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Samurai Themed Enemies & Possible Future Frame


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So the classic enemy of the ninja, and one of the reasons ninjas came into existence in the first place was from the oppression of samurai/having a code opposite of them, so then would it not make sense for us to have a Samurai themed enemy faction ??? with an extreme possibility to have a samurai frame that could be a "defect" from such a faction that combined Tenno and 'insert epic samurai faction name' secret research brought by the defecting samurai ?..
 "but wait" I hear you cry, "only a tenno can wear a warframe so it wouldn't make sense for a defect from an enemy faction to be able to randomly wear such a thing", oh ? I know ya silly bastards =p but who's to say these Samurai aren't also of the same 'race' as Tenno ? Tenno adhere (or at least we used to ) to a strict code of honor and conduct... very similar to a samurai's way. So then why could there not be other faction of 'tenno' whom of which chose a different name but still had the ability to wield the powers granted by being assimilated with the technocyte virus ? and whether or not they had their own frames would not make them incapable of using one.

 I mean we as humans have different factions do we not ?, Tenno are just a branch off/evolution of our species, as are the other enemies, so then I ask again, why could the tenno as a race not have specific factions, I mean hell we all have our own clans, that could easily spread farther out into a much broader spectrum, and become completely different and even warring factions, they could even have their own versions of 'warframes' I mean back in dark sector (which has been confirmed to be part of the same universe) The humans of that time created what was essentially the first frames, being a pseudo exaclibur a nemesis being a pseudo nyx,  so who's to say this other faction of more samurai themed tenno do not have their own ?  ANYWAYS this is all just the ramblings of someone who loves this game, loves the lore and loves all of the inspirations behind the things we see in-game and the expression that having some sort of samurai theme added in would only make sense =p

Sol.Morningstar of ~Sad Flutes~ 

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I like your ideas and I want to see them take place properly in the game

You know, if melee 2.0 ends up being good, they should add a new faction of some kind of cyborg samurai on a new planet/moon. Imagine! There would be melee units and some guys on mechanical horseback. In the back could be Ashigaru-like enemies with guns. It would be really diverse!

I would like to see that in adition to a combo system on both sides

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You know, if melee 2.0 ends up being good, they should add a new faction of some kind of cyborg samurai on a new planet/moon. Imagine! There would be melee units and some guys on mechanical horseback. In the back could be Ashigaru-like enemies with guns. It would be really diverse!

I also like your ideas a lot ^_^ and I thank you for actually reading what I wrote and taking the time to give an honest reply instead of either skimming it or not reading it at all and still commenting with non-sense lol =p It would be SO epic to see a fight such as this, ESPECIALLY if said horsebacker was a boss ! *could be a two parter, first fight him until you take down his horse, then you must fight him when he is on foot*

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Well the way i see it there will be changes to tactics when the new update hits, so why not make enemies that are informed by those changes? I keep hearing something about "directional inputs" to attacks now, so enemies could block from certain angles or are weak against certain fighting styles.

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I would like to see the Orokin as a Samurai-like faction

It would bring a new twist in the Lore of the Warframe-Universe.

Especially in context of the Excalibur- and Stalter-Codex entry -> fight in a different way, betray the Orokin,...

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