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Something I Always Wanted To Say (Valkyr Sucks)


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I usually never say this about any Warframe, but Valkyr is complete trash and nothing more but dead weight for a squad. And before you go "No she doesn't suck noob l2p" give me a reason WHY she does not suck, and how her abilities are not overshadowed by other warframes. Here are several reasons why she sucks


1. Everything about her is garbage.

2. ^


Ok guess that was not a good enough reason. Let's start with her stats. 

Health 100 (300.0 at rank 30) Power 100 (150 at rank 30) Armor 300 Shield Capacity 50 (150.0 at rank 30) Sprint Speed 1.1 Stamina 150

As a berserker frame, you would think she be able to take a hit, but she clearly can not. She has average health, average power, below average shields (lower than Master race Loki), above average speed, and 300 armor, higher than any warframe. now, just from reading that insanely high armor value, you'd think that she be a great health tank, but the de facto Valkyr is a incredibly squishy warframe who dies almost instantly from any kind of firefight thanks to armor sucking at its job, low shields, and the infamous slash proc.


Now let's talk about her abilities.

1. Ripline 


Basically pull overshadows this abilties offensive capabilties completely. Also if you wanted to travel, Loki can do a Decoy + SW combo or Nova wormhole. Sure a grappling hook and teleport are not the same, but at least Loki and Nova have other abilities that allow them to survive. As for the pulling other players, sure you can use it to help bad parkour players, but Nova's Wormhole is superior in every way. Only real use for ripline is for trolling and to play Valkyr the berserker frame as a sniper frame. 


2. Warcry 


Not necessarily a bad ability, but several other frames can do buffs and debuffs better. Ex. Rhino Roar, Trinity Blessing, Volt Speed, Nova M.Prime. 


3. Paralysis


Absolutely stupid and endangers Valkyr. Sure they reduced the amount of shield reduced, but nevertheless she can not afford any shield reduction, since all it takes is a stray bullet to break this fragile frame. And what do you get? not a ragdoll, but a measly shove. If I wanted this kind of CC, I would either go Banshee, Booben, Rhino, Excalibur, Nyx, Nekros, and so on.


4. Hysteria


Name is too controversial. Just joking. Anyways while invincibility is useful and something Valkyr NEEDS to survive, it comes at a terrible cost: weak and slow melee weapons and also the cost of taking all damage received if not all enemies are killed. That means if you somehow beated down 3 heavy gunners, taking heavy fire from them but not caring since you were invincible, but one roller happened to be stuck behind a box or  under a staircase, well tough luck because you're about to get instantly killed. 


TL;DR Valkyr sucks and she needs a major buff or she needs to go. 


Feel free to leave feedback and disagree, but give me a GOOD REASON why you disagree.

Edited by Valafor
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1. Ripline is great. You can use Mag's Pull to pull enemies, and Wormhole/ST to travel. But Ripline COMBINES those two. It combines mobility with pulling and with a bit of damage.


2. Warcry. Again, Nova can debuff enemies, Volt can buff speed, but Warcry COMBINES those two. It debuffs enemies AND buffs your meele speed.


3. Paralysis. Agree, useless cr*p.


4. Hysteria. It's good. However most ultis deal instant, or nearly instant damage to the enemies and they don't have any downsides. I'd say buff Valkyrs moving speed while in Hysteria. And instead of walking slowly, step by step, while using your claws, make it possible tu spam E and hold W to move faster.


About her stats? You basically need to stay in Hysteria all the time if you wqant to survive more than 20 minutes on Appolodorus. So, yeah, she's a glass. Not even a glass cannon - glass.

Give her much larger health pool and buff her armor even more. Then she'll be a viable health tank.

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1. Ripline is great. You can use Mag's Pull to pull enemies, and Wormhole/ST to travel. But Ripline COMBINES those two. It combines mobility with pulling and with a bit of damage.


2. Warcry. Again, Nova can debuff enemies, Volt can buff speed, but Warcry COMBINES those two. It debuffs enemies AND buffs your meele speed.


3. Paralysis. Agree, useless cr*p.


4. Hysteria. It's good. However most ultis deal instant, or nearly instant damage to the enemies and they don't have any downsides. I'd say buff Valkyrs moving speed while in Hysteria. And instead of walking slowly, step by step, while using your claws, make it possible tu spam E and hold W to move faster.


About her stats? You basically need to stay in Hysteria all the time if you wqant to survive more than 20 minutes on Appolodorus. So, yeah, she's a glass. Not even a glass cannon - glass.

Give her much larger health pool and buff her armor even more. Then she'll be a viable health tank.


Doesn't matter if she has more armor or larger health pool, slash procs bypass armor anyways. 

