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Finding Out How To Spawn The Harvester



So we've nailed down a few things about him but there is still much to know, if you have any sort of substantial evidence please post so.


Primes increase chances of finding Harvester
Being involved in the Gradivus Dillema increases the chances of spawning it (This should be self explanatory players that registered after the event are having as much luck as those who supported the Grineer or Corpus full and through during it)
Specific weapons increase chances of spawning Harvester
Planets have higher chances of spawning Harvester (As long as its a Corpus mission he can spawn)
Being in a mission from the start of it increases the chances of spawning Harvester
Low level weapons/frames increase chances of spawning Harvester (Likely has nothing to do with loadouts)
Corpus defense has highest chances of spawning Harvester (Apparently not true, he spawns on any Corpus mission after 240 seconds after spawning it seems)
Having both a Stalker mark and Harvester mark spawns the Harvester ???
Killing Alad V gives death mark to spawn Harvester ???
Other Corpus bosses besides Alad V give a death mark to spawn the Harvester ???
Nef.Anyo is a Harvester mark trigger ???
Highest chances of finding Harvester are on invasions against Corpus ✓(Confirmed on Livestream 20 that it is triggered by supporting Grineer)
You get a email in your inbox when you have a mark ✓
If you have anything you would like to add or confirm/deconfirm please feel free to post it.
TL:DR Support grineer until you get a email but be aware that the probabilities are butchered for the Harvester to appear according to the people on the Livestream
Edited by Zulaica
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^ or give the detron to stalker too, its getting ridiculous i haven't even seen that thing , but had stalker visit like 6 times past week and last time i remember killing some boss was at least month ago

And make it harder for newer players to get Dread/Despair/Hate? No please.


Good news! I just got attacked by Harvester TWICE on the same Xini run due to a host migration.

Bad news:



Edited by ZephyrPhantom
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I didn't even bothered to farm harvester, but now it is much easier than before. I haven't even seen Harvester before the patch but now he randomly appeared.


But then again may the RNG be with you

Edited by _Alluka_
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I got a Detron a few days ago, so I thought I'd share the method I used, along with some observations. After getting the message from Alad V, form a group with other people who have the mark and run E Gate on Venus. Do 5 minute runs and extract if the Harvester doesn't spawn. Now, this is probably just me being incredibly lucky, but the first run with this method got me the receiver I needed. Based on my own experience and no way definitively true, the Harvester seems to spawn more frequently outside of Invasion missions. I've only ever had one spawn in an Invasion, the 6-8 or so other times have been when I did any other mission type. Perhaps there's a spawn issue on the specially made Invasion tilesets? I wonder if there's an AI limit that's being reached on these small tilesets, resulting in them not spawning.


I apologize if this method has been posted several times over and if my experiences were not at all helpful in your hunt.

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so this is wierd. zanuka came during an invasion run but there was no orb. person said only the targeted character gets the rare drop. no one else. is this true?

No it is not, all players see and get the drop.

Consider that BP is a pink orb, receiver and barrel are mod like.

Have you checked the inventory? Also, could be a lag problem, it happened to me once, but my carrier did the job for me and even if I didn't see any drop I actually got it.

Edited by siralextraffo
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No it is not, all players see and get the drop.

Consider that BP is a pink orb, receiver and barrel are mod like.

Have you checked the inventory? Also, could be a lag problem, it happened to me once, but my carrier did the job for me and even if I didn't see any drop I actually got it.

nope no one else saw an orb. oh well..  guess    back to back nites just ain't happening for me.

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Having both a Harvester and Stalker mark does not spawn Harvester.

I had both, and the Stalker came for me.

I had both pre-patch

Harvester shown up pre-patch, regained mark after that pre-patch as well.

Stalker considerbly came after me a week or two later while on corpus map.



Friday: Barrel+BP after 1hour hunting

Today: Barrel+reciever after 2hours hunting.

(2 encounters after patch)

Edited by jmthebigman
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I've been doing every single invasion and I still haven't gotten a single spawn in the past week. Only spawned on other players I was in a match with. 

DE says I still have an active mark from before the patch, but I think the system is bugged. 

Edited by Plasmaface
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