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Index Of "little Things". Small Suggestions Done By The Community.


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Two things. Perhaps not QoL changes, you'll be the judge of that.


-Weird decals, mainly blood. Try a slash proc on a MOA, it bleeds. The MOA. Bleeds. Also, blood decals on moving things, most notably container doors, remain stationary when these things move. Aka, open a bloodied container and the blood remains where the door was before it opened.


-Allies' cries on invasions. I was working with the Grineer against Infested and once in a while there was a "Tenno scuuuum" from somewhere around me. And I don't think the Infested talk.


Yeah.. Moa bleeding hurts me (pun intended), but that's a known bug afaik, just on the backlog (as are the stains on moving objects)


I did added the thing about grineer taunts though, that is just silly.

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1) Allow trading of blueprints.


2) Allow us to build more than one of the same thing at once (Forma, for example).


3) Even out the drop rate on some Orokin Void rewards. I understand that some things are meant to be just filler drops, but there's an extent to which this can be reasonable. I have received over 100 paris and bronco prime parts without receiving a single piece of the items I wanted. 


I apologize if these points have been brought up before.

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If possible create a consumable item to regen your sentinel? 


In survivor a lot of people dont have sentinel with cell, and the enemies destroy it faster, if possible create a consumable to regenerate a sentinel in game "for example the Carrier" when its useful in survival missions, and get faster. For example buy the blueprints and create in forge the consumable and only stack a low number per mission.


For new users and people have leveling their sentinels that item turns useful i think
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I'd like to be able to favorite a mod and have it visually (star/heart) display on the relevant mods - as well as to be able to sort by it. It would help greatly towards separating one mod from the other and would let us easily mod and keep track of where we might want to fuse our cores.

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Have an Ultimate mastery tree for every warframe. Nova's ultimate could branch three different ways for example. Increase damage dealt when an enemy explodes, increase slowing effect or increase the damage enemies take from you and your allies while affected by it.

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I think this may be too big to list here, but I feel its too small to start a topic on.


Multi-Hits in Melee:


Daggers and Longswords are underpowered, all hail the Heavy and Dual master races!


Tiered Pain:


Smaller weapons swing at insane speeds, hurt less, crit a lot. Have this taper off as you go bigger.


Max Targets:

Daggers and Fists: 1

Swords and Whips: 2

Dual weapons (not daggers): 3

Heavy Weapons (not pole arms): 4

Pole-Arms: 5


Prime/Wraith/Vandal variants of weapons would get an additional +1 target (e.g. Machette Wraith: 3 max, Fang Prime: 2 max, etc)



at the very least, the max target curve would be a quick Band-Aid that would make a large chunk of the existing armory viable again at higher levels. And would let people use their favorites longer as they start to tread deeper into higher-level content

Edited by ensignvidiot
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I'd like to be able to favorite a mod and have it visually (star/heart) display on the relevant mods - as well as to be able to sort by it. It would help greatly towards separating one mod from the other and would let us easily mod and keep track of where we might want to fuse our cores.

Or to further expand upon this idea, mod locking on top of mod favoriting. That would add three new sorting categories in the mod UI; Locked, Unlocked and Favorited.

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What if mods that are used by a gun will show up with a mark in the sentinal modding and the other way around ?



Maybe not show up at all if already in use

I'd like to be able to favorite a mod and have it visually (star/heart) display on the relevant mods - as well as to be able to sort by it. It would help greatly towards separating one mod from the other and would let us easily mod and keep track of where we might want to fuse our cores.

Please re-add the dead bodies auto drop from the Gradivus Dilemma event. So we don't have to look at them and always press the use key when we are fighting.

Or to further expand upon this idea, mod locking on top of mod favoriting. That would add three new sorting categories in the mod UI; Locked, Unlocked and Favorited.


Added those to the list


Have an Ultimate mastery tree for every warframe. Nova's ultimate could branch three different ways for example. Increase damage dealt when an enemy explodes, increase slowing effect or increase the damage enemies take from you and your allies while affected by it.

I think this may be too big to list here, but I feel its too small to start a topic on.


Multi-Hits in Melee:


Daggers and Longswords are underpowered, all hail the Heavy and Dual master races!


Tiered Pain:


Smaller weapons swing at insane speeds, hurt less, crit a lot. Have this taper off as you go bigger.


