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I can't reproduce the issue, so it's likely the information is not correct.

You can try to ask for a new password, and if it does not work, send me a private message with your username and your email address.

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i have tried to reset my my login to this site but haven't got the email yet. it just says something like "a new password has been sent to your email".


please help.

Edited by t1t1an0
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Hello there.


I just noticed 3 little things which I would like to report ( if not done already by others ):


1. Nami Solo is missing the polarity in the aura slot

2. Nami Solo shows 25% Critical chance, but it's actually 15%

3. The sentinel-mod "Self Destruct" has a little typo, saying "RADIOUS".


-Kind regards, Phaedrean!


PS.: Great work!

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The polarity on Boltor Prime is wrong. It only has one polarity and its the curved triangle that you currently have in the second slot.


Nevermind, I didn't see it in game, but the polarities are just in different spots on the board. Threw me off big time there.

Edited by Eonwulf
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Wanted to post a notification for the angstrum build section. But first, the stug section has a value that shows the damage of a maximum charge, and this should also be added to the angstrum.


All people seem to think that if your build with 180 multishot on shows 10K damage, they should multiply it by (7mag x 3rockets) 21 to get a 210k charge attack. That while the single shot of 10K was already calculated with those 3 rockets in mind.


This creates a build section with a lot of titles with "200K charge" while the actual charge is a maximum of about 70K.


If this could be cleared up to the builders it would help a lot I think.


cheers :)

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Stoi84, merci pour créer ce site, il est super. Parfois je pense que je passe plus de temps en Builder qu'en Warframe. J'ai trouvé une faute minuscule: en version anglaise et russe Chambre amorcée a une " [ " à la fin de la description.

Edited by StepUnique
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But first, the stug section has a value that shows the damage of a maximum charge, and this should also be added to the angstrum.

This is the case when you click the 'non charged' link to show the charged stats, no ?


I also fixed the typo for Charged Chamber.

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This is the case when you click the 'non charged' link to show the charged stats, no ?


I also fixed the typo for Charged Chamber.


Yeah the angstrum has both tabs as well, but the Stug also has a charged attack value along with the non charged stats making it easy to spot.


My stug stats for example (with multishot enabled):


274.40 icone_corrosif.pngcorrosive (icone_electrique.png+icone_poison.png)
658.56 icone_radiation.pngradiation (icone_electrique.png+icone_feu.png)
411.60 icone_viral.pngviral (icone_glace.png+icone_poison.png)
35957.38 charged attack



7338.24icone_corrosif.pngcorrosive (icone_electrique.png+icone_poison.png)
17611.78 icone_radiation.pngradiation (icone_electrique.png+icone_feu.png)
11007.36 icone_viral.pngviral (icone_glace.png+icone_poison.png)


Underlined the value i'm talking about. Showing that value on the angstrum as well should stop a bit of the confusion as people take the value from non charged with multishot on, and just multiply that by 21. Following the same mistake I could say that my charged attack with stug would deal 107,8K damage. But the charged attack value would prove me wrong.


This is the highest viewed build for example http://warframe-builder.com/Secondary_Weapons/Builder/Angstrum/t_30_22032203_193-1-5-202-2-5-204-0-10-205-6-3-206-5-5-207-4-10-216-7-5-221-3-5_204-7-193-6-202-11-221-6-207-7-206-6-205-9-216-5/en/3-0-45/6058/0


The charged tab clearly states that he has a charged damage of 73953.74 icone_explosif.pngblast (with multishot). while in the title he states 200K charged. And there are MANY builds claiming that.


Hope this explanation is a lot more clear.




And a bug report. I'm showing my stug stats but the builder shows stug with a non modded base damage of 35 with 936 charge while the base damage in game is 156 and 936 charge.


Seems the builder calculates base damage based on charged/20 while it should be charged/6


So that too XD so the charged values are correct. but the base values are not.

Edited by Airwolfen
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I understand now. It's because the Angstrum is very different, the maths are not the same. And since I'm no longer playing Warframe until they fix the ridiculous loading times and the constant freezes when the game loads, and until they add real end game content, I'm just doing the major updates. So that's why you can't see this value for the Angstrum, I didn't do anything for this :D


The 35 damage from the stug is taken from the Wiki. It seems it's 35 damage for a non charged attack using 1 bullet, and 156 for a charged attack, multiplied by 6 because it'll fire 6 bullets. Partially charged shots should use 1 to 6 bullets and deal 35 to 156 damage per bullet. That's how I understand the Stug. Be careful with in game values, it's often broken, and for the weapons with a charged attack it only shows the charged attack value.

Edited by Stoi84
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thank you for clearing that up :)


EDIT: no need to change stuff. but found that the initial hit at deals 75 damage (at impact) and the leftover 81 is used for the aoe. (also described a bit in the wiki page) so even the single shot seems to be calculated with the charge attack damage and that value will also be multiplied for each blob in the charge.


No idea where the 35 comes into play as even the single shots use the charge value and not the normal. just. strange. values in the builder are alright though.


Better even. I have no idea where the wiki got that 35 value :/


EDIT2: That would mean however that the values in the charged tab should be divided by 6 to show the same value as in game. because the ingame value (calculated with the wiki charge attack value) is what is used for a single blob) No way I can oneshot a high level ancient with a single blob if the single blob damage was calculated from 35. I think the in game value is actually correct in this case.

Edited by Airwolfen
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The charged tab show the damage for a fully charged attack, which will consume 6 bullets, hence the damage multiplied by 6, with a 156 base damage, it's not 35 which is used for the fully charged attack. This is what is displayed for each weapon by the way, the average damage for 1 shot, including multishot, critical, bane mods, etc, if needed.

I don't know too where the 35 comes from, I didn't make that much tests, but I can confirm that a fully charged shoot on a well moded Stug deals A LOT of damage to the ancients.


Sorry for the delay, I didn't see you edited your message.

Edited by Stoi84
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Your loki prime builder has one incorrect polarity.


On top of the 4 primary frame skill slots and aura slot (those are all correct polairty).....You have 2 D's and 2 V's this is not accurate.


Loki prime actually has 2 "D's", 1 "V" and 1 "-"


So to to clarify your current polaity on the site reads....


Aura is (-) correct

4 (=) correct

2 (D) correct

2 (V) INCORRECT ... change this to 1 (V) and 1 (-)


Please make the correction when you get a chance. TIA


BTW, awesome site man perfect addendum to this game I have been using it for quite some time to plan my builds. Keep up the great work!

Edited by Bloodgrave
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I'm always looking for people to help managing the builds. Average, it'll only takes a few minutes each day, but it's a boring task. If you want to give some help to the community, please send me a private message. Giving some informations about your experience with Warframe could be a good idea.



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I worked on the ads again, now you should see ads more interesting for you, related to games only (I saw Rift, Wildstar, Warframe, SWTOR, The Secret World, Naruto, etc).

And again, to support Warframe Builder (work already done and next updates), please think of disabling your ad blocker for the site, thank you.

Edited by Stoi84
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