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New Ember Ability.


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What do you guys think about ember getting 15 armor instead of 10 and the ability to stun enemies instead of running around dealing dmg over time at close range+ 50% resistance to dmg.


Personaly im shocked. i feel like ember has died to me. i will still stick with her but i will have to change all my mods into something else since she had more armor to go with and a new ability. i liked the old one it just felt right being able to set yourself on fire. im almost about to cry but i wont i will try to live with an ember without the overheat. maybe it was OP? or maybe the developers got so much talk about ember being weak that they removed the ability to take less dmg and added more armor. i would much rather have the ability to do more dmg and take less dmg instead of having 5 more armor and stun.   

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Well Embers armor buff didnt have to do with the 2nd ability getting changed, all of the frame got an armor buff before the move was changed I don't really care that it was removed and I don't see how Ember is unplayable for you now, Ember isn't the only frame that has only 15 armor and they are all playable (except Volt he can only be played for so long before he can't deal good damage) even without a resistent type ability.

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What do you guys think about ember getting 15 armor instead of 10 and the ability to stun enemies instead of running around dealing dmg over time at close range+ 50% resistance to dmg.


Personaly im shocked. i feel like ember has died to me. i will still stick with her but i will have to change all my mods into something else since she had more armor to go with and a new ability. i liked the old one it just felt right being able to set yourself on fire. im almost about to cry but i wont i will try to live with an ember without the overheat. maybe it was OP? or maybe the developers got so much talk about ember being weak that they removed the ability to take less dmg and added more armor. i would much rather have the ability to do more dmg and take less dmg instead of having 5 more armor and stun.   


did you know accelerant does more just stun? affected targets take 2.5x heat damage for 15secs at maxed rank(before mods, both value scales). so you want her to do more damage? you got it.

Edited by leonvision
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Hated it too first... then i tryed her again, changed Mods.. and really like her again now... the Stun is much more usefull than i first thought, its the 2nd SKill so you can spam it pretty good and it has a very good range with stretch.

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Ember got the last nail on her coffin on the last attempt at fixing her. She was rolling down the slump, seems like she finally reached the bottom of it... but you never know what DE can decide to do next to "fix" her.


RIP Ember.


 But Accelerant is actually a good skill for her.


 Granted, so was Overheat. But she hasn't really decreased in power as a result of losing Overheat for the new skill. Technically Accelerant makes her damage potential a good bit better.

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Ember's only real viable ability now is WoF.. Basically, the stun provided by accelerant is decent, yes, but the 2,5x firedamage multiplier on targets within a 20 m range isn't all that impressive. Had it instead boosted all fire damage distributed by ember by 2,5x, then it would indeed be viable. 


Still though, heat damage is much weaker than before damage 2.0. Now, it's only sort of viable versus infested, and even then, the damage bonus only applies to light units, not to mention that gas does an even better job than heat. 


And why on earth would they decrease the range of fireblast to 4 meters? It used to be one of the most effective crowd control abilities in the game, and now it's a joke... 


Fireball is just plain meh. The first ability of a lot of frames is equally meh, so I'm not going to complain about that. 


EDIT: That being said, Ember is still my favorite frame, and is not in heavy need of a buff. Still, there need to be performed some tweaks here and there in my opinion

Edited by Michkelz
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Ember's only real viable ability now is WoF.. Basically, the stun provided by accelerant is decent, yes, but the 2,5x firedamage multiplier on targets within a 20 m range isn't all that impressive. Had it instead boosted all fire damage distributed by ember by 2,5x, then it would indeed be viable.

Well considering it's all Fire Damage like on guns and swords and teammates weapons also get the benefit from Accelerant not just Ember if they went that route.


She is now a Glass Cannon Fire Mage. Which is what they wanted from the looks of it. Accelerant has saved me a couple of times and try casting it on pesky heavies and ancients when you have WoF it does A LOT. I actually went in a Derelict had all Grineer spawn and had Extinguished Key and STILL killed them with my abilities(Unless abilities don't scale with the key. I know I had it cause my Soma was doing Decent instead of Fantastic damage :P)


Ember is still a work in progress but if you can think of Ember as a mage for her abilities (going behind cover casting abilities while dash jumping, going up walls and hard to reach places to do her abilities etc.) Then you WILL have a better time with Ember instead of being a "battle mage" like she used to be. That role for battle mage is Frosts. Hence why he has more shields and armor.

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(Unless abilities don't scale with the key. I know I had it cause my Soma was doing Decent instead of Fantastic damage :P)

Abilities do not get hit by the Extinguish Key, that is why you were still wreaking face. It had nothing to do with Ember or Accelerant. It is one of the "solutions" to having an Extinguished Key on you. Use Power Damage.

Ember is not a Glass Cannon, or rather we have a far better Glass Cannon in Nova who does everything Glass Cannon right and still has better utility than Ember. Nova even has better Speed (1.2) and Armor (65).

Ember doesn't need to be a Work in Progress. We know what will make her work.

-> A few more adjustments to Fireball, mainly so Ember doesn't kill herself with it.

-> FIX Fire Blast (maybe give it Accelerant like effects on the inside of the ring along with the stun)

-> Look at World on Fire again (number of targets)

-> Return Overheat with Shield covering Damage Reduction.

Edited by Brasten
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 But Accelerant is actually a good skill for her.


 Granted, so was Overheat. But she hasn't really decreased in power as a result of losing Overheat for the new skill. Technically Accelerant makes her damage potential a good bit better.


I dont think its bad at all, the new power, but I still see her using 3 damage only abilties (1, 3 and 4). They go well with 2, but still Overheat was a life savior, both offense and defense. They should have taken away number 3 and added in accelerant. Then Ember would be perfectly balanced imo. With damage abilities, and a life savior that is also offensive.

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-> Return Overheat with Shield covering Damage Reduction.


That will never be placed back on Ember again, and I'm very glad it won't.


People used that horrible skill as just another Iron Skin. Ember is -NOT- supposed to be a tank. Scott has stated this quite a few times now.


She is not perfect - none of the warframes are. She definitely needs some tweaking stat-wise imo (a bit more armor and a little more speed), but her current abilities are perfectly fine as is. I don't know why people are saying she's weak, when I can take my NON FORMA'D Ember anywhere I please and wreck face - Infested, Corpus, Grineer or otherwise.

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Hated it too first... then i tryed her again, changed Mods.. and really like her again now... the Stun is much more usefull than i first thought, its the 2nd SKill so you can spam it pretty good and it has a very good range with stretch.

im going to try with a few other mods and see how it works. i might have to get a few more fusion cores tough for mods that i never used on her. the ability isnt bad. it just didnt feel right not having it there. i got so used to being able to set myself on fire and take less dmg. Well i guess the Flak cannon will make ma happy again cause the flak cannon have been my favorite weapon since i fist started my FPS gaming.

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Personally I understand why Overheat got replaced: it was pretty much useless against anything other than the Infested, though frankly that was usually all I used Ember for anyway. Still makes some sense from a game balance perspective though; just as long as World On Fire is a reliable crowd-killer I'm happy.

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Personally I understand why Overheat got replaced: it was pretty much useless against anything other than the Infested, though frankly that was usually all I used Ember for anyway. Still makes some sense from a game balance perspective though; just as long as World On Fire is a reliable crowd-killer I'm happy.


So you didnt know how to use her. Srry but Overheat was what let me walk and give some quick breaths againstGrineer and Corpus. the damage reduction + damage output it gave was what kept my &#! alive, and helped me rescue downed team mates.

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