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Ugliest Warframe In Your Opinion ?


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I can't really say I find any of them "ugly"; they all tend to have at least one redeeming quality, though I do think that Nova and Chickenframe (Ember) look a bit silly and out of place compared to the other frames.


(Ember Prime on the other hand looks pretty badass).

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I don't get why people hate on how Mag/Mag Prime looks. I mean sure, the standard Mag Prime Helmet and the Coil Helmet are both hideous as all hell, and that she needs a syndana in order to look good, but if one were to colour her right...


Also, can someone please explain to me why the Gauss Helmet looks atrocious? IMO, it is one of the better looking helmets out there.

As for Trinity, I must be the only player in existence to actually LIKE that lobster armour skirt, mainly due to her looking like some badass knight with a syndana and the Meridian Helmet.

For Saryn, I agree that she is really, really difficult to colour right. Took me half an hour to accidentally find this nice colour combination:


It's the same case with Ember Prime as well, hard to colour right but when you do:


I had to search through the Colour-Sharing Thread to get inspiration (read:rip-off) for Ember Prime here. It's that hard.

Ash is still the worst-looking Warframe for me because of those goddamn huge arms. I am strangely fine with the helmets though.

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Bad looking frames


Embers head reminds me of a rooster or a chicken.

Mag ive no clue. Just dont like the looks of her.

Nekros with his female bodypart helmet.

Dont like oberons goaty appearance either.

Novas frame is okay but I dont like those small bubbles around her suit that gives off the color u make her energy.

Loki I despise his first helmet. Second one looks quite cool but I dont like his legs. if anyone played league of legends then it reminds me of shacos legs.

Vauban reminds me of one of those big daddies from bioshock. Look never really appealed to me either.

Dont know why but saryn reminds me of a sheep with wool all over the place.

Nyx's helmets is not really my taste.

Never really been into the strong woman look so valkyr also goes here. Dont really like her helmets that much either.


Good looking frames


Ash looks bad in standard colors but after colored right I really really like the looks of him.

Excalibur has very standard/average kinds of looks. I sorta like it but its not my complete preference but he doesnt look bad.

Frost is my favorite. Wish he had more helmet choices. Always enjoyed the paladin kinda look with the bottom part. He reminds me of a rhinoscerous (might be spelled wrong) beetle.

Rhino I consider a good looker as well. Looks fit his role.

Trinity is among my favs as well. Noticing alot of people doesnt like her bottom part but im one of the people who do tho. :-)

Dont know what to say about volt but i dont really think his look is bad.

Banshee reminds me of something from the alien movies. I like it in a way but its not my favorite.


PS: Dont hate on people for their personal taste. its pretty much everyones individual oppinion. Not everyone likes the same coloring but that doesnt mean everyone hates it either.


For an example can take bloodletterX coloring. I really dont like it but thats just my oppinion. :-)

Edited by ralifur
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Oberon.How can someone be so big in the middle have 0 body fat in their arms. Fatty needs to go on a diet and start lifting.Though he is the most fun to color since the colors actually fade into each other.

We in the gay community call it skinny fat. It's actually a real thing. Usually see it in guys that drink to much but rarely eat to keep their twink figure so they get the beer belly pooch going on and have twig arms.

Edited by Zaresin
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Nyx and Excalibur in their default skins/helmets are extremely plain and dull, so I would say they are the worst. HOWEVER, with immortal skin and alternate helmets they are both very cool.


Oberon is for the most part alright, and I love the blending colors, but he needs to be buffer. He could barely hold a pocket knife with those twigs he calls arms.


Ash' default look is very nearly as boring as Nyx/Excalibur, but with the immortal skin and scorpion helmet he is a sexy maternal figure fornicator. His mix between strength and agility bodytype is also perfect.


Rhino is suberb. Just suberb. I can't look at him with his immortal skin + either helmet without getting physically excited.


Saryn is... weird. There are times when unsymmetrical character designs are cool, and this is sort of in between.


Banshee is the same, her one large shoulder really doesn't do it for me.


Ember is pretty hot. I know that was a bad and overused pun. Her default skin is neat (one of the few, even after all this time) but the phoenix helmet makes it even better. And I like the legs, so there.


Loki's default look is just ahead of Ash (dat helmet), but with swindle helmet and immortal skin he is one of my favourite.

Trinity is rather bizarre, but I belong to the group that actually like her AND the lobster tail.


Volt makes it to one of the more decent looking default ones, and I can't wait for his immortal skin to come out.


Frost instantly became my favourite looking frame when he was released. He is just that................ awesome. (HAH!) His immortal skin is pretty meh to me compared to the rest, which luckily isn't a big problem.


Nova is pretty meh apart from those.... weird energy thingies.


Vauban reminds me of deep sea divers (which I'm certain is the case) and is a close number 2 after Frost in my favourite default looks.


Valkyr is rather cool, I like the added personality with the shackles and such.

Edited by Tarudizer
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Vauban is probably my least liked for overall appearance. I'd totally redesign Vauban if it were up to me. I like Ash even less, but since I'd never play him under normal circumstances, I can let it slide. Vauban though, I find too ugly to play.


I have issues with Mag Prime as well. Her helmet reminds me of Hellraiser's Chatterer, and not in a good way (especially since that's one of my all time favorite monster designs), and that gold trim is just obnoxious. Regular Mag is just fine though.


I don't hate the look of Banshee or Trinity, but do generally agree with the majority on their appearance. I'd get rid of the Trinity lobster tail, and just give her a shirt of fins, like Metis from persona 3. It's a more conventional design (some might say boring), but the classics endure because they work.




Overall though, I find most frames interesting (even if they all have a bit of babby's first zbursh to them) and I'd go as far as to say the visual design of the frames is something that keeps me playing. It's fun to watch these things in action. I positively love the designs of the female frames in particular (statements above not withstanding), and can't believe so many people find Nova and Saryn offensive to look at. I went back to playing Saryn just because I like to look at her.

Edited by KF_Kenobi
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