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I only really use her when I am running nightmare missions

her shields are poop already so no sheilds is perfect

I only run into trouble if its health vampire and i forget to bring a good weapon



everything else: not a good team player besides warcry

and dear god is hysteria awkward and weak

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Ripline, using the amount of energy it does, is rather good compared to the others. Warcry is not good. Anybody that says it is, hasn't used it. The description for buff/debuff sounds ok, but what it really does is hardly noticeable compared to the other crowd control abilities on the other frames.


At the end of the day: Ripline is Valkyr's only decent ability.

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Ok guess that was not a good enough reason. Let's start with her stats. 

Health 100 (300.0 at rank 30) Power 100 (150 at rank 30) Armor 300 Shield Capacity 50 (150.0 at rank 30) Sprint Speed 1.1 Stamina 150

As a berserker frame, you would think she be able to take a hit, but she clearly can not. 


Actually that's a common misconception; berserkers were the glass cannons of Norse warfare. Take everything about the common plate mail-wearing fighter class, then substitute all of that defense for CC.

Berserkers used to charge into battle essentially naked (their name comes from the bearskin "serk" they'd wear, if anything), wielding only their trusty axe and working themselves up into a battle-rage that told enemies "the only way you'll stop me is by killing me, and I'll enjoy every laceration, mine or yours"; the main reason they survived battles was because nobody was stupid enough to enter the murder radius of someone who is clearly insane. Their role wasn't even really "fighting" so much as scaring enemies away, but you'd be scared of a swordnado as well.


In some ways, that's... actually a fair interpretation of Valkyr (though she lacks a fear skill). The problem is how it meshes in gameplay, not how it's interpreted.

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I remember when people said the same of Nova right after her release.

I agree with Angius except for Paralysis: situationally, it's a decent cc power. Valkyr isn't about Redirection, she's made for Rage + Equilibrium.


She's made for rare mods.  Oh what a smart move that is.  So many people are going to see that when they play her.  And, it's going to be so good that they are going to let her collect inventory dust for a century before selling her/it.


You shouldn't need mods except ability mods to make a Warframe what it's supposed to be.  The mods should be there to improve it against higher level content.  Warframes ahould be fun from level 0 up and fully functional when they have enough points to equip all their ablities.


Valkyr is yet another pre-nerfed lame Warframe.  She's bores me, too slow and lame.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Ripline, using the amount of energy it does, is rather good compared to the others. Warcry is not good. Anybody that says it is, hasn't used it. The description for buff/debuff sounds ok, but what it really does is hardly noticeable compared to the other crowd control abilities on the other frames.


At the end of the day: Ripline is Valkyr's only decent ability.


I think Warcry is hardly noticable regardless what other Warframes do.

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well, while I don't agree that Valkyr is trash, I do agree that she is terribly weak, especially for team play. 

But hey, you got someone free to revive you in any situation as well as turn on life support easily, and running straight to extraction....and woops, sorry....loki and ash did it better huh? 


Well at least she is good in nightmare, kinda good in survival until mobs started to crowd the place. 


But her ripline is not bad AT ALL. It's actually better than Nova's worm hole as well as loki switch teleport. 

Here's why: 

Decoy + switch teleport, those two combined required the total of 50 energy. Sometimes switch teleport doesn't work because there are objects in the way of decoy. Thus, you unable to teleport. 


Nova's worm hole: cost the total of 75 energy per use. You said it's Nova's tool of survival? pff. It's an obstacle prevent her to survive (sometimes)

If you use more than just 2 worm hole, you won't have many energy left for m-prime. M-prime is Nova's survival, not worm hole. Plus, worm hole can sometimes kill you immediately (bugs)

Worm hole only useful for spacious places. A narrow places, with stairs and all, and small door will only cost you energy for worm hole + travel you nowhere. Which is why most of the time you only see Nova use worm hole when getting to extraction, or running at a straight line. 


Here's ripline:

Cost only 25 energy each use. Convenience for climbing high place (not necessary straight line like worm hole) 

Straightforward and easy to use. 


Nova's worm hole, loki's switch teleport+ decoy, I still pick ripline for mobility. 

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OK, Devil's advocate here. I really enjoy to play this warframe and I think she's viable even if she should need some fixes, maybe a little buff.

I must agree on many arguments here nonetheless, Ripline is just good for trolling or for a non-ultimate build. As a kinda-fast WF, slide+jump+slide added to her base speed is enough to be able to reach any places/ennemies fast enough. Using Rush mod can help even more there. Though it can help getting out of tricky situations when your ult stops in the middle of a crowd and you lack power but on an optimal build you don't need it.
Paralysis is .... well totally useless in my point of view because if you wanna mod for it to be usefull you'll harm your other tools too much.. Again, if you want a perfect build, I guess that's a slot to polarize again.

