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Pc Event: The Cicero Crisis


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Why don't you try to get Lapis and go solo mission, deffend till bar go to 100% and tell me how much points you get.
That is how you do solo, and for Tvin W Vipers i gues you need to have complete 100 points in your profile ( that bar near your name where you can see others events ) and not in one mission.

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To be honest im a bit confused on a few parts of this event...


1. Which ones of the antitoxins is considered "Rare" and which is not "Rare", considering there are 5 different types, does everyone bring the same one (the one that is most difficult to get) or does everyone bring a different type?


2. Do we really need to get a team of 4 to have a chance at the 100 point prize? or can the prize be obtained even as a solo player?


If anyone at DE could shed some light on the event questions peopple have, that would be nice.


Thank you and merry christmas.


Little clarification (and even I had to hit up the forums and test/chat with clan members for some of this, since the notes were not clear), all of which is prone to change (and hopefully will for you non-clan players):


1. The number of ingredients used equals rarity. (Why they didn't put Common/Uncommon/Rare in the description rather than using 'potent' and 'strong', which are technically approximate synonyms of one another).

--Common: (10 points per user) Use only Cones. If you're doing runs to find rarer materials, you should bring one of these. You'll usually make the cash and resources back just by scanning in the mission to use this toxin. So far it doesn't seem to matter if you bring a day/night version, as long as someone has one.


--Uncommon: (15 points per user) Use a cone and a lily. Not really worth making due to the reward spread, and the rarity of the lily resource. But can help reach that 50 point reward, at least. Also doesn't seem to matter if you bring the day/night.


--Rare: Uses all four lily types, two from day and two from night. You NEED one of these to get the 100 point score, along with 3 other players who ALSO have this and use them. THERE IS NO OTHER WAY TO GET 100 POINTS IN ONE RUN. There is only one type of rare antitoxin.


2. Not only do you need four other players, EACH of those four players has to have a rare antitoxin with them. There is currently NO way to get this solo, or in less of a team of four, or with any other non-rare toxin.  [The ability to not get this solo is reinforced by the inability to see what your cumulative score is. It'd be nice to be wrong about that.] The points aren't cumulative for your personal score, only for the clan score. (I've no idea why this is, outside of them wanting to protect from competitive cheating somehow for leaderboards. Which also doesn't make sense, since the leaderboards cap at 100, outside of clan leaderboards.)


Hopefully I'll come back to find this post outdated/now wrong! Good luck, and if you're pubbing for this event? May you not get screwed out of your hard farmed rare toxin, Tenno. Good luck.

Edited by KoshLovesYou
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Currently only finding Moonlight Threshcone and Lily. Hopefully I can find some other stuff in the day, but right now Moonlight Lily is looking pretty rare to me. An example is how I've got 15 Threshcone extracts and only 2 Dragonlily extracts


Topaz, Amethyst, Cirtine and Beryl are antitoxins exclusive to night and day only respectively. My guess is Lapis would be the rare antitoxin since it requires components from both day and night, and rare components at that. Topaz and Cirtine would make uncommon antitoxins, while the basic ones, Amethyst and Beryl consist only of the *so far* common threshcones

Edited by Vesper3
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Currently only finding Moonlight Threshcone and Lily. Hopefully I can find some other stuff in the day, but right now Moonlight Lily is looking pretty rare to me. An example is how I've got 15 Threshcone extracts and only 2 Dragonlily extracts

Same here, Then again they are rare and uncommon for a reason ;)

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what i noticed...


EVERY event so far:


screw solo players

confusing description


will they ever learn from their mistakes?


While I wouldn't say every event, it's funny you should mention that, as another player noticed in another thread:


Didn't DESteve mention something in previous event feedback about accidentally designing an event that punishes solo players? I swear I saw something.


