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Does De Want Any Endgame At All?


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Warframe has never had, and frankly I doubt ever will have endgame.

A looooong time ago they told us all they didn't want grinding to be the only thing to do in warframe.

Since then they have increased the grind exponentially and only added more grinding.


Its how I'm feeling right now and it makes me sad. I guess people newer players should understand that the end game is literally just a grind with no real reward for that grind, unlike MMORPGs with endgame. Especially with the way the community mods respond about endgame, it really means there isn't any and probably never will be any.

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It would be cool to see more 'epic' boss fights like Lephantis (although hopefully with more strategy than 'shoot the weak spots and avoid the electric puddles'). I'd also like it if DE made end game more about figuring out specific strategies, instead of just scaling numbers, although I understand that's somewhat restricted by the nature of shooter games.

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No, that is not what nerf means. Nerf means making something weaker while Buff is making something stronger. Brakk got nerfed. Torid and Acrid got indirectly nerfed due to damage 2.0 while Synapse and Lanka got indirectly buffed.


You can't change the definition of words, friend.

can't imagine what you're smoking

removing the high crit chance and crit damage from the lanka =/= buff

it was hella nerfed

sincerely, guy who forma'd it

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Wanted to bring this up again cause of the new changes to Damage 2.0. It's basically a nerf to every weapon. Again, this is artificially making things more difficult without actually making things more interesting.

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They want grind. No money gain if there is no grind.

Because if you want to avoid grind, you will buy platinum at some point.

As a person who actually enjoys grinding in games (oddly enough...well I did play WoW) I want MORE. Yes I can grind and get all the weapons but by the end of the day. and I mean LITTERALLY by the end of the day. I WILL HAVE THEM ALL. so it's a matter of time for a whale(I assume that's what I am now because I literally spend loads of money on this game and no not on weapons but on potatoes and cosmetics and all sorts of fun stuff) such as myself to get everything and then sit there and wonder...well whats next?

No I don't want to test my "limits" on how long I can survive a mission in Defense and/or Survival.

Yes I am a SOLO Player so I don't have teammates assisting me. One of the many reasons I made a clan was just so I can build a dojo and see what it has to offer. I LOVE to play Solo. Teammates will bring you down far too many times and internet connections can screw you over the most. (Damn you BAJA!!!!!)

Overall I want Endgame! weather it be fighting a giant boss, a gauntlet of bosses, or ANYTHING I just want endgame for a grindy game. That I KNOW I will get everything in. Because RNG loves me... >.>

I sorta took the soapbox there.....want it back OP?

Edited by MetroidHunter26
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I can't actually find a definite definition (haha definite definition anyway) for endgame. Could someone outline what exactly it means? 

Various online opinions have been: "What you enjoy most in a videogame", "The highest and hardest level of content available" etc. Since they are many and differing, which would most of you say it is?

Edited by CheeseHasLeafs
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Yeah, it's not like the Torid or Ignis were ever made competent.

Also, sick and tired of everyone using the word "nerf." "Nerfing" implies making the weapon unusable, in which case DE has actually done the exact opposite of that I've been corrected, so apparently nerfing only means making something weaker as opposed to being made obsolete. Still, I dislike thw rod, and would much prefer the word 'balanced' instead--Damage 2.0 has made a lot of useless weapons really quite usable.

Additionally, keep in mind that weapons are always being tweaked a bit to try and achieve a good balance. Try, fail and try again.

Also there's plenty of Endgame... like the following:

- Survive to 100 minutes and gain fame and glory

- Make it to Defense 100 and join the group of elites who have done the same

- See just how much single shot damage you can get with a Vectis

- Become a platinum mogul by collecting rare mods and hoarding all the platinum from trades

- Waiting for the next major update

- Forums

Lots of endgame in Warframe.

"Also there's plenty of Endgame... like the following:

- Survive to 100 minutes and gain fame and glory

- Make it to Defense 100 and join the group of elites who have done the same

- See just how much single shot damage you can get with a Vectis

- Become a platinum mogul by collecting rare mods and hoarding all the platinum from trades"

Really!!....[COUGH] - MORE grind, grind, grind is all...not what I think at all as "end-game".

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End game is basically content geared towards the portion of your games population that has completed all the other stuff. Ideally, you have something that is fun, repeatable, and challenging for people who have the absolute best gear available in your game. The people who've built all the items and ranked up all the mods they need. Sure, you can throw out new content for these people to push the end game further back, but they'll just hammer through it and be standing there waiting for something to do a few days later.


