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Infested Are Infesting A Little Too Hard.


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It hasn't even been a day and they already blocked off 2 bosses.



With the huge participation numbers needed on so many fronts at once...demands can simply not be met. In addition to that rewards are kind of low so quite a few people don't give a damn.



Please DE tweak those infested invasion numbers.



Of course it would be cool to see it once that the infested take over the entire solar system... but it's gonna be a pain for all the newer players that want to do bosses/farming of faction mods and can't do so at all.

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Oh god wannabe infested fanboys.... try to take a sip of realism.

If every planet is infested then this game is becoming completely unplayable...with infested invading stuff that we just cleared once everything was caught we will never be able to ever clear them off again.


This is an issue that would alienate a lot of new players if all they see in the game is just a bunch of infested that run at you and nothing else to do than the same boss on every single planet.



Not to mention with those weak rewards its not like coordinated cleansing is ever gonna happen.... I expect those 2 planets right now to be infested until at least next week...by then half the solar system is gone at least.

Edited by Shehriazad
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Oh god wannabe infested fanboys.... try to take a sip of realism.

If every planet is infested then this game is becoming completely unplayable...with infested invading stuff that we just cleared once everything was caught we will never be able to ever clear them off again.


This is an issue that would alienate a lot of new players if all they see in the game is just a bunch of infested that run at you and nothing else to do than the same boss on every single planet.

I intended my reply as more of a joke. I do realize what would happen, and what the consequences would be.


I also have a fetish for anarchy, so I'm just gonna sit back and watch this play out.

Edited by Nitresco
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Oh god wannabe infested fanboys.... try to take a sip of realism.

If every planet is infested then this game is becoming completely unplayable...with infested invading stuff that we just cleared once everything was caught we will never be able to ever clear them off again.


This is an issue that would alienate a lot of new players if all they see in the game is just a bunch of infested that run at you and nothing else to do than the same boss on every single planet.


I am fully aware of the consequences of the Infested taking over everything.  I'm sure DE is, too.  Thus the greater likelihood that they'll do something about it sooner rather than later.


So just let it happen.

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Oh god wannabe infested fanboys.... try to take a sip of realism.

If every planet is infested then this game is becoming completely unplayable...with infested invading stuff that we just cleared once everything was caught we will never be able to ever clear them off again.


This is an issue that would alienate a lot of new players if all they see in the game is just a bunch of infested that run at you and nothing else to do than the same boss on every single planet.



Not to mention with those weak rewards its not like coordinated cleansing is ever gonna happen.... I expect those 2 planets right now to be infested until at least next week...by then half the solar system is gone at least.


Good. Maybe it'll make DE think about the changes they make to the game for more than 30 seconds.

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I'm eager to see what happens next after all of this. Personally I am expecting DE to make it incredibly easy to clear out infestation by making the required amount of mission completes for infestation invasions lower and making spread slower making it incredibly easier to stop infestation. XD

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Glory to the Infested.  They didn't like being removed from the map, now they will take all of it :D


No one is safe.  Be one with us.


I for one hail our new infested overlords. : o )


atm tho infested arent menacing enough to be a special invasion force.

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