Edit: Found it re Arid Fear https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/94239-operation-arid-fear-completed/page-13


"Wow. Can you tell we're new at this 'live game' thing? First, here is an apology: I'm sorry guys, this event was full of holes.
In our heads, it came from a pure place - wanting to make a big deal out of the Settlement update... We thought the feeling of the community working together to unlock a new location was compelling. But we didn't execute it very well at all.
Big problems I saw:
-Event had dual termination conditions: Is it done at 100%? or 6 days?
-Grindy goals, escalation was minor change in the enemy, not enough of a break.
-Personal rewards revealed late (What's in it for me? Someone else can unlock that location! Oh crap, I need points!)
-Poor consideration for Solo players in the scoring.
-Poor consideration for players with limited time (who expected a 6 day schedule).
-Key/Lobby problems.
Warframe's next event will clearer goals, more diverse gameplay with all the information upfront for you to judge its value. It must be better, you guys deserve it."


I've bolded his point regarding solo players.  They've now made an event where it is impossible, regardless of time commitment, to get the top rewards solo.  Makes me laugh.


I think this one is at least clear and long enough that people can find groups to get it done if they want to.  Still makes me laugh.



Slapped the sub-quote in italics since the forums handle quotes-inside-quotes odd. But yeah. Weird.

From the Livestream I've seen that DE has some smart people working for them, so I'd think some of these problems and concerns would be right up there on the big white board I'd imagine they'd have.

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Just did 2 missions with antitoxins. First was a 15pt, second was a 10pt, yet according to my stats i have 15....


Is this intentional? I see many other people wondering if the scores a cumulative. Do we have no choice but to gather a party to reach full score?


Or did somebody make a mistake, and not allow players to add all their scores up?


Personally, thinking somethings up like i said above, i have earned 25pts yet only 15 shows in personal ranking. If i check my clan score i have 25pts the highest in clan currently has 160pts. I check Top players then they are all 100....


Does that mean my score will be tallied as in

1 run/ 15pts

2 run/ 10pts

3 run/ 25

4 run/ 25

5 run/ 25




1 run/ 15pts

2 run/ 10pts

3 run/ 25

4 run/ 25

5 run/ 25



Please clarify (in case unclear would prefer the first option). Also would prefer if solo players could reach target of 100, my ISP is a shocker in terms of latency and if the 2nd option is what you have taken then it will make reaching 100pts difficult if not impossible.

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Reasons for solo (ascending order):

4: "I don't like depending on complete strangers. That's why I have less than 3 people in my contact list and my clan is just me."


3: "I am a super star! I am amazing! I am so amazing I can take down a whole event's worth of armies... by myself." (and do these brave warriors not deserve a prize worthy of their effort???)

2: "Warframe is quite buggy when anything more than a modicum of lag is involved. I think I'll take solo over unstable."

1: "I have a terrible internet connection. My only hope in playing warframe in any way that resembles "playable" is in solo."

And number 1 is a big one. I know the pains of terrible internet. To deny these gentle folks their chance at glory and riches simply because they don't have a good enough internet connection is simply appalling. Jeez DE, cut them a break where their ISP won't/can't. Give us solo-junkies a chance at the glory and riches we so deserve! Be bros! Be dudes! Be cool damn it DE!! 

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Just did 2 missions with antitoxins. First was a 15pt, second was a 10pt, yet according to my stats i have 15....


Is this intentional? I see many other people wondering if the scores a cumulative. Do we have no choice but to gather a party to reach full score?


Or did somebody make a mistake, and not allow players to add all their scores up?


Personally, thinking somethings up like i said above, i have earned 25pts yet only 15 shows in personal ranking. If i check my clan score i have 25pts the highest in clan currently has 160pts. I check Top players then they are all 100....


Does that mean my score will be tallied as in

1 run/ 15pts

2 run/ 10pts

3 run/ 25

4 run/ 25

5 run/ 25




1 run/ 15pts

2 run/ 10pts

3 run/ 25

4 run/ 25

5 run/ 25



Please clarify (in case unclear would prefer the first option). Also would prefer if solo players could reach target of 100, my ISP is a shocker in terms of latency and if the 2nd option is what you have taken then it will make reaching 100pts difficult if not impossible.

