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Valkyr: Feedback Megathread


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All frames have gotten or will get reworks, tweaks or balancing at some point. Paralysis has example been noted for it's lack-luster effect and the problematic dependency on shield, of which Valkyr has very little of.


So I would say that through pure causality and the history as a judge, the answer is a resounding yes.

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Yes she will receive tweaks and hopefully buffs. I'm restraining myself form making a big topic suggesting tweaks on Hysteria to make it more fun, useful in terms of team play (more CC), overall more powerful and hopefully more appealing to the idea of claw attacks and melee system dynamics. I'll wait for the buff and changes before expressing my suggestions.



Just to name a few issues she has:


- Her low shields and high armor doesn't help her too much because armor's currently in a weird position since damage 2.0: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/137700-guys-can-we-get-an-armor-fix-yet/


- Even if she has high armor, her regular health doesn't give her enough effective help to compensate the low shields; this will be okay if armor worked properly (see above) since she'll have great dynamics with Rage and her Hysteria power even more.

--- Interestingly enough, you would think her high armor and melee-oriented powers will make her generally resistant against Infested without the need of Hysteria, yet a few strikes from mid-level chargers will decimate through your health in matters of seconds.


- As a result, she almost has a reliance to Hysteria at higher levels, especially against ranged targets, which is bad since Hysteria isn't powerful as it is.


- Right now with Hysteria, I just spam regular attacks with occasional slam attacks, since ground attacks and slide attacks are completely useless, same goes for wall attacks (this is important because using an attack while swinging with Ripline results in a wall attack, which could have awesome results if it actually worked in terms of damage and animation...). There's also no charge attacks so less variety in what you can do during Hysteria.


- Hysteria's just generally underwhelming because the melee system has been nerfed (no innate stun due to Impact proc); it also seem to do ZERO proc even if it deals all 3 damage types according to the wiki; its overall damage is pretty weak as enemy progresses; range is laughable; even with the ability to hit 5 targets (supposedly, according to wiki), the animation mostly allows only 1 or 2 to be hit.

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I just want her 1 and 3 changed. I dont get how grapple hook=viking warrior or how paralysis fits into the archetype...dont get me wrong her 1 is fun albeit too precise on enemies and doesn't pull you far even when maxed with Stretch. It yanks me up and then stops, like a weird slingshot. Perhaps i was under the impression that...

(1) it would reel me in to the grapple point, then release or

(2) i could hold the button and choose to hold on until i want to let go along the path.

I think the 3 should maybe be some sort of AoE blast to knock enemies down like rhinos old radial blast. So she would have a 2 thats an AoE debuff, a 3 thats an AoE attack.

This happens with every frame ive used...there are only one or two powers worth anything and i just never touch the others. I wish DE would pay more attention to theming and utility for each frame. I feel like the only frame i use all the abilities on is my beloved Vauban. And its so much fun! Now we need the others to be...

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^ Clearly doesn't know what dissonant serenity is like.

Its about remaining outwardly (and inwardly) calm while causing large amounts of bloodshed.

Having a gently smile on their face while slitting throats.

The sort of stuff that should be disturbing to most sane people.


Valkyr, on the other hand, is pretty much tortured to insanity.



That's funny, my Oxford dictionary (2nd edition illustrated) says something else:

Hysteria. n. 1. Functional disturbance of nervous system, of phychoneurotic origin. 2. Morbid excitement.

Morbid. adj. Unwholesome, sickly; of the nature, or indicative, of disease.


The name is fine, afaik.



Berserk would be better fitting to both the theme and her name.

Although tbh, valkyrjur didn't exactly berserk, that was left to the berserkir and úlfhéðnar.



Since her ultimate relies on close combat, maybe give her immunity to knockdowns for the duration?

^ This man knows his mythology and tropes. +1

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I've been using pure Valkyr for days now, Not changing frames.

I'm tried going all planet survivals with my heavy forma'd (Braton Prime/Despair/Ichor).

It is just be or it hard to find her very potential in game by using her skills.

I want to know if DE will rework/buff her skills because i really want her Physical apperance and i will Heavy Forma'd


Thanks and God Bless.


My guess is that every new frame as soon as they come out, land at the bottom of the Warframe checklist. The logic being that since they are new, they allready had most of the attention they needed to be balanced in the game's version they come out in. Ergo they can be ignored for the time being, in order to adress the older frames that might need a revision because of the game having changed in the meantime.