Max Targets:

Daggers and Fists: 1

Swords and Whips: 2

Dual weapons (not daggers): 3

Heavy Weapons (not pole arms): 4

Pole-Arms: 5


Prime/Wraith/Vandal variants of weapons would get an additional +1 target (e.g. Machette Wraith: 3 max, Fang Prime: 2 max, etc)



at the very least, the max target curve would be a quick Band-Aid that would make a large chunk of the existing armory viable again at higher levels. And would let people use their favorites longer as they start to tread deeper into higher-level content


Indeed those changes are far too big to be considered little things. But the ideas are sound, and if you guys feel they don't deserve a thread then they are here to be seen regardless. Also, ensignvidiot, i believe most of those changes you proposed are coming on one shape or another with Melee 2.0. And so is the following:


Please add an affinitty bar for the melee so we can see how many affinitty do we have, what level is our melee and how many affinitty do we still need.



PS: First little thing crossed from the list! As of Hotfix, we can now see which mission type an invasion is before jumping in!


Hoorrah for feedback!

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I had a few thoughts for applying better/different "risk/reward" options for the titian extractors. I posted it in it's own thread (link's at the end), because it really is an issue of it's own, and If people wanted to pop over to that thread, and see what they think (feel free to share as long as it is constructive), It would be much appreciated. Also if you guys agree with what we have psoted/ we come up with a suitable idea, it'd be awesome if we could get some attention brought to that so that it hopefully gets noticed.


Considered yourself linked!:


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- more mod slots for frames and weapons, they actually promised that.


- when you are on the squad screen, before entering a mission, it show your arsenal; and it also should show the dragon key you have equipped in red or anycolor, helpful for when ppl go on vault runs, and helpful when u forget to remove it.



I know those are just suggestions and they involve work, but...



this one was worked on not long ago, cause allot of recourses on the floor would make the game slow and laggy.



that's why we have priority slots, but DE doesn't make it clear or easy to ppl know or understand that.

still a bad system.



I'm against that, and why cant the dev's sell some? Also helpful to know what is in the game, and even better its were you compare weapons stats.

Edited by 7grims
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Codex Autoscan:

An auto scan option when you use the Codex. Sometimes I'm too busy fighting to get my scanner to scan, maybe a setting that lets me set it to scan new enemies automaticalley could be added.


Remove blue item drops from bosses:

For those of us who rarely use the items from blue resource boxes, it gets anoying when you're farming a boss for Morphics etc. And then you get a Detonite ampule, it makes obtaining resources more difficult.

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Remove blue item drops from bosses:

For those of us who rarely use the items from blue resource boxes, it gets anoying when you're farming a boss for Morphics etc. And then you get a Detonite ampule, it makes obtaining resources more difficult.

I was thinking just removing common drops from bosses altogether, only uncommon and rares. Not sure what blue drops are categorized as, whether theyre common or uncommon.

Edited by Technic235
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Maybe.But anyway it's better than chat. I mean, it too problematic to treade through this.
I have to write names of all mods that I buy/sell. What if I have a lot of it? It's spam, isn't?
Or how about a market place?People just add their items there with a fixed price. 
Or both?An auction with opportunity of choosing MAX and MIN price.
Also it's kind of protection of newbyes from been fooled by traders. Some people, probably, will say that it's a part of game, but I'm for fair trading.
I guess that developers are going to do something like this anyway. They just don't have enough time.

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Also it's kind of protection of newbyes from been fooled by traders. Some people, probably, will say that it's a part of game, but I'm for fair trading.

I guess that developers are going to do something like this anyway. They just don't have enough time.


The dev's could have chosen to make fair trade, like only possible to trade rare key for rare keys, or trade rare mods for rare mods, and make it all with a price limit if you are trading anything for plat. But they didn't.


On one side it's good, ppl can trade and even offer stuff for less or more then its worth. Also bad cause ppl can demande high return for any item they are trading or selling.

I though this system was shameful at first, cause it wasn't really trading, but hardcore market were you sell stuff for real money under the disguise of platinum. It ends out it's haves it's positive sides, since now you can play the game for free, and still get platinum if you trade good stuff, also good for DE, because they probably have the chance to win some bling bling with so many ppl buying platinum, they work and produce a game, so they also have the right to a paycheck.


Kind of like the idea of auction, cause once you set an item to sell, ppl will eventually pick it up, you get rid of it without having to whor* out on the trade chat all day, and get whatever reward you set up as the income.

But maybe rename that idea to market place, instead of auction, you set an item and its price, instead of ppl biding over the starting price.

Edited by 7grims
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I'd like to see increased performance tweaks on controller auto aim. Ive used a controller on PC for my entire play time, and ive tried swapping to mouse and pad, but it kills the fun for me. The level of control has really become a sticking point for me recently.


Swapping it so the aim assist snaps to enemies with good accuracy on ADS, but no tracking, and remove auto aim on hip fire would be ideal. (Having played alot of console games, this system works well with a game pad).

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