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Nightmare alert aura mod




Gives a bonus to running and reload speed.


Dash polarity


Running speed / Reload speed

+4% / 7%   

+8% / 13%

+12% / 19%

+16% / 25%

+20% / 31%

+24% / 37%

Edited by Ttariel
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Nightmare alert aura mod




Gives a bonus to running and reload speed.

where do you equip that? o.0

it's Warframe and Weapon at the same time, so where does it go?

(also that Reload speed is higher than Fast Hands is currently, Nightmare Mods by definition shouldn't be 'better' than their dedicated counterparts).

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Introduce temporary XP*2 affinity booster for the daily first mission.

so, like, instead of a magic XP boost for the login reward, instead give an XP booster time of say, 30 minutes?

sounds better honestly - since a lot of Tenno still have no idea what the daily bonus does, and it's hard to tell what it does even if you do know, because it is not pointed out well at all. 

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so, like, instead of a magic XP boost for the login reward, instead give an XP booster time of say, 30 minutes?

sounds better honestly - since a lot of Tenno still have no idea what the daily bonus does, and it's hard to tell what it does even if you do know, because it is not pointed out well at all. 


Yeah, pretty much. I was doing a mission today with a friend and was confused about some XP numbers, thinking I'd be getting twice as much for killing Grineer butchers(which turned out to be flameblades). That way XP wouldn't go to waste, the player could choose what to level and had more of a concrete reason to play at least one mission a day.


I know about Focus, but as it stands now we only know that excess XP on gear is used to unlock new abilities, not fuel them continuously. 

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When doing the spy missions show us how many consoles are in each direction on the map, for instance if there are data consoles in both directions, the UI will tell you next to the symbols how many consoles are in that direction so you can prioritize.

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Invasion rewards have been nerfed, so completion requirement should decrease from 5 to 3.

Too much Exterminate = monotonous repetitive game play = no fun.


Okay this is a big thing bug: Need and Ideas for a new mission type for invasions: Defend the fort/borderlines battles.


Here's my idea:



And here's another by someone else I liked:


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Hmm, it would be nice to have a different looking cypher.. So far, we were only solving Grineer cyphers but that gets really boring at times.. Solving a different kind of puzzle for corpus lockdowns would be more fun!

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Also, i wouldnt mind having a full buff list in the UI. So far, we only have status effects on there but it would also be nice to have something like - damage boost from rhino roar, speed boost from volts speed and such.. Also have numbers and percentages of the buffs/debuffs to say how much total speed or just the percentage of the boost we have on at the moment.

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Please update the year old "tips" between missions and the unmatching black background size.


Help players with things like:

Press "button X does this" use it like "this".

Blue swirls left after you've picked up a mod means one of your allies have yet to pick it up.

Range affects your teams ffinity bonus - stay close.



Update the tips with some lore about various units, locations, leaders, mods - these mods are more likely to drop from higher lvled units (if so) - info about scanners, foundry, gear, waypoints on different things.

Bring in info about new warframes and possible locations. Dojo, clans, friends and what not.


In short - update the tool tips between missions.

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Please don't use the Lotus symbol for "allies" (grineer or corpus) on the map, and don't use the "blue" for them : They are not Tenno's and they are not our "allies" or our team : we just work temporarily for them and we'll kill them like usual right after that. We hate them, they don't have any right to have the lotus symbol on them.


And for the gameplay : it's a pain to follow OUR team on these invasion map (mostly because they have already cut off the ghostly images of our team mate... Too bad it was really better... And we have Warframes with radars and such, honestly what the point to not be able to see our team clearly on any map ???)

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I would like the ability to avoid someone you've played with. Friending is a good way to connect with players of a similiar level/mindset, but it would also be helpful if you could mark a player as someone you don't want to get matched up with again.


This would allow me to avoid all the kids griefing or being annoying or rushing through a level to the extraction and starting the timer while I'm still battling it out mid-level.



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When doing the spy missions show us how many consoles are in each direction on the map, for instance if there are data consoles in both directions, the UI will tell you next to the symbols how many consoles are in that direction so you can prioritize.


Or have each console as a separate marker, with a 'metres to' number next to it.

Edited by The_Hitcher
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Hi, its me again asking for anything challenging for veteran players. Highlevel planet, T4, lvl50-100 nodes, unlockable hard difficulty, anything, please.  I have to get a G3 bolt, equip dragon key and play Pluto nightmares to find any challenge in the game. 


I think its small enough and fairly easy to add some high-level node to outer planets.

Edited by Monolake
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Here's one for Update 12. PLEASE if the markers on the minimap show the location of a teammate and the objective, let the objective take priority over the teammate and be on top. I'm tired of not being able to see where to go because a teammate or an ally is in that same direction. All I can see is that friggin' lotus symbol and NOT the objective marker...

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Here's one for Update 12. PLEASE if the markers on the minimap show the location of a teammate and the objective, let the objective take priority over the teammate and be on top. I'm tired of not being able to see where to go because a teammate or an ally is in that same direction. All I can see is that friggin' lotus symbol and NOT the objective marker...

or perhaps not have them overlap at all? put them next to each other.

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Please don't use the Lotus symbol for "allies" (grineer or corpus) on the map, and don't use the "blue" for them : They are not Tenno's and they are not our "allies" or our team : we just work temporarily for them and we'll kill them like usual right after that. We hate them, they don't have any right to have the lotus symbol on them.


And for the gameplay : it's a pain to follow OUR team on these invasion map (mostly because they have already cut off the ghostly images of our team mate... Too bad it was really better... And we have Warframes with radars and such, honestly what the point to not be able to see our team clearly on any map ???)


Cool, they have changed the dots, now our "allies" aren't showed with the lotus sign, but only with a blue dots ! GG DE thanks ;) (they are still blue anyway ;))

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or perhaps not have them overlap at all? put them next to each other.

Well that would be fantastic...(I was trying not to be greedy ;)  )


Cool, they have changed the dots, now our "allies" aren't showed with the lotus sign, but only with a blue dots ! GG DE thanks ;) (they are still blue anyway ;))

This is great news as well...too bad I'll have to wait 2 months to see this change (PS4)

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