For example Ember and Mag are still under revision in order to bring them up to date with the rest of the game and the quicker pace it has now. Before that was Rhino. After these two ladies i guess Volt might get a second look under the new damage system.


Either way, Valkyr is now at the bottom of said "to do" list and before her come Nova and Nekros who might take a while to get a proper balancing.


Again the problem with having a very productive art and animation team but only a handfull of people who's job it is to fit all that stuff into the game.

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warcry: nerfs the enemy like no other, and it also boosts you and you allies, 75 cost? maybe a little lower like 60 or so but you can also reduce the cost me mods, like streamline. etc. this skill I spam a lot espically when when fighting the infected


Yeah after some testing, it seems Warcry is actualy pretty good. I also beginn to think that Warcry has 75 energy cost because it's actualy her 3 skill that someone messed up and put in the second slot. That would explain why Paralysis fits more into the survival category and only costs 50 energy.

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lol who hit you in the head, ember cant out run the infected? LOL your so dumb, you probably haven't even used her, the majority of my kills come from embers power. ive killed over 50k with the frame, and only 20k from weapons. ember out runs the infected with ease, you just cant use her. so please don't disrespect because you cant use her. and she wasn't made to tank. she was made to run across the map and clear with ease. and yes in fact if you use her right and mod her right she can out run the infected.

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the reason they gave her an invisibility to button is so noobs who don't know how to keep her in rage mode die like little girls, she doesn't need a heal not in the slightest, she has great moves already except grapple that's just crap. and if you complain about her shields so much. then put on the shield mod. and not everyone is built up like you are, and another thing go fight a distruptr and tell me how invisiable you are. once your power is gone. what can you rely on? and even if you put her power to max duration your just going to defeat her purpose. and when a person is enraged you don't think about being hit, you keep going on because your so pissed.

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the only move that needs a tweak is her hysteria, and her moves got switch around her between her 2nd and 3rd. she is a great frame. please use her properly, zerkers don't depend on long range attacks. because they are so pissed they can go right through a crowd LIKE A TANK and F*** everyone up in the process.


valkyr is supposed to be mainly used for survival, defense and bosses. survival to withstand everyone else, defense for debuffs and bosses to tank the damage. (if I saw vlad I would be pissed to high heavens to if he did that to me) you guys keep forgetting the emotions of an actual person, they are trying to make it fair but keep realism within the warframe aspect. sorry but they are human, and there are humans who go insane from things that have happened to them, to the point that they cant loose a thing, that is why I believe they made valkyr so powerful with hysteria. all of you zerg farmed valkyr. but you didn't take the time to actually research her skills. and use them PROPERLY, to fit the need. you just spam one warframe till you get pissed enough to switch. I only run two frames, ember and valkyr. ember for when I need to crowd control and show up a nova, or valkyr when I need to tank a boss or help with the survival and buffing of teammates.


so please go back and reconsider your thoughts on valkyr. she is tough S#&$, and is pretty damn cool.

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@ Ragingkitty, obviously have no idea of what he/she or whatever, is talking about,


In current state of Warframe, Armor is 100% USELESS... can you repeate this word? U-S-E-L-E-S-S.

With that amount of Shields(150), she always take direct damage to health, which is also low in combination with Armor....which is useless.



Ripline, has too much energy cost, due its annoying aiming system, ''You miss the hook, well...lets pull ourselves into napalms and bombards...''

She doesnt have any other sort of movement speed.


WarCry, as said, is barely viable, it grants ''ARMOR'' buff which as said again before, is useless in current Warframe state, and on top of that reduces enemy MOVEMENT speed by barely noticeable amount.

- Either warcry must grant ''% damage reduction when taking damage on health'', or fix ARMOR overall

- Enemy speed must be reduced globaly (both movement AND action speed)

Warcry is just not Cost efficient in its current state...spending 75 energy for Melee speed boost...wow, such speed, so fast, very scary.


