongest forms of evidence for any serious inquiry. Precisely because, as the Wikipedia article you skimmed through pointed out, it is a separate group trying to replicate the initial findings or debunk the claim by trying to disprove it. 

Unless, you admit that your original argument about forums being overwhelmingly entitled is based purely on your anecdotal experience?

If so then you have again failed to use adequate data to form an evidence based opinion. You are using no experimental data, or even basic statistical data like polls, analysis of forum posts for trends. Nope, your source is "trust me bro" while screeching about other people not providing sources.

I provided sources, that clearly explained why your anecdotes are worth less than the bits used to compose this post yet you avoided any sort of intellectual engagement with it because you could not argue against it. As if your lone perceptions are some how equal to actual data. 

You also completely avoided any substance of my argument because you realized how dense you actually sound. Very nice tap-dancing around the topics. 

I see with your last paragraph you've resorted to projection again.  I am someone educated in these fields. You're the one singing around "source bro" and failed attempts at "gatchas" using terrible arguments.

There wasn't any projection, no. Theres a massive issue with you trying to apply a peer review to any of this and I'm giving you the opportunity to explain it. So.....?

Also side note for your very own meme:

- Is sent a reply which explains the process and purpose of peer reviews being carried out

- Immediately tries to state the person who sent them this reply doesn't think things can be peer reviewed

Incoherently illogical? Yes. But you do get points for both of your posts making me laugh. This is a good Wednesday after all. 2 trolls but at least 1 is entertaining.

Edited by (PSN)MYKK678
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Tbh idk why yall wasting time on that mykk creatura. Hes either super delusional or just ragebaiting...or both.

You can go outside and talk to a wall you gonna get better experience.

Edited by BoruBoru
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8 hours ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

There wasn't any projection, no. Theres a massive issue with you trying to apply a peer review to any of this and I'm giving you the opportunity to explain it. So.....?

Also side note for your very own meme:

- Is sent a reply which explains the process and purpose of peer reviews being carried out

- Immediately tries to state the person who sent them this reply doesn't think things can be peer reviewed

Incoherently illogical? Yes. But you do get points for both of your posts making me laugh. This is a good Wednesday after all. 2 trolls but at least 1 is entertaining.

I never tried to "apply peer review" to your claims. I asked if your claims were backed by anything more than your own opinion. You have continued to prove that they are not. Therefore, you have projected your inequities (an inability to be observant, an intellectual facade, no sources for any of your assertions, a fundamental misunderstanding of the scientific method particularly as it applies to data analysis, the inability to engage with logic and facts, etc.) upon others. You are a joke. 

7 hours ago, BoruBoru said:

Tbh idk why yall wasting time on that mykk creatura. Hes either super delusional or just ragebaiting...or both.

You can go outside and talk to a wall you gonna get better experience.

If he's rage baiting he's failing, I'm not angry I just like arguing.

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On 2024-08-12 at 11:14 AM, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

Source for how big or small the updates are altogether please? Sorry but if you were expecting to get away with dressing assumptions up as facts, you came to the wrong place.

Further evidence the claim you're "fair" is a completely false statement. You're the one who made the claim, not me. You were asked for a source, and refused, twice now, while demanding one from someone else. The "fair" thing to do is you provide the source, if one existed, I apologize for the mistake. The reason for the refusal is obvious, you're lying. You wont provide a source, because it does not exist. You made your statement out of nothing. Deliberately spreading false information, because being "right" matters more than arguing facts. Perhaps instead of reporting people for trolling, kindly report yourself for deliberately spreading false information and derailing who knows how many threads.

DE tends to be fairly honest about minor updates. We've been told multiple times Lotus Eaters [the next update] was a short quest and Sevagoth Prime is unlikely to even see changes to the Warframe. They've even said so the other day yet again in dev short #26: https://www.youtube.com/live/m2fa-sm-uDg?si=aqT9W1RjXNyS7sLn&t=268

In that same dev short, they mention the update we get in fall, also being small and focused on game improvements.

An irrelevant note, why are most modern trolls so... dull?

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12 hours ago, UpstatePunk said:

I never tried to "apply peer review" to your claims. I asked if your claims were backed by anything more than your own opinion. You have continued to prove that they are not. Therefore, you have projected your inequities (an inability to be observant, an intellectual facade, no sources for any of your assertions, a fundamental misunderstanding of the scientific method particularly as it applies to data analysis, the inability to engage with logic and facts, etc.) upon others. You are a joke. 

If he's rage baiting he's failing, I'm not angry I just like arguing.

What are you talking about lol? You literally brought the idea of a peer review into this entire discussion. Nobody mentioned it before you, because you were the only one silly enough to try to bring a term you didn't fully understand into this to try to sound more intellectual. That backtracking was utterly atrocious. And it makes no sense.

And I'm still waiting for your explanation as to why a peer review is the problem here? You've now claimed that you weren't trying to bring it into the discussion (clearly a lie). So you must know, right?

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10 minutes ago, Yamazuki said:

Further evidence the claim you're "fair" is a completely false statement. You're the one who made the claim, not me. You were asked for a source, and refused, twice now, while demanding one from someone else. The "fair" thing to do is you provide the source, if one existed, I apologize for the mistake. The reason for the refusal is obvious, you're lying. You wont provide a source, because it does not exist. You made your statement out of nothing. Deliberately spreading false information, because being "right" matters more than arguing facts. Perhaps instead of reporting people for trolling, kindly report yourself for deliberately spreading false information and derailing who knows how many threads.

DE tends to be fairly honest about minor updates. We've been told multiple times Lotus Eaters [the next update] was a short quest and Sevagoth Prime is unlikely to even see changes to the Warframe. They've even said so the other day yet again in dev short #26: https://www.youtube.com/live/m2fa-sm-uDg?si=aqT9W1RjXNyS7sLn&t=268

In that same dev short, they mention the update we get in fall, also being small and focused on game improvements.

An irrelevant note, why are most modern trolls so... dull?

So just to be clear, your response to "can I get some evidence of what you just claimed to be true" is:

- That's an unfair request

- Some street level understanding of..... I don't even know....something

- A video which was posted yesterday. Yesterday being Wednesday. The request for a source was made on Monday. I'm not sure how you think time works but Monday does indeed come 2 days before Wednesday. So somebody made a claim before that video existed, and I asked for a source for that claim before that video existed. And your answer to this is seemingly that someone should have used a crystal ball, looked 2+ days into the future, and used that as their source. Genius.

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10 minutes ago, (PSN)MYKK678 said:

- A video which was posted yesterday. Yesterday being Wednesday.


"Coming this August, The Lotus Eaters will feature a short Quest that acts as a prologue to the events of Warframe: 1999." -July 20, 2024.

Dev short merely has them repeating the same exact thing they've been saying this entire time.

I am still awaiting your source that stated any other patch but the one containing 1999 content was going to be significant in terms of content to play.

Edited by Yamazuki
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