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Index Of "little Things". Small Suggestions Done By The Community.


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I hope I'm right with posting this here,
but one thing that came to my mind addresses several issues.

The idea is enhancing (Doubling?) the mod-dropchance when the enemy is killed with a headshot.

Primarily, this enables players to be able to enhance their chances of getting that one special mot they have been farming for so long even further by using skill and not a modcard or anything they had to acqiure in the first place.
Also this would make headshot more rewarding in general and therefore eventually make players avoid quickslayrushmageddon-like tactics and use their time to make the fighting rewarding again.

If this idea seems impractical I'd love to know why, so i could rethink.
also sorry if this is the wrong place to post. 

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what about the Powers that get easy Headshots? ones that can't get Headshots get shut out more then, don't they? there's already quite a few Powers that can get Headshots, the majority of them are already the most popular Powers, and some of them not so much.


if Power A can't get Headshots, but Power B can get all Headshots if you stand slightly above the Enemies, i think that will split players to certain Warframes even more.

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Hello everyone!

I have an idea for Warframe's gameplay. I watched the devs stream and I saw that we'll have our own spaceship! That is just fantastic, but I'd like to add something:


The background universe we are able to see from our dojo or from the enemy's spaceship is just wonderful. But one of my dreams in this game is to actually be able to navigate through it. I don't mean by creating an infinite universe, but to be able to navigate the distance between planets. Freely navigate through Venus - Earth or Earth - Mars, for example. Maybe it's difficult (the distances are extremely big), but it'll be so great if you could do something to arrange that :P And to make it more interesting, we can add pirates, bounty hunter mode (in space), cuztomizable spaceship, and more things to do in space! 


I don't know if I explained correctly (english is not my native language :S), but it is just an idea. What do you think? :)

So TL;DR -

Kingdom Hearts' Gummi ships?



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I think this one should be on the list:




It's so simple that the title alone describes it. We should be able to craft saved specter loadouts without the need to change what we have currently equipped.

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not sure if this was posted already but how about a clear indication the multiplier for melee channeling in the arsenal I don't want to have to try and figure out the effect by memorizing the numbers when I hit the target and doing unnecessary math to figure out which weapons are worth equipping killing blow.

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increase basic HP for NECROS warframe, please, its very thin now... 666 shield with mods is nice, but we still want about 1000 - 1200 HP with MODS... It is a dark warframe with a necromantic-undead abilities, it should to have a lot of HP. (=> increase the conclave for it, if you will up his HP) 

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Numerous small things


Port the following enemies into the corrupted faction 


-Grineer lancer

-Grineer trooper

-Grineer butcher 


- Moa (the regular kind) 

- Mine osprey

- Charger

- Leaper


Give corrupted crewmen corpus weapons. 



Give flameblades the machete and the eviscerator model

Add jumping/ground slam attack for powerfists 

Increase run speed of butcher

Add grineer heavy melee unit with current ingame assets. Bombadier+Brokk


change status chance mods

Add event mods to the drop tabbles


Put retired weapons (ether daggers, boar) into the drop tables. 

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new cheat found https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/242893-question-how-to-increase-the-movement-speed-of-all-mobs/


some guys can accelerate all monsters in 4-5 times (that NOT LAGS, because in global chat they talking about "FAST DEFENSE MISSIONS", also they can reduce all timers in game in 3-5 times... read thread)

Edited by Aquartos
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new cheat found

first - completely wrong thread for that.


second - it's a cheat, because.... you say so?


while i'm surprised Digital Extremes allows us to use speedup, we don't really have any grounds to think it's a bug.

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can you fix this little bug?


VOLT: When you shoot through the electric shield (http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Electric_Shield) with a short-range-weapons(sinaps, %&^, amprex e.t.c.) animation of shooting breaks down when passing through the shield(after shield going NOTHING, we see invisible attack, which kills monsters in unlimited range).


I mean, if you shoot with a sinaps/%&^/amprex through the shield you must see electric bolt/%&^-tentacles through the all map!

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An antithesis mod to 'Eagle Eye' and 'Hawk Eye that reduces a weapons zoom, rather than increasing it. Several weapons are unusable by various players because they have zoom levels that are unnatural / unworkable for them. I personally find my Latrons and bows zoom too much for my liking. Simple to address, just duplicate the existing mod's references - and invert their values. Slap on some new card art and call it a day. 


Origional thread: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/243264-bat-eye/#entry2824295

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I'd love to see Forma requirements for items in Clan Tech be changed to Angstrum Crystals.  Still have toActually have to go to the Void, but don't have to spend an extra 12 hrs trying to build any clan tech.

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can you set, that 3rd ability(puddle) of HYDROID will damage basic damage + some % (5-7-9% of total health per second, for example) of total HP? (NOT only some numerical value of health, for example 10-20 per second). I mean, that doesn't matter how much HP you have if i will Shut off your oxygen. That will the good point of this warframe.

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There are a lot of trash weapons, which we can catch only in alert missions(for example - http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Ceramic_Dagger or http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Jaw_Sword or http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Cronus), I want to offer to make each "trash weapon" more interesting. in what way? - Up some stats for some weapons, for example, you can up crit change and crit damage for ceramic dagger. For example, Jaw Sword will have VERY HIGH change to bleed an enemy, bleeding effects should to stack. Its just an examples, you can correct any stats, but IDEA - MAKE ANY WEAPON INTERESTING, peoples should to WANT IT, now peoples think that its a trash weapons, just lvl up it and sell it.

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1.skill life... for rhino iron skin and frost globe

2.as well will be nice if the build weapon and frame mods  look like the warframe builder.
so we can see all the state without spend time doing the math and look at wiki [or go warframe builder]
3. option to name your build, instead remember what a b and c is in every weapon
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