Paralysis, is core problem here, you spend shields, for low amount of damage and minor stun...and...then you die because you keep taking tons and tons of health damage which isnt reduced by Armor AT ALL (I can score ~660 armor currently, and I die just as fast as any other warframe, if not faster)

- This skill needs more energy cost AND Some kinda health restoration mechanism...''Exchanging one thing for other''


Hysteria, You exchange your Over-formed over-powered weaponary, for an pair of claws, which deals crap of damage against decent enemy, melee range equalls fist weapon, and no sort of movability on top of your average base movement speed, + invincibility for as long as enemies near you are dead...

# First thought....completely useless in boss-fights...since you take 100% damage at the end of Hysteria, from marked enemies shooting at you surviving your hysteria..

- It needs any sort of ranged attack to compensate lack of range, and/or movement speed boost....



So far Valkyr kit is ''You exchange something...for NOTHING''


I am very dissapointed about Valkyr, design is half-finished, but i eagerly wait for NOTICEABLE Buffs.

Any other warframe is doing way better than she, sad but true.

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lol who hit you in the head, ember cant out run the infected? LOL your so dumb, you probably haven't even used her, the majority of my kills come from embers power. ive killed over 50k with the frame, and only 20k from weapons. ember out runs the infected with ease, you just cant use her. so please don't disrespect because you cant use her. and she wasn't made to tank. she was made to run across the map and clear with ease. and yes in fact if you use her right and mod her right she can out run the infected.


Uh huh... so you have 50k kills from Ember's powers, despite your account only being created on November 19?  And in that amount of time, you've also somehow gotten enough experience to judge Ember's effectiveness on higher levels in relation to most other warframes.  I'm impressed; you must not have slept at all, and spent a lot of money buying all of those warframes with platinum in order to avoid the 3 day build time. 


Ember is the 4th slowest warframe in the game.  Only Rhino, Frost, and Sayrn (barely) are slower than her.  Also, Ember used to be a tank (Overheat reduced damage by up to 91%), but you obviously didn't know that because you just joined. 

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Honestly, throwing all duration mods on her and using her as a cheap trick to be invincible in survival missions is the only reason I haven't sold her.


Rip-line is damn cool, and honestly I wish the rip-lining arm-whips had been established as a theme for a frame in and of themselves because big whip-arm claw things are hella-fun. But Valkyr sadly, isn't really.


I mean pressing 4 and going into Kratos mode was fun on cyath when levelling her, but for most of the rest of the game where the enemies have guns they just run away and because she's painfully slow that means I was just running around uselessly until I finally caught up with the enemies which after level 35-40 or so, were taking basically no damage from my claws. Meaning that my "super angry embodiment of violence" Bererker was relegated to O2 collector and medic.

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Here's my feedback
1. The name is kinda lame (especially in light of recent archaelogical reexaminings that reveal that some viking warriors were women). I'd rather have her called Fury or Berserker. 

2. Hysteria is a VERY lame name for her ultimate. There's been like a million better suggestions, but I'm partial to Warp Spasm or Riastrad (Irish mythology reference FTW. Basically, it's when you flip out so hard you turn all monstrous and twisted. Look it up. It's awesome)

3. Ripline having a base mod point cost of 0 is a really cool idea. Props.

4. 200 Armor and 50 shields just does not work. She either needs way more armor, more shields, or a way to regain health.

5. Hysteria needs a way to attack flying enemies in case it marks an Osprey.

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I'm truly beginning to wonder if anyone saying "she's fine" is actually playing the same game I am. The devs have said over and over that Warframe isn't supposed to be a cover shooter, and yet Valkyr's only way to stay alive in the open is ulti spam, which again the devs say they don't want. She's a confusing mess.

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you do know when she goes into hysteria mode, that her normal power is increased right? paralysis is stronger in damage, and not to mention I can spam that and hit long range targets (I moded it right, mods work wonders) yes I will agree she needs some tweaks, but anyway. I use the shield mod (sorry can careless to memorize it) so my shields are around 500 (sorry im tired atm while typing this so it might be all over the place) but the things about her I think in my opinion needs to be messed with.



-her on a new energy system called "RAGE" instead of her moves needing energy it should use her own anger, makes sense right?


-grapple: new move please, this is useless, like laughable useless. new skill here please, sorry but I don't think spider man is a berserker.


-warcry: I think perfect as is


-paralysis: it lands the damage but not the stun, make it a little bit more like rhinos? or remove it all together and replace it with something, that gives her more armor or makes her land more damage in a reasonable amount of time.


