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Finding Out How To Spawn The Harvester



So we've nailed down a few things about him but there is still much to know, if you have any sort of substantial evidence please post so.


Primes increase chances of finding Harvester
Being involved in the Gradivus Dillema increases the chances of spawning it (This should be self explanatory players that registered after the event are having as much luck as those who supported the Grineer or Corpus full and through during it)
Specific weapons increase chances of spawning Harvester
Planets have higher chances of spawning Harvester (As long as its a Corpus mission he can spawn)
Being in a mission from the start of it increases the chances of spawning Harvester
Low level weapons/frames increase chances of spawning Harvester (Likely has nothing to do with loadouts)
Corpus defense has highest chances of spawning Harvester (Apparently not true, he spawns on any Corpus mission after 240 seconds after spawning it seems)
Having both a Stalker mark and Harvester mark spawns the Harvester ???
Killing Alad V gives death mark to spawn Harvester ???
Other Corpus bosses besides Alad V give a death mark to spawn the Harvester ???
Nef.Anyo is a Harvester mark trigger ???
Highest chances of finding Harvester are on invasions against Corpus ✓(Confirmed on Livestream 20 that it is triggered by supporting Grineer)
You get a email in your inbox when you have a mark ✓
If you have anything you would like to add or confirm/deconfirm please feel free to post it.
TL:DR Support grineer until you get a email but be aware that the probabilities are butchered for the Harvester to appear according to the people on the Livestream
Edited by Zulaica
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A funny thing has happened with the Harvester and I. For the past few days (probably since they implemented the email system) I have been doing 5 invasion runs, getting an email from Alad, and then spamming invasion runs until he spawned. It never took more than 20 or so runs to see him (this might have been just pure RNG luck of course).


I fought him 5 times using this farming method, until the other day when he spawned and I couldn't finish the mission because the Grineer "Pod" wouldn't open (Harvey had only dropped my 3rd Receiver anyway). After that I thought I'd just do another 5 invasions to get a new mark and keep on going. However, I have yet to get another email from Alad, and haven't seen Harvester since this incident despite doing close to 100 invasions.


Now here is my worry (and I might just be being paranoid and it's just a coincidence), but what if the game bugged out and it thinks I both need a new mark, and need to have a spawn first, and they are canceling each other out? This might explain why some people are having issues with getting emails and getting spawns.


Again it might just be a coincidence that my RNG luck tanked after I had to quit, but since I have no way to check, I'll just keep my tinfoil hat on for now.

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Well considering there were errors in the Harvester's code before, it wouldn't surprise me if there's still some there that have gone undetected. Though I do have a little faith in Scott and friends that they've done their best to iron out the bugs from the Harvester in the past week or so, but anything's possible.

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Been doing nothing but Invasions on Grineer side. Been receiving battle pays left and right, but NOT ONCE have been I been contacted by that to$$er Salad V. No Harvester encounters, unless I am playing with my friend, who I have been playing with, doing the same missions. He has been contacted twice in the same time I have yet to get a single hatemail.


Is Salad hatemail behind RNG too? If it is, then it is back to three layers of RNG. I am getting tired of this sh*t. No matter how hard I try, he just doesn't want to contact me. I am using a non-maxed frame and non-maxed weapons. But at least I am only missing the BP now. At this rate I might get it in 2027, just before my 50th birthday.

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After i got mark i played 3 days ONLY corpus missions, mostly on pluto def's with random strangers, nothing! Then i joined harvester farm party who also have marks and in first run and first wave on Io we killed him , he spawned and died after 1 second, dropped detron reciever, after that i did harvester party farmer runs, but nothing on same and different corpus maps.


After harvester talk to you before spawn you need to get mark again or not  ?

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Harvester did show up in my solo runs today - drops were main detron bp & barrel. This was second time it showed up during  my solo runs, I guess, I'm not that far now either since I got this mail quite fast too from Alad V just now. 




This new mail which I received from Alad V just now, I'm not that so far hopefully. Hoping to get receiver now when it shows up during my solo runs.  


Edited by IIWingSaberII
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Just got frustrated trying to find another Harvester.....Got like billions of Battlepays for last days all for grineer and no message from Alad.FML, this is getting more and more unpleasant.

They said they fixed the RNG, sure of course*sarcasm*


In fact if any1 desires to join to "so-called-farming"PM me.

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Just got frustrated trying to find another Harvester.....Got like billions of Battlepays for last days all for grineer and no message from Alad.FML, this is getting more and more unpleasant.

They said they fixed the RNG, sure of course*sarcasm*

Yes it can be really annoying when you want something but you can't get it, but when comes to that i quit playing for a while and come back.2 maybe sometimes 3 hours i play, no more .