Right now, in Warframe, you have no real designed end game. People who are fully geared just chase rare parts for primes etc. for completion's sake, and push the two endless mission types, defense and survival, out way further than anyone really has a reason to. These are repeatable, but only a minority find them fun, and once you figure out how to do them, they're not much of a challenge really. Just a time sink.

Edited by RedDirtTrooper
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Yeah, it's not like the Torid or Ignis were ever made competent.

Also, sick and tired of everyone using the word "nerf." "Nerfing" implies making the weapon unusable, in which case DE has actually done the exact opposite of that I've been corrected, so apparently nerfing only means making something weaker as opposed to being made obsolete. Still, I dislike thw rod, and would much prefer the word 'balanced' instead--Damage 2.0 has made a lot of useless weapons really quite usable.

Additionally, keep in mind that weapons are always being tweaked a bit to try and achieve a good balance. Try, fail and try again.

Also there's plenty of Endgame... like the following:

- Survive to 100 minutes and gain fame and glory

- Make it to Defense 100 and join the group of elites who have done the same

- See just how much single shot damage you can get with a Vectis

- Become a platinum mogul by collecting rare mods and hoarding all the platinum from trades

- Waiting for the next major update

- Forums

Lots of endgame in Warframe.


So the same stuff we've been doing for the last year or so?


That just sound so...not interesting.

Edited by f3llyn
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Yeah, it's not like the Torid or Ignis were ever made competent.

Also, sick and tired of everyone using the word "nerf." "Nerfing" implies making the weapon unusable, in which case DE has actually done the exact opposite of that I've been corrected, so apparently nerfing only means making something weaker as opposed to being made obsolete. Still, I dislike thw rod, and would much prefer the word 'balanced' instead--Damage 2.0 has made a lot of useless weapons really quite usable.

Additionally, keep in mind that weapons are always being tweaked a bit to try and achieve a good balance. Try, fail and try again.

Also there's plenty of Endgame... like the following:

- Survive to 100 minutes and gain fame and glory

- Make it to Defense 100 and join the group of elites who have done the same

- See just how much single shot damage you can get with a Vectis

- Become a platinum mogul by collecting rare mods and hoarding all the platinum from trades

- Waiting for the next major update

- Forums

Lots of endgame in Warframe.

Was this sarcasm?....

It has to be.


I find it almost impossible to believe that anyone, in their right mind, could say that any of that could be considered "endgame"

Edited by Nugget_
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Everyone is complaining about endgame...but no one has an idea how it should be.

Suggest something and DE will read it.


You must be new. There have been dozens and dozens of suggestions made over the last year and yet things remain relatively the same as when I started playing last january.


Well, that's not true. The game has gotten more grindy.

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Yeah, it's not like the Torid or Ignis were ever made competent.

Also, sick and tired of everyone using the word "nerf." "Nerfing" implies making the weapon unusable, in which case DE has actually done the exact opposite of that I've been corrected, so apparently nerfing only means making something weaker as opposed to being made obsolete. Still, I dislike thw rod, and would much prefer the word 'balanced' instead--Damage 2.0 has made a lot of useless weapons really quite usable.

Additionally, keep in mind that weapons are always being tweaked a bit to try and achieve a good balance. Try, fail and try again.

Also there's plenty of Endgame... like the following:

- Survive to 100 minutes and gain fame and glory

- Make it to Defense 100 and join the group of elites who have done the same

- See just how much single shot damage you can get with a Vectis

- Become a platinum mogul by collecting rare mods and hoarding all the platinum from trades

- Waiting for the next major update

- Forums

Lots of endgame in Warframe.


i'm the only one here that realice he's being sarcastic?

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DE does not want endgame. DE wants to keep this bubble up as long as they can. Minimum Viable Product and all that jazz.


Could not have said it better myself.  Since update 8 no update really was about just adding to the game.  If anything is added, something is removed like gear, items and now even factions. DE think's they have their core game done and adding any content now must come with a huge cash push that is why around update 9 the story changed.  LiveStream around update 8 Steve said something like, "We can't continue to just add in weapons and items into Warframe constantly.  At some point we need to just finish the game."   Now look, the opposite seems to be true, every update almost comes with new weapon.  Most weapons are just mastery filler, some seem good, but watch out if you offend some teenager from England who does not have it, he will likely shout balance until the money or time you spent on it is pure waste.

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