Now about her Warcry, dont be fooled this is almost as important as your Hysteria especially when facing gunners/napalm/ancients.
The way I'm playing her, the armor buff is totally useless. You dont wanna be in close combat when not invincible because yes, you're squishy and valkyr is not really fitted for group fights.
Then comes the good points, attack speed and AoE speed debuff. The attack speed is one of the only effects that can boots your dps when using Hysteria so hitting without that is a significant loss of damage. And the speed debuff is good to both keep your ennemies locked in range of your claws and prevent them to reach some objective/teamate. This is very tricky though because using it too much depletes your power pool very fast and ideally you always want enough power for your ult.

And now Hysteria, the main subject. The only thing this ult lacks is working properly. Too many bugs when using it can occur. You can be stucked with you mele weapon in an ackward attack animation unless you stop hitting for a second, and that's just one that comes to my mind at the moment.
But then I don't know when it started to be useless. The damage isn't amazing, but it's not negligeable with high crit chance, decent attack speed and 5m knockdown AoE on jump attack. And with full power you multiply this again by 4. I agree, it takes a while to kill a lvl 75+ corrupted heavy gunner but tears pretty much everything else appart quite easily, even those pesky flying corpus ospreys.
Then, well, you're just going nuts swinging crazy &#! red claws though the swarms being invincible and even lifestealing. This is just a nice feeling, at least I enjoy it !

Now I agree, Valkyr isn't really team-oriented because she's not a real tank, her crowd control is ridiculous compared to other frames and she has no support abilities. But that doesn't mean you can't be usefull for your team the way I think "how to play her".

First of all she might be squishy, she's self-sufficent. Even if she doesn't have range abilities she has a primary weapon to use. You took some hits or you're gonna get smacked by an ugly Ancient ? Just ult, go crazy until you got your life back and then start to think. Because her ult is not just about mashing E or you'll just end up slashing the flies while running after a coward mob. Your carrier wont survive the hell's mouth like you do so you'll have to keep track of the blue balls.
If you can manage to keep your energy bar high and if you're aware of how long your ult lasts, you're deathless. Just hit and run and shoot, cleanse, repeat.

How to make it usefull for your team ? You're an offtank, your invincibility lasts long enough to tank tough mobs or boss while your team smacks it or get on another focus. If one your allies falls... well no need to say what's to be done. In defense empty one or two magazines, then go get the focus of hafl of the crowd.

She's not the OP S#&$, Rhinos and Frosts are way better tanks, a "caster" frame will outdamage her by far and she needs both tactical plays and potato/5formas/good primary weap/all-the-OP-S#&$-mods (Blind Rage, Fleeting Expertise, Narrow Minded,...) to be a good asset, but she's definitely not useless and damn fun to play. I haven't tried any crazy 100 waves defense or 2 hour survival so it might be wrong in this case, but we can have more than one frame I may not want to use her in those situations.

If DE could just fix these ult bugs and make the attack animation cancelable by an ability or a jump I wouldn't complain on anything, but it's still a beta after all.

Just my 2 cents

Edited by Cyrionn
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She's made for rare mods.  Oh what a smart move that is.  So many people are going to see that when they play her.  And, it's going to be so good that they are going to let her collect inventory dust for a century before selling her/it.


You shouldn't need mods except ability mods to make a Warframe what it's supposed to be.  The mods should be there to improve it against higher level content.  Warframes ahould be fun from level 0 up and fully functional when they have enough points to equip all their ablities.


Valkyr is yet another pre-nerfed lame Warframe.  She's bores me, too slow and lame.


She's not a beginner Warframe, correct.

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The recovery frames on each attack in Hysteria is ludicrous. By the time I'm done with one swing, an enemy likely sidestepped me or I just killed him and I'm punching thin air while his friends unload on Valkyr. This is especially troublesome because the ability basically encourages you to mash attack.


Warcry is okay. At least it does send her super far when helicoptering with the Zoren.


Paralysis needs a rework. Playing Banshee and Mag has spoiled me on CC, and Paralysis just doesn't get the job done for the cost required. I also like how the tooltip on the mod card says nothing about the shield drain.


Ripline has odd targeting issues. Often, I just end up grappling onto the ground a few feet away or right into an enemy when I aimed at a wall. It's a cool concept for tactical use, but like the rest of the frame, its good intentions come with poor execution. It's a shame, because with some more tweaks, Valkyr could easily become one of the most fun frames to use. Her risk factor forces me to stay mobile and make each shot accurate and on the spot, which I find breaks the tedium of some other frames.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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Hey, look at it this way: at least she isn't as bad as Nekros.


fyi Nekros isnt bad.


Back to the topic:


I agree Valkyr needs some love, especially on her Ulti... if not in terms of dmg in terms of SPEED!

Her #1 and #2 are not totally crap and can somehow be "nice"...