It seem Solo players can't get 100 points ( Twin W Vipers ).. i hope that's wrong but for now this is how things are:

You need to solo farm ( better solo farm ) all componets to get Lapis ( i think that is the name ) then find group with 4 people and all equip Lapis, then do mission and deffend objetive till bar come to 100% and leave. You will get 100 points and reward ( after event is over, ofc ).

If you go solo and colect 100 points that is count like PERSONAL score, not for reward. 

Yes, it's S#&$.

tip for those who don't know: Seach moonlight plant in night and sunlight in day time :D

Good luck  i got 2/4 to get Lapis, now i wait Day to start farming.

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Edit- NVM Q below was answered while writing this up----

So is the event judged and awards given according to individual score or clan score, as in the description it doesn't state which score we'll be judged by, though i admit individual score seems most likely.



Wouldn't it make more sense to make them the same, to avoid confusion.

And as many have already said what then is the point of the lower rating antitoxins, if only one (25pter) is worth getting/using.


Its just annoying, i am for the most part a solo player. And to be excluded from the higher tiered rewards, regardless of the effort i put in to the event is more than a little offensive.


Please DE, make the scores cumulative, if i have to do 10 runs for 10pts, i don't mind. 

Edited by Raiithe
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So basically I've got two weeks to accumulate 10 runs once I scan enough plants to get the Vipers....




I can do that.


Thanks for extending the event! Just make sure it doesn't end too fast for players to finish it.


EDIT: Apparently not, after reading some player replies.......sigh. Really?

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The good news is, even if you aren't in a clan, the total 'points' you've earned [even if the system is not based on cumulative points atm, you still have to get 100 points in one mission to get the Twin Vipers] are being tracked by the game. So if DE decides to make changes to this, the data is all there to do so.


Still kinda hoping this is a misunderstanding or a lack of proper communication than really expecting people to score 100 points in one go very easily.

Edited by KoshLovesYou
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The good news is, even if you aren't in a clan, the total 'points' you've earned [even if the system is not based on cumulative points atm, you still have to get 100 points in one mission to get the Twin Vipers] are being tracked by the game. So if DE decides to make changes to this, the data is all there to do so.


Still kinda hoping this is a misunderstanding or a lack of proper communication than really expecting people to score 100 points in one go very easily.


I hate it when they release these late-night updates, then they go to bed, and they leave lots of players scratching their heads over the confusing details.


Can Solo Players ever hope to get their weapons or not?


We gotta wait for them to wake up, and see the *numerous* "WTF!?!?" threads and then reply with clarifications/thoughts behind the scoring.

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But, all you've got to do is play solo untill you got the rare antidote crafted and then, you just have to tag along with 3 people that have it as well.

And your only job is to insert the antitode into that big machine. Do you really need a good internet connection to do that much? =O


I've played Mobile Defence with some really laggy host and I managed to disable the alarm or insert the datamass flawlessly. The only problem was that I just couldn't damage any enemies or pickup loot.


I mean, I'd rather carry an objective once in a super laggy mission, than doing 100 exterminate missions.

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Do you really need a good internet connection to do that much? =O


To play a game on the internet, using a resource you can lose if the connection fails once you insert it into the injector or if one of those 3 people is confused/trolling, and requires a six hour rotation to get half the parts?



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Thanks for the mention :P


Sorry DE, I like the look of the event but you've got to think about solo players (either through choice or connection issues).  I'm sure noone would object to teams being able to reach the goal faster, nothing wrong with that.  But to have a goal (two in fact) that solo players simply cannot ever reach is very unfair.


I'd like to say it's funny in light of Steve's apology over Arid Fear's treatment of solo players but these things do stop being funny after a while.


Hopefully with a longer event timeframe like this you can hotfix it to allow individual scores to accumulate or something.

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To play a game on the internet, using a resource you can lose if the connection fails once you insert it into the injector or if one of those 3 people is confused/trolling, and requires a six hour rotation to get half the parts?




I'm talking about the connection being the issue here, loosing the item due to people trolling/confusing is a different problem. I mean, it's not like people with a good connection can't be trolled.

And as for loosing the antidote due to a disconnection...

By now you should know that you don't loose any key items if you disconnect. So please don't make assumptions as it would only spread rumors and cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

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