-hysteria: needs a speed boost, people don't get slower when they are angry only when they are tired. some AoE damage with her swings, or something even greater, how about if she is in rage mode, and targets are off in the distance she can shoot energy waves that are shot from her claws? be nice to help close the gap, but to make sure its not over powering the farther it goes out the less effective it gets with damage. and ive come to the point that, her ult is invulnerable, so in order to make it to where you cant spam it and stay in it forever, they should take away the ability to hack terminals, pick up fellow tenno, oh and since your angry, do you know who your teammates are? this I was kinda thinking would be funny, but if allies got to close you would do damage with your swings. sorry but blinding rage there (I made a funny) and when she kills a target she should gain 0.4-.06 health so she can regain hp. and make her skill gain agro, and if people wanna get smart with this rage mode, because of invulnerability, after so long the user should start to loose health, so people wont god mode spam it.


-for armor and shields stats: sorry im not an expert ill leave it to you guys to yell about it.



-when she kills with melee she(if put on a rage system instead of a energy one) she gains more rage, when she kills with primary or secondary she gains half of what she would gain with melee, and when a teammate goes down, she gains 25-50 rage. I do get &!$$ed when my teammate goes down, but more at the teammate because I have to fight their mobs.


-if I had to change her grapple skill, I would turn it into a skill called "skirmish run" for a burst of time, she runs through everything in her way, similar to rhinos dash skill. but instead of it costing her energy (or rage, please rage system) it would cost her stamina. or something done to her, not sure. you ponder it.


-paralysis, is a good skill to help, do I think its great of a zerker skill set. kinda not make it a another shout, that increases damage of you and teammates? might make her more helpful in higher lvls.


enjoying raging through the lvls with valkyr. anyway some thoughts, and please if you think something in my post you would like to add, or suggest. please do. nothing in one mind alone is perfect.


and sorry for the first part xD tired and to lazy to edit and say more.


oh and one more thing, you guys are complaining of knockdowns, i've never been knocked down in hysteria. ever. so stop smoking?

Edited by Ragingkitty
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I'm truly beginning to wonder if anyone saying "she's fine" is actually playing the same game I am. The devs have said over and over that Warframe isn't supposed to be a cover shooter, and yet Valkyr's only way to stay alive in the open is ulti spam, which again the devs say they don't want. She's a confusing mess.


This is a run and gun game so run and gun.

She has two enemy debuff so put those to use.

Her slow enemy scream is OP with any weapon that has a huge aoe ground slam cause it takes days for them to get up.

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What's wrong with her Ult? It makes you invulnerable for ridiculous amounts of time. It's biggest (only) problem is that it restricts you to its melee which seems to do terrible damage (not sure, still haven't maxed Valkyr so I'm running on a mostly duration based build).


The melee part I'm fine with (her being a berserker and all), but the damage output from it is absolutely ridiculous. I wanted a lion, not a kitten.

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you do know when she goes into hysteria mode, that her normal power is increased right? paralysis is stronger in damage, and not to mention I can spam that and hit long range targets (I moded it right, mods work wonders) yes I will agree she needs some tweaks, but anyway. I use the shield mod (sorry can careless to memorize it) so my shields are around 500 (sorry im tired atm while typing this so it might be all over the place) but the things about her I think in my opinion needs to be messed with.



-her on a new energy system called "RAGE" instead of her moves needing energy it should use her own anger, makes sense right?


-grapple: new move please, this is useless, like laughable useless. new skill here please, sorry but I don't think spider man is a berserker.


-warcry: I think perfect as is


-paralysis: it lands the damage but not the stun, make it a little bit more like rhinos? or remove it all together and replace it with something, that gives her more armor or makes her land more damage in a reasonable amount of time.


-hysteria: needs a speed boost, people don't get slower when they are angry only when they are tired. some AoE damage with her swings, or something even greater, how about if she is in rage mode, and targets are off in the distance she can shoot energy waves that are shot from her claws? be nice to help close the gap, but to make sure its not over powering the farther it goes out the less effective it gets with damage. and ive come to the point that, her ult is invulnerable, so in order to make it to where you cant spam it and stay in it forever, they should take away the ability to hack terminals, pick up fellow tenno, oh and since your angry, do you know who your teammates are? this I was kinda thinking would be funny, but if allies got to close you would do damage with your swings. sorry but blinding rage there (I made a funny) and when she kills a target she should gain 0.4-.06 health so she can regain hp. and make her skill gain agro, and if people wanna get smart with this rage mode, because of invulnerability, after so long the user should start to loose health, so people wont god mode spam it.