Her #3 is as useful as Banshee's Silence 'nuf said

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I remember when people said the same of Nova right after her release.

I agree with Angius except for Paralysis: situationally, it's a decent cc power. Valkyr isn't about Redirection, she's made for Rage + Equilibrium.


The funny thing is, the accusations about nova were speculative.

She was (back then) an even better caster than she is now, because she actually got nerfed.

Even after the last Valkyr "buff", she is still underwhelming as hell.

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Btw  Paralysis doesnt work as it says: shelds(330)/2 x (3.5 + 120%(from power mods) = should be 1270 damage, right?   nope, does joke damage, only scratches mobs that drop to a 600 dmg nuke, does something like 200 damage (hard to tell by the health bar)

Even without the mods is should to 577.   Something is broken here, or the information is wrong.  Please tell me.

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Valkyr needs to be looked at.

Stats wise: She is average at most things, and her incredibly high armor doesn't compensate the fact she has awful shields. Armor is useless on frames...maybe when they tweak things out regarding Damage 2.0 it may prove useful but right now it's rubbish. Therefore she needs some love on that aspect.


Abilities wise:

-Ripline: It actually a pretty decent/fun ability. It does a decent amount of damage and the actual animation is sweet...ripping enemies limbs and ragdolling them is always fun. Compared to similar abilities, like Fireball and Shock, it has a longer animation and it's a bit awkward to cast but it makes up for it on two other things. You can cast it on friendlies and "reel" them in...troll/fun potential is big here. Then, if you cast it on terrain, you can get some pretty decent momentum and do some nice stunts movement wise. I would love if the duration of the hook could be longer when you cast it on terrain since I feel it is too short at the moment. It's just a minor complaint and even if the duration isn't buffed this ability is still worthwhile.


-Hysteria: It's not a very good ability. Slowing enemies is nice but the buffs to your team are just awful. Melee speed is worthless since (you guessed it) melee itself is worthless. Armor buff is rubbish as well since armor isn't that good either. Maybe when Melee 2.0 hits, the speed buff could prove useful and the extra armor could be good when they tweak the damage system and make armor less awful. Until then, maybe buff it a bit by adding an extra effect? Maybe regarding stamina...buff stamina recharging or decrease stamina use for party. Heck...add a small buff to movement speed.


-Paralysis: This is just goddamn awful. It either needs to be replaced or buffed HEAVILY across the board.


-Hysteria: I actually like this ability. It's a nice change of pace of the usual Ultimates where you click a button and everyone either dies or gets stunned, etc.

The imunity you get is vital and should remain...the damage is decent but the real problem is dishing out that damage.

You can get some nice kills if there is a horde of enemies clumped together nicely but if they are spread apart slightly you will begin to have issues.

It needs to be more fluid. Add a small movement speed bonus. Take a look at the animations...it's a spamming festival and most of the time you won't even hit enemies due to awkward animations.


I like this frame and it has potential but it needs to be looked at...I hope that U12 will bring some buffs to Valkyr.

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@not a beginner Warframe -  more like unusable without rare mods 


Seriously, how hard is it to get Rage? Especialy with trading in game now. It's not even mandatory, just clearly helpful. I don't know about you, but I've been able to play her without Rage equipped as well.


She's not the strongest Warframe, nor the weakest. Because that's simply an opinion.


There's a big difference between people not liking something, and it being "unbalanced".

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Seriously, how hard is it to get Rage? Especialy with trading in game now. It's not even mandatory, just clearly helpful. I don't know about you, but I've been able to play her without Rage equipped as well.


She's not the strongest Warframe, nor the weakest. Because that's simply an opinion.


There's a big difference between people not liking something, and it being "unbalanced".

Yes, I bought Rage for 25 plt or smth like that, then it dropped when I already had ~250 game hrs. With lifesteal ult Rage makes Valk twice better. 

But just overall she has energy(mana) problems and damage problems. Her 2 skills that are supposed to synergize - Warcry and ultimate - cost together more energy than her default reserve, so you have to equip Flow/Streamline(not the rearest mods, but not common either). Then you really need Focus if you want to fight anything above lvl20 and Focus drops from hard defences if Im not mistaken.  Even worse there is nothing else to fill those V slots only rarest mods and garbage Provoked. Its a faulty design if you really need rare mods to even cast 2 skills that are supposed to work together.  And thats why so many people call her trash-lowest-tier-useless frame, she is bad without rare mods.


I think she has great survivability and ripline is awesome, she is very good in ODS or rushing nightmares. But she really needs rare mods and her design is contradictory: Warcry being too costly  with Paralysis needing two more mods  for shields and shields recharge when you are already out of mod slots, but still doing very low dmg against armor and broken dmg vs shields and almost neglectable stagger - you better throw this ability away completely.

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