It's pure RNG you just need to be patience i did not played before 11.8.2 cus spawn rate and drop rate was terrible and it was really to hard to get it, lucky for me they fixed that in 11.8.2 and i started to play.

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Been doing nothing but Invasions on Grineer side. Been receiving battle pays left and right, but NOT ONCE have been I been contacted by that to$$er Salad V. No Harvester encounters, unless I am playing with my friend, who I have been playing with, doing the same missions. He has been contacted twice in the same time I have yet to get a single hatemail.


Is Salad hatemail behind RNG too? If it is, then it is back to three layers of RNG. I am getting tired of this sh*t. No matter how hard I try, he just doesn't want to contact me. I am using a non-maxed frame and non-maxed weapons. But at least I am only missing the BP now. At this rate I might get it in 2027, just before my 50th birthday.

That is me in a nutshell.  I play every invasion there is on Grineer side, sided with Grineer even back in the event.  Even tried killing some bosses.  I have not received a single message.  I don't see how I could grind more, except to keep playing invasions even after I hit my 5 on Grineer side. 

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That is me in a nutshell.  I play every invasion there is on Grineer side, sided with Grineer even back in the event.  Even tried killing some bosses.  I have not received a single message.  I don't see how I could grind more, except to keep playing invasions even after I hit my 5 on Grineer side. 

Perhaps you could change side sometimes.

Because I got mail from Alad V just after I finished an invasion mission sided with Corpus.

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Now here is my worry (and I might just be being paranoid and it's just a coincidence), but what if the game bugged out and it thinks I both need a new mark, and need to have a spawn first, and they are canceling each other out? This might explain why some people are having issues with getting emails and getting spawns.


Again it might just be a coincidence that my RNG luck tanked after I had to quit, but since I have no way to check, I'll just keep my tinfoil hat on for now.


I'm worried that I have been plagued by this too, or something like it.


I had an active death mark since before Alad V sent out hate mail and have run well over 200 corpus and anti-corpus invasions missions since. I'd say 130 or so were solo, but close to 100 have been in groups (though, not - admittedly - Harvey farming groups). I don't want to join farming groups because I already have Detron and just want him to appear so I can get a third scan of him for Codex and so that I can get myself harvested so I can do that secret bust-out mission.

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Perhaps you could change side sometimes.

Because I got mail from Alad V just after I finished an invasion mission sided with Corpus.

Well just tried that.  Did you get it after running the mission, or after battle pay?  I ran all 5 with Corpus, but still no mail.  Maybe I will go back to Grineer, and Alad will feel betrayed now. 

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Mission Accomplished of Detron farming (Detron Components Completed & ready to build):


I wasn't expecting harvester show up fast today after just 7 runs on my solo mission after receiving the mail, I didn't expect for accurate drops whenever it showed up but I've finally accomplished just now. I finally got receiver & my solo farming comes to an end with this now. All achieved during my solo runs. 

I've video footage as well of my last run, uploading very soon.

Patience is key to success, consumed time but all worth it in the end. Mission Accomplished... .I'll use it later since I've to test other weapons first... .  8).

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Trying everything....  Thought maybe who I was playing as, or how I was playing might factor in.


Went Corpus a few, then switched Grineer.  Nope


Used my original frame, Loki.  Nope


Took off Sentinel so I was getting my own kills.  Nope


Got to extraction first.  Nope


Got to extraction last.  Nope


Went solo and got all the kills.  Nope


Didn't shoot and extracted with 0 kills.  Nope


Tried getting a kill with primary, secondary, and melee.  Nope


Tried using no abilities.  Nope


Tried using all abilities at least once.  Nope


Tried switching back and forth, 5 Corpus, then 5 Grineer on different node.  Nope


I'm over-thinking this and am about to say F it and I'll get it when I get it, lol. 

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Hope this topic will draw some DE attention as I am absolutely sure that for some reason some account are just IMPOSSIBLE to get Harvester.


For some reasone doing invasions does not have ANY influence on whether you will be Harvester-deathe-marked or not. And I doubt that there is any logic behinf the mechanism since some can get it just like logging in after 100 days break and some may not have it AT ALL.


Maybe they(DE) will at least have curtesy to acknowledge that it is seriously bugged.


Why would I for example be trying to randomly join in hope that there will be someone lucky that has some chances for spawn being sure that Harvester never even bother to apear on me? Does it look like fun? I do not really think so. I'd say I speak on behalf of all community - pls fix this^this is unbearable.


Like seriously - over 300 hours in vein.

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