-for armor and shields stats: sorry im not an expert ill leave it to you guys to yell about it.



-when she kills with melee she(if put on a rage system instead of a energy one) she gains more rage, when she kills with primary or secondary she gains half of what she would gain with melee, and when a teammate goes down, she gains 25-50 rage. I do get &!$$ed when my teammate goes down, but more at the teammate because I have to fight their mobs.


-if I had to change her grapple skill, I would turn it into a skill called "skirmish run" for a burst of time, she runs through everything in her way, similar to rhinos dash skill. but instead of it costing her energy (or rage, please rage system) it would cost her stamina. or something done to her, not sure. you ponder it.


-paralysis, is a good skill to help, do I think its great of a zerker skill set. kinda not make it a another shout, that increases damage of you and teammates? might make her more helpful in higher lvls.


enjoying raging through the lvls with valkyr. anyway some thoughts, and please if you think something in my post you would like to add, or suggest. please do. nothing in one mind alone is perfect.


and sorry for the first part xD tired and to lazy to edit and say more.


oh and one more thing, you guys are complaining of knockdowns, i've never been knocked down in hysteria. ever. so stop smoking?

For one, Grapple is one of her most defining skills, not just in utility, but it gives her much needed mobility that gives her versatility in situations other Frames lack,. It's probably her second best skill, her first being her ult.

Her first power needs no tweaks, though I would love it to be reduced down to 10, maybe 15 energy.

[EDIT] I really wish she would stay reeling herself in longer. She lets go a little before she's halfway up the cord in most instances, which is confusing and unecessary, I don't see why they can't up the duration she holds onto her tether.


(Seriously, how can you dislike the parkour she can do by web-slinging over crowds? Christ, why does no one hear like MOBILITY?)


Warcry would be fine, if not for the fact that the DE totally ruined armor as of U11 and it needs tweaked accordingly. Watch them add yet another bandaid mod for this though. 'Oh guys just slap this on to go with your Steel Fiber!'


Paralysis needs to actually paralyze foes right off the bat, or at least knock them over for a good duration, I don't know, something more than a 2 second bloody stun. 


Hystaria...ugh, it needs so many fixes.

For starters, the range on it needs a hearty buff. The stats SAY it can hit like 5 targets at once as she wails on people, but that's a lie, you have to be right in something's nose, and even then she still misses quite a few swipes. Unacceptable.

Second, the damage scales terribly, and it does total &!$$ against enemies with respectable armor, even if you waste the Ult's entire duration wailing on them like an angry toddler who got his/her toy taken away. So it needs a pretty substantial buff there, enough so that she scales well into late game. Would it be such a bad thing for a Warframe to finally compete with Nova's spammable 4 or Loki/Ash's invisibility?

(This is not a cry to nerf those three, it's a rally to buff Valkyr, because as it stands I don't see Nova as OP, I see her as doing her job, and Valkyr under-performing as the hacky slashy murder machine.)

Third, why aren't we immune to disruption when we're immune to all other forms of damage, and even knockdowns/knockbacks?

(so long as you keep spamming melee attacks)


She needs serious work, but given how they've been treating alotta frames lately...


Nekros remains untweaked and improved like he needs to be.


They went and gave Ember a senseless and unjustified nerf.

(WHO thought it was a good idea to make her ult a measly 3 target spell?) not to mention her Prime variant's lack of an extra polarity.


Volt took several months to make playable again after they stealth nerfed his armor to 10 and made his original ult a Press 4 To Die button.

(He has been more or less fixed as of U11 but I still say he needs buffs, getting struck by lightning isn't going to tickle something!)


Nyx is still a one-trick pony, they can't seem to decide what to do with Trinity, Frost only has Snow Globe, I could go on.


The point of that ramble above, is we already have many a frame who need buffs, fixes, re-works, etc, that DE have utterly ignored, made worse, or kinda side-tracked on and made marginally better, yet still not good. Can we trust them to give Valkyr the love and attention she needs?

Edited